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Australia: flora and fauna. Features of the nature of Australia. Dangerous fauna and flora of Australia

Australia is so far away that it is difficult to get a full picture of life in this continent country and on the lands close to it. Features of the nature of Australia are such that there are many animals and plants, about which very few people know about us. This attracts interest in the study of local nature. Endemic species of animals and plants - this is what Australia is famous for. Its flora and fauna are so unique that some species of animals are found only here.

Short excursion

For thousands of years, the nature of Australia has been following its own path of development. Remoteness from other continents led to the fact that new representatives of flora and fauna were not brought here, which made the local natural environment absolutely unique and absent on other continents. This is the most remarkable and main feature of the Australian nature. In addition, after getting to know the Old World with this continent, most of the animals remained endemic, that is, they live exclusively in these territories under certain conditions.

Unique forests and trees of Australia

Plants of this continent for many centuries were forced to adapt to complex natural conditions. So, inside the country the soil is very dry, which makes it difficult to cultivate plants that love moisture, so for the most part the flora grows here, which quietly tolerates drought. A considerable part of plants differs in dim color, which is caused by insufficient quantity of water. For example, most types of eucalyptus. But surprisingly, in the coastal regions of the country, bamboo thickets and other hygrophilous plants are developing beautifully .

Most green continent is famous for its eucalyptus thickets and pandas that live there. Not surprisingly, a large part of the continent is covered with such forests. In total, in Australia there are almost three thousand species of eucalyptus! In addition, the green continent is rich in acacias, of which there are at least thousands of varieties. This area is also characterized by other trees, which on other continents are found only in botanical gardens. For example, here you can often find a tea tree, cypress pine or even an incredible mangrove for Europe.

The trees of Australia, as well as other vegetation, differ in their originality. The third most widespread genus here is considered to be Grevillea. It has about two hundred species. Ferns are often found here, although they grow exclusively in moist mountain forests.

Not only the city of Sydney attracts many tourists. On the continent there are moist tropical forests, where you can find huge lianas and palm trees. Greener savannas and savannah forests are much more common, with which Australia is famous. Flora and fauna in them are highly dependent on seasonal changes. During the wet season, local savannas are full of plants of all colors and sizes, which unite to create real flower beds. Here you can often find eucalyptus trees and other trees with a thick stalk, which can last a long time to store moisture. Northern Australia with its flowery savannas smoothly passes into the western and eastern, and these regions are much more arid.

With a decrease in the water level in the soil, vegetation also changes. The closer to the east, the less often are the forests and savannas, the scarcer vegetation. As a result, close to arid regions can be found so-called scrabs - thickets of shrubs and low trees, which do not have enough moisture. In central Australia, the humidity level is the smallest, which makes it an extremely unfavorable territory for plants.

A bit about animals

Everyone knows that marsupial mammals are considered a symbol of Australia and Oceania. And this is not surprising, considering the fact that there are 140 species of them. The most popular and common among them are koalas, kangaroos and wombats. Kangaroo is also depicted on the arms of the continent. In addition, Australia is the only habitat for such oviparous mammals as the platypus and echidna. Half of all bird species that live here are also endemic.

The territory of Australia boasts such rare birds as a black swan and a small penguin. Despite the fact that they are not found here so often, there is still a chance to encounter rare animals in natural conditions. However, it is better not to meet with some representatives of the flora and fauna of the green continent at all. For example, with poisonous snakes, the number of which Australia occupies a leading position in the world. And with crocodiles, which can often be found in marshy areas, it is also better to miss each other.

Natural Areas of Australia

The table shows which regions can divide the continent according to the areas of distribution of flora and fauna. Even considering the aforesaid that Australian nature is unique, the continent still has a similarity in fauna with South America, Asia and even Antarctica.


Animal and plant world of the zone

Australian (includes the mainland and Tasmania)

This region is characterized by endemic species and a small number of species. There are penguins in Tasmania.

The New Guinea

Many species of climbing animals; Periodically occur species that are characteristic of Asia.

New Zealand

Very rare species of animals live here.


Flora and fauna differ from island to island.

The natural areas of Australia (the table describes only the main characteristics) differ both in fauna and flora. More details you can find below.

The Australian natural area numbers one hundred and fifty species of marsupials. They are well distributed practically on the territory of the whole continent. Different natural areas of the continent were formed under the influence of both geographical features and historical development, this is well proven by the fossils of Australia. For example, in the country there are significant differences between some species of animals from the eastern and western regions. This is due to the fact that a few thousand years ago these regions were separated by the sea. In the northern and eastern parts and the New Guinea region, there are often different kinds of climbing animals, especially koalas. This widespread animal lives in the forests, spending most of the day on trees, eats various leaves. Often you can also find possums and wood kangaroos.


