
Calculation of the rafter system: the stages of the procedure

The supporting structure of the roof, on which the roofing material will subsequently be mounted, may be different, however, before its construction it is necessary to prepare. Calculating the rafter system is an important stage in the construction of the roof. Without it, you can not do everything right. If you make an error in the arrangement of the beams, then the roof can collapse at some point and it's good if it does not have serious consequences.

The presented procedure has certain stages. First of all, the calculation scheme is determined. The rafters system is a supporting structure on which the roofing material is laid. Most of the beams in it are installed under a slope. This is done in order to ensure the flow of water from the roof. And the calculation of the rafter system for single-pitched and for gable roofs is done in different ways.

The beams can be hanging and nylon. Naturally, the design of the system can be different, since the roof can be tent, mansard, gable, gable. The structural features of the roof support system are taken into account last. Calculations are carried out for structures with single-span and double-span beams.

Further, the calculation of the rafter system provides for the recording of all mandatory and optional loads. Here much depends on the future of the crate. If it is continuous, the load will be distributed. And all the calculations will be easier. The concentrated load will be in all other cases. It should also be borne in mind that the beams in the basic structures of rafters are located at a certain angle. In this case, the load is decomposed into horizontal and vertical components.

Calculation of the rafter system is based on such loads:

- permanent;

- temporary.

The first type is the own weight of the structure and the battens, which is mounted on the rafters. Basically the structure is made up of wood. Also taken into account the mass of materials that will be used for roofing works. Naturally, this includes the weight of different structural elements that will be present on the roof. A rafter system, the calculation of which must be carefully considered, must take into account both the one-sided and the total mass of all elements.

As for temporary loads, they can include wind, snow and rain. These factors are very important, so it is necessary to find a climate map of the area in which the building is built. Of course, one must also take into account the fact that the roof will be periodically inspected and repaired, so the load from builders or installers should also be calculated.

Calculating the roof truss system is quite a complex and responsible task, so if you do not have enough constructive experience, then do not take it personally. Now there are a lot of architectural companies that can provide their services and conduct the procedure as accurately as possible.

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