
Atherogenicity index: norm and deviations

What do we know about cholesterol? Information that most of us owns is reduced to the fact that this substance harms our health, promotes the development of atherosclerosis and increases the risk of heart attack in adulthood. Therefore, it should be reduced by all means and avoiding the use of foods that increase cholesterol. All right, but this is only one side of the coin. The other is that cholesterol is vital for our body, but not all, but only "good." Therefore, the general indicators for identifying the risk of developing these or other diseases is not enough. For this reason, the obligatory biochemical analysis includes such a factor as the atherogenicity index. It allows you to determine the relationship between "bad" and "good" cholesterol and gives a more complete picture of the patient's health in the context of this issue.

A trip to the story, or what we know about cholesterol

This substance was discovered in the XVIII century by French scientists. It was obtained from gallstones and had the properties of fat. Then he was given the name, which we are actively using to this day - cholesterol. But after a century researchers came to additional conclusions that this substance belongs to the class of alcohols. In this connection, the name was changed to "cholesterol", which, incidentally, we did not get accustomed to.

After another 100 years, in the 20th century, a real boom against cholesterol started in our country. He was recognized as dangerous to health and began to take all sorts of measures to combat the harmful substance. But here the world medicine stunned by new discoveries. It turns out that not all of it is so bad. Moreover, the "right" cholesterol is vitally important for our body. It is necessary for normal digestion, participates in the synthesis of hormones and vitamin D, as well as in the construction of membranes and the molecular structure of brain cells. The work of many systems and organs is disrupted not only with excess, but also with a lack of cholesterol. The main thing is to recognize which part of it predominates in the body. For this, the atherogenicity index is used.

What is the coefficient of atherogenicity and how is it determined

This indicator is an important signal about the risk of vascular and heart disease. Therefore, it is determined by making a biochemical blood test. The index of atherogenicity is calculated as the ratio of "bad" cholesterol to "good", on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the presence of certain problems in the body. But how to understand which one is needed and which is harmful?

"Bad" and "good" cholesterol

The fact is that cholesterol is insoluble in water. Therefore, in order to move around our body, it combines into a complex with apoproteins - special proteins. Such compounds are called lipoproteins. Not all of them are the same. These complexes differ depending on the ratio of the elements in them.

Thus, lipoproteins are isolated:

  • High density (HDL);
  • Low density (LDL);
  • Very low density (VLDL).

There are also triglycerides, which are formed as a result of the combination of glycerin and fatty acids. They are the main energy sources of the body. As for lipoproteins, the "good" ones are those that have a high density. LDL is a "bad" cholesterol that clogs the arteries, forming plaques in them. So is his "twin" - VLDLP, which transfers cholesterol to other organs and precipitates, clogging the blood vessels.

Calculation of the coefficient of atherogenicity

When the total indicator (OCS) is determined, then all values are added, which gives a not quite clear picture of the actual state of affairs. After all, if even the level of cholesterol is high, the ratio may be in favor of HDL, and vice versa. In order to understand, you need to determine the index of atherogenicity.

The formula for calculating it looks like this:


It is usually important to know the exact values of all indicators, that is, the level of HDL, LDL, OXC. They are measured in millimoles per liter - mmol / l.

Values of the coefficient of atherogenicity and other indicators of cholesterol level

What should ideally be the index of atherogenicity? The norm for a healthy person should not exceed 3-3.5. Values above 3.5-4 indicate an excess of "bad" cholesterol and a risk of developing atherosclerosis. The index of atherogenism is below the norm (less than 3) and has no clinical significance.

Along with the IA, you need to know other indicators. So, the following values are normal:

  • ОХС - 3,8 - 5,02 mmol / l;
  • HDL - 1-1,2 mmolol / l;
  • LDL-maximum 3 mmol / l;
  • Triglycerides - 1.77 mmol / l.

If the atherogenic index is increased, this indicates an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol. LDLs lay fat on the walls of the blood vessels, from which plaques eventually form. Gradually they can completely block the lumen in the vessels and block the movement of blood. Nutrients and oxygen cease to flow into the tissue, which contributes to the occurrence of ischemia in them. In the brain, this situation will lead to a cerebral stroke, in the heart - to a myocardial infarction. There are also less serious, but still negative consequences of an increase in LDL - a depressed state, a decrease in immunity and the development of infectious diseases. If, as a result of the tests, it was found that the atherogenic index is increased, what should I do? Is it possible to somehow lower its level without resorting to drug treatment? If the increase is insignificant, then you can change the situation on your own. How to do this, let's talk further.

High rates of IA: treatment

First of all, it should be said that it promotes the increase of "bad" cholesterol. Mainly, these are bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle:

  • Smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Prevalence in the diet of animal fats, fast