Education, Secondary education and schools
Basic national values. Formation of basic national values
The basic national values are a set of spiritual ideals inherent in a certain ethnic community, which reflect its historical originality and unique specificity. Often, they also determine the behavior of people at the social and normative-cultural level. However, national values perform many functions. But first things first.
About the concept
The formation of such spiritual ideals as basic national values occurred during the historical development of the culture of society, in accordance with the geopolitical position of the state.
The main feature is that precisely these settings express the originality and uniqueness of the Russian people, as well as its way of life, traditions, customs and essential needs. In other words, the basic national values are the core of the spiritual life of our society, a synthesis of its best qualities and traits.
Often, they determine the position of a citizen, form a relationship to the state, as well as to his past, present and future. Often a person's comprehension of spiritual ideals and a non-indifferent attitude towards them helps him to realize his responsibility for preserving and further multiplying the national heritage.
A bit of history
The basic national values of Russian society, as a category, began to be formed from the beginning of the 90s of the last century. This fact is easy to remember, since this process practically coincided with the assertion of the Russian Federation as a sovereign state.
He was also accompanied by an active scientific debate. Which concerned the application in the conditions of our ethnically rich state of the concept of "national interests".
In 1992, there was some certainty. The law "On Security" was adopted, and it was in this document that the emphasis was placed on the value of the vital interests of the individual, as well as the state and the entire society. This formulation was very convenient. After all, with her help, the problem of national interests was correctly managed by the party, but at the same time, a special, documented place was given to the values.
But four years later, in 1996, in the Address on the nat. Security of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly has a different, more specific formulation. In which the term "national interests" was fixed normatively. And it was interpreted not only as the basis laid in the basis of the formation of the tasks of the foreign and domestic policy of the state. From that moment, the vital interests of the individual and the whole society began to be designated by this concept. Their expanded system is designated in the Concept of the nat. Security of the Russian Federation from 1997. In 2000, the document was supplemented with information on the interpretation of national interests in the field of border policy.
Turning to the Constitution
The basic national values of our people are determined by the main state document. Having read the Constitution, there are six main spiritual ideals.
The first includes the assertion of freedoms and human rights, as well as civil peace and harmony. This value is not only indicated in the preamble. It, it is possible to say, leitmotif passes through the whole text of the Constitution. And in the second article, the highest state values are listed. They include a person, his freedoms and rights.
Another list that identifies Russia's basic national values includes self-determination and equality of peoples, faith in justice and good, and the memory of ancestors that gave us respect and love for the Fatherland.
The third spiritual ideal is the invincibility of democracy and sovereign statehood. The prosperity and well-being of our Fatherland is considered to be the fourth value. And to the fifth - the responsibility for it. The last setting, included in the list of values, is the citizen's awareness of a part of the world community.
In addition to the above, the safety of people, their welfare and dignity is put high. It is also worth emphasizing the importance of such concepts as justice, morality, patriotism, humanity, citizenship and the rule of law.
All this is the basic national values of Russian society. Which are traditionally perceived as a vital reference for the citizens of our country, and even to some extent as a worldview.
Policy area
The system of basic national values is of great national importance. It is the fundamental basis of politics. And it provides an understanding of the main guidelines for the development of the whole nation as a whole. Without this, the strengthening of the power of the people is impossible.
It is important to note that the category of national interests by its nature is not ethnic, but state-political and socio-historical. There is an explanation for this.
The thing is that a nation is a political community of citizens of a certain country. Who live in its territory and consider themselves to it regardless of their ethnic origin. The nation expresses the economic and cultural-historical commonality of the peoples that form it. And it also implies the preservation of the language of interethnic communication, the established way of life and traditions. All of the above is also applicable to our country, despite the diversity of peoples living on its territory.
National interests intersect with the vital needs of society and the strategic goals of the nation, which are implemented in public policy. These are modern realities. This is how the government contributes to the welfare of the nation of the state. In politics these interests and values are conditioned by the need for survival, development of the country, and also by the multiplication of national power.
Formation of values
Well, what is the meaning of this concept in the political sphere is clear. Now it is worth turning to such a topic as the formation of basic national values.
To begin with, spiritual and moral development and upbringing today is carried out not only in the family, but also in the school. The program by which it occurs is developed taking into account the historical, cultural, aesthetic, demographic, as well as social and economic characteristics of the region. The requests of families and other subjects of the educational process are also taken into account.
