BeautySkin care

Bruises under the eyes how to get rid of.

Women will always struggle for their own beauty and attractiveness. They pay much attention to appearance, namely to the person. There are many problems that can deprive any girl of sleep: acne, blackheads, bags and bruises under the eyes and other troubles. The last item is generally considered the main problem for the vast majority of women. All of them are tormented by the same question: "Bruises under the eyes how to get rid of?". There are many ways, both in traditional medicine and folk medicine. The main thing is to want to look and be ready for treatment. After all, many just every day, "masked" with powder or use a special cream from bruises under the eyes, but to find out the real reason for their appearance, patience is not enough. But this can greatly help in the struggle in such a problem.

Turning to a specialist, you will learn that bruises under the eyes can appear for various reasons. In some women, this phenomenon is inherent in nature. This means that the vascular reticulum under the eyes is very close to the surface of the skin. If you have too thin skin under the eyes, it is best to see a doctor, since different recipes of folk medicine such as masks or lotions are unlikely to be effective in this case. Experts now offer a procedure during which the laser thickens the skin under the eyes. You can also use the services of lymph drainage massage, which eliminates the stagnation of blood in your blood vessels and is an effective remedy for bruising.

Sometimes doctors diagnose - acquired or congenital pigmentation. In this case, the question, how to get rid of bruises under the eyes, is not complicated: bleaching of the problem zone is carried out through special creams with retinol. The result will be noticeable not earlier than in a couple of months of their use.

Bruising under the eyes is like getting rid of if they are the result of any chronic diseases, such as the heart or kidneys. Of course, try to cure them, and when internal problems disappear, they will stop torturing you and external. Bags and bruises under the eyes appear in women after forty due to age-related skin changes. But young girls also suffer from this phenomenon. Provoke their appearance can easily stress, lack of sleep, avitaminosis or rapid weight loss.

When you exclude the possibility of having any internal diseases, you can begin to answer the question, how to get rid of bruises under the eyes. First of all, take care of the correct mode of sleep and rest. In order to be able to get enough sleep, it is necessary to well ventilate the room and hang curtains in it that do not let light out. Carefully monitor the amount of fluid you use before bedtime. Instead of tea or coffee, drink better than plain water. Popular tea compresses from bruises and bags under the eyes are very effective. After them, you can also wipe the skin with a regular piece of ice or frozen in molds with decoction of chamomile or parsley.

To the grandfather's ways of dealing with the problem of "bruises under the eyes how to get rid" refers to the use of potatoes. You can apply to the problem spots half welded in a uniform or a plate of raw potatoes. Such compresses should be kept for up to twenty minutes. But compresses of sage in the form of a decoction should be alternated: apply first in a cold form, and then in hot. If you have a problem with the appearance of bruises under your eyes, you should always monitor the work and rest regime, do not overwork, try not to get tired and nervous, take vitamins regularly and monitor the health of internal organs.

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