Law, Criminal law
Bitsevsky maniac - who is he?
Bitsevsky forest (park) - a special protected natural area in the territory of Moscow, which belongs to the districts of Yasenevo and Chertanovo. This is not the most comfortable place to relax in the capital, but here the residents of neighboring districts regularly come to just take a walk or have a picnic. Many people like the clean air of the reserve and the atmosphere of serenity and tranquility reigning here. In the mid-90s of the last century, the public was agitated and frightened by reports of a series of murders committed in the forest. The mysterious criminal was nicknamed "Beatsky maniac" and, despite all the efforts of law enforcement officers, he continued to kill for another 10 years.
Who is he, a maniac from the Bitsev Forest?
During the investigation and operational activities on the territory of the Bitsevsky Park, several people were detained on suspicion of the murders, but they all had alibis. On June 16, 2006 Alexander Pichushkin was arrested in the same criminal case. The evidence was indirect, and the suspect had all chances to be released soon, but almost immediately after his arrest, he began to give confessions. The fact that Alexander Pichushkin - Bitsev maniac, it became clear after the first serious interrogations and operational activities. Too detailed and accurately this person described the crimes committed.
Childhood and youth of Pichushkin
Alexander was born a perfectly normal child without any pathological abnormalities. Almost immediately after the birth of his son, the father left the family, the mother and grandfather engaged in the education of the boy. In his early childhood, Alexander fell from the swing and received a serious craniocerebral injury. Long-term treatment helped to largely mitigate its effects, but there were some verbal violations. For this reason, the future Bitsev maniac is in a specialized boarding school and comes home only for weekends and holidays. After graduating from this educational institution, Alexander enters the vocational school for a carpenter.
How to become maniacs?
Everyone who knew Pichushkin personally gives him the same characteristic: calm, obedient, quiet and inconspicuous. However, according to some teachers and close relatives, even in school years, an exemplary boy had unreasonable attacks of rage and aggression. Psychologists and psychiatrists point out several features of the development of the person's personality. The fact that Alexander was not spoiled by the love of relatives was proved in the childhood and he always tried to attract their attention, in addition, his father and grandfather suffered from alcoholism, and in the teenage years Pichushkin himself often became a victim of hooligans. Bitza's maniac was not drafted into the army because of psychopathy. Which of the entire set of causes was the main one, it is impossible to establish for certain, but the fact remains: Alexander began to kill.
The bloody path of the Bebitz maniac
It is widely spread that Alexander Pichushkin is a fan of Andrei Chikatilo. Thoughts about the first murder came to the mind of the Beatzian maniac after the Rostov monster was caught. Alexander offered his classmate Mikhail Odiychuk to kill a man together, he took it as a joke. And for several days the young people discussed the alleged murder. When Pichushkin realized that the comrade did not take him seriously, he killed the alleged partner. "The first murder, as the first love" - say Bitsevsky maniac operatives, years later. After waiting a while and making sure that he was not caught, Alexander again went hunting. At first he killed homeless people and alcoholics, but gradually grew bolder, and his victims were quite decent neighbors and residents of the nearest districts.
Bitsevsky maniac: photo, philosophy, technology of murder
Even today, looking at Alexander's photos, it's hard to believe that this "most common person" is a real monster. He prepared for each murder for several days. What is remarkable, during his bloody career Pichushkin lived with his mother and sister's family, he managed not to cause unnecessary suspicions from relatives. He killed a maniac with a hammer, shooting knobs, strangles, less often used other improvised items. He was unable to leave for a long time, since Alexander threw the corpses into the sewerage wells, and many of them carried far enough current. Bitsevsky maniac of the victim for the murder chose spontaneously, most often he just got acquainted with people on the street and offered to go to the park to drink vodka, after which he talked with a new acquaintance for a while, and then suddenly attacked.
Court and punishment
On June 14, 2006 Alexander Pichushkin invited his colleague Marina Moskaleva to take a walk in the Bitsev Forest. The woman before leaving the house informed her son, whom she plans to meet, and left the boyfriend's phone number. Surveillance cameras recorded a meeting between Marina and Alexander in the metro, after which no one else saw the woman alive. During the trial it was proved that Pichushkin (Bitsevsky maniac) is guilty of killing 49 people. However, the murderer himself claims that there were more casualties, according to various sources: from 60 to 63. Alexander passed a forensic psychiatric examination and was recognized as being severely sane. The court sentenced the murderer to life imprisonment. Turning to the hall with the last word, Pichushkin said that he did not regret what he had done.
The verdict is carried out and since 2007 Bitsevsky maniac is serving his sentence in the colony "Polar Owl".
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