Widespread here are the lower mammals that managed to survive, unlike the higher mammals - the latter on the mainland are represented exclusively by volatile and ordinary mice. This is due to the fact that during the period of their distribution to the continents, access to the green continent was ordered. The rest of the vertebrates here are also mostly endemic. In the river areas you can find a platypus, a webbed animal, which produces food in water.


In the rainforests you can meet a huge number of birds of different colors and sizes. The so-called paradise birds - hummingbirds, honey-nuts, lyrebirds - nevertheless quietly side by side with weed hens - Australian unique for the European wonder.

But people in Australia for some reason are not surprised that the hen instead of hatching eggs digs them into rotting garbage. In abundance here you can find waterfowl. In addition, in Australia there are Siberian birds that go there to winter. Here you can meet some non-flying birds, for example, emu and herbal parrots. Other species from the northern hemisphere fly to Australia .


For humid forests of the northern and eastern part of the continent, some species of insects familiar to us are characteristic. For example, ants, butterflies. In the northern part of the continent you can even meet with worms, the length of which can be several meters.


Speaking of the green continent, a special place should be given, of course, to the kangaroos that Australia knows. Flora and fauna is most favorable for them in the northern and central part of the country, in these regions, animals can eat well, so they are inhabited by many species. Kangaroos are collected by herds. In case of danger, they make jumps, the length of which can be up to ten meters with the animal's body length up to three meters. In rocky and bushy areas, a sort of wallabies live. For the twentieth century, the kangaroo population has greatly decreased, to a greater extent this is due to human activities and the destruction of animals, less to predators.

Dingo Dog

Not only mammalian mammals are a symbol of Australia. There is also a dangerous beast, which destroys these marsupials, - a dingo dog. In size, it is a small animal, which has a special endurance. In pursuit of prey, a dingo dog can run for hours on end until the victim decides to give up, so she kills a kangaroo. The animal is able to go for food very far. Most of all dingo dogs are near Lake Eyre, from where they can travel for many tens of kilometers in pursuit or in search of food.

Not only does the kangaroo get from this animal. Many species of peaceful fauna species have suffered from them. Features of the nature of Australia are such that because of the increase in the population of wild dogs, sheep breeding is no longer as profitable as before. On the continental part of the continent, attempts were made to cross this species with a domestic dog, but the new breed was not widely spread, a new species residing predominantly in the national park on Fraser Island.


One of the most famous national endemic animals is echidna. The animal is covered with needles, lays eggs in a bag, where it carries. Echidna leads a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle in order to avoid dangers.

Nature of New Zealand

Although New Zealand is a separate country from Australia, their natural areas are closely related. The disappeared species of animals of Australia are preserved here. In addition to kangaroos, the animal in this area is almost not found, but here you can meet incredible species of birds. A distinctive feature of the birds of the New Zealand natural zone is a terrestrial way of life. However, there are almost no dangerous animals here.

Pests and problems

On its complex path of development, which was Australia, flora and fauna with all its rare representatives were very often in jeopardy. The Europeans brought new animals to the continent, which eventually became wild and began to harm local species. A real scourge for a while were rabbits. Globalization also has a negative impact on the development of nature, the city of Sydney and other large cities with a lot of plants and factories are harming rare, unique species of animals that continue to disappear from the face of the earth.

Dangerous to humans, the flora and fauna

In addition to the above dingo and kangaroo dogs, which can attack a person if they feel danger, there are a couple more reasons to remain alert in Australia. For example, as already mentioned above, snakes, of which there are a huge number of species. Many of them are extremely insidious and dangerous.

In addition, it is often possible to meet with spiders, which are even worse than snakes. However, they are not always poisonous. It is often possible to notice here ants, which can bring a lot of troubles. In the more humid areas there are mosquitoes, mosquitoes and mites, which Australia has long been famous for. Flora and fauna here can both rejoice, and hide the danger. Fear of some marine life, for example, sharks, which are quite close to the shore. In addition to dangerous animals, you can meet with not the most pleasant plants. For example, they are silt-shaped, although they are not dangerous for a person. They are very rare.

Come to Australia

All the incredible local animals and plants are an excellent reason to visit this distant continent. He hides many mysteries, but this is what attracts lovers to solve them. Acquaintance with charming animals, which in Europe can be found not even in each zoo, will not leave anyone indifferent, well, who can not fall in love with a baby panda chewing bamboo?

Black swans, koals and centennial eucalypts, along with a pleasant climate, the sea coast and beautiful resort towns - are just the smallest part of the reasons to come to admire the local beauties. The charm of Australian nature can not be expressed in words, it is necessary to see it personally once and fall in love forever.

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