Food and drink, Recipes
Chicken with vegetables in the multivark - a hearty dish for the whole family!
Chicken with vegetables in the multivark is much more delicious than a similar dish made on the stove. This is due to the fact that all products placed in the kitchen unit, long languish at low power, but at high pressure.
Chicken with vegetables in the multivarquet: the necessary ingredients
Bulgarian pepper - one large piece; - Potatoes young - three small tubers;
- Fresh carrots - one small thing;
- White cabbage - one hundred grams;
- A country chicken - one half;
- Onions and green - a few pieces;
- A laurel leaf - six large pieces;
- Drinking water - two full glasses;
- Salt iodized - one and a half small spoons;
- Aubergines are young - one small thing;
- Pepper ground - a couple of pinch;
- Fresh tomatoes - two small pieces;
- Vegetable oil - twenty milliliters;
- Mayonnaise - fifty grams;
- Parsley, dill - if desired.
Chicken with vegetables: meat preparation and heat treatment
To prepare this dish, you can buy chicken breasts, and thighs, and shanks, or even use a whole carcass. Village chicken should be washed, cleaned of excess elements, remove peel (if there is a desire), and then chop the knife into small pieces along with bones and cartilage.
Chicken with vegetables in the multivarquet: preparation of vegetables
Fresh tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers, potatoes, onions and green onions, cabbage, aubergines and carrots need to be washed in hot water, removed from them, and then cut into large circles not thicker than five millimeters.
Chicken with vegetables in the multivarquet: the formation of a dish and its heat treatment
Lightly toasted chicken should be well mixed, and then alternately lay out the following layers on top:
- Slices of eggplant;
- Onions rings;
- Fresh carrots;
- Bulgarian pepper (preferably red);
- Thinly chopped cabbage;
- potatoes;
- Ripe tomatoes.
Correct feed to the table
After the multivark has issued the final signal, you should put the stew on the plates and decorate with greens. The chicken with vegetables, the photo of which is presented in this article, is served to the dinner table exclusively in a hot form.
Helpful Tips
- If you love the spicy, then together with tomatoes in the stew can be added and burning ketchup.
- In addition to the vegetables, you can use zucchini and pumpkin.
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