Naturally, this educational aspect is stipulated in the GEF. Basic national values are taught to students at the first stage of education. Which is the most important in the entire educational period of man. It is at this stage that children become attached to Russian basic values, begin to realize the importance of the family, as well as belonging to a particular social, confessional and ethnic group.
But that is not all. It is important to remember that the education of basic national values should form in the child not only love for the Fatherland, but also respect for the historical and cultural heritage of their country and people. Often this contributes to the development of the creative abilities of students, causes them to take up a certain type of activity. There are many known cases when people started their way to music, inspired in their childhood by Tchaikovsky's creativity. Many legendary girls were inspired by the legendary Maya Plisetskaya, and the pictures of talented Russian artists evoked a desire for children to learn how to draw beautifully. Unfortunately, in the age of developed technologies of modern children, art, creativity and the national treasure are not so much interested, as it was before. And that is why even more important are the basic national values, spiritual and moral upbringing and the inculcation of cultural and historical education.
Educational landmarks
In continuation of the theme of the formation of national values, it is necessary to note with a special attention the importance of the teacher in this process. His main task is to evoke to all the previously mentioned interest of students. Children who are keen on the topic will understand much more quickly what patriotism, freedom, human responsibilities, citizenship are.
The teacher should be able to explain to them what each basic national value is. Work and creativity, health and family, law and honor, charity and good ... the essence of these and many other concepts must be conveyed to students.
It is also important to explain the traditions to students, which reflect the continuity of the social experience of the Russian people through education, education and self-knowledge. They help to expand knowledge about their people. After all, most holidays, ideals, rituals, rituals and customs are purely national in nature. Having studied the history of their occurrence, it is possible to realize the uniqueness and versatility of the Russian people.
Functions of national values
They should also be noted with attention. As it was said before, there are many functions with values. But if we talk about the educational sphere, then only a few of the most important ones stand out.
The basic national values in creativity are that on a high moral basis unite all ethnic groups living in the territory of the Russian Federation. They unite in themselves all past, present and future of our people, and also orient students towards professional self-determination.
The upbringing of children, taking into account national values, implies a specially organized process of becoming a citizen of the Russian Federation. Which helps students to form their own personality. In turn, the educator involved in the national education of children must rely on his best practices, designed on the basis of scientific and empirical knowledge.
About patriotism
In the process of forming national values, each student must be helped to realize that he is a particle of his people and nation. What does patriotism? While it is a huge spiritual force that can strengthen the energy of each individual and unite it with the aspiration of the whole state and people.
But patriotism should not be blind. It is also important to convey to students. People are not born patriots, but they can become them. After they discover the truth about their people, they will be convinced of the inexhaustible capabilities of the nation, they will study history and the heroic past. All of the above helps to understand what lies in such a concept as a nation. And this is primarily a spirit. And understanding of their own purpose and role in history. It is on the basis of national traditions that spirituality develops.
That is why patriotic education of the person is extremely important. And we mean not only the inculcation of love for the Fatherland. Of great importance is respect for your region, city, language. Moreover, the love and veneration of their small Motherland is more valuable and sublime than the same, relating to the entire Fatherland as a whole.
Question of individuality
Education in the light of national values is important, but the variety of ways of perception and interests leads to a wide range of estimates. The fact that for one member of society is something significant, for another it may not have any value. This must be remembered.
And taking into account this feature, a system of values is being formed in society that can be called a compromise. A vivid example can be considered the subject of religious studies in schools of different religious regions. In the framework of which not only Christianity, but also Islam and other religions are studied. In this case, the interests of Orthodox students and Muslims are taken into account. This is an excellent example of a set of certain moral norms. Which contributes to the formation of the inner core of the culture of society.
Well, as it was possible to understand, national values are very diverse. And in this regard, we can not fail to mention the topic of tolerance. Given the diversity of intercultural interaction, it is very important to instill in each growing member of society tolerance for other values, lifestyle, traditions and behavior. Students based on their "native" values should master the basics of ethnoculture in a complex of its varieties. And it can not but rejoice that today, thanks to the practice-oriented teaching and educational process, it is possible. The level of ethno-cultural knowledge of modern students and students is greatly increased. This allows us to verify our reality.
And, by the way, a considerable number of children, teenagers and boys are interested in this subject. There is an annual All-Russian competition "Basic national values in creativity", in which representatives of the younger generation from all regions of our country take part with pleasure. And this gives hope that with time, educated and deeply moral people in society will become more. Strictly speaking, this is the aim of the modern education system.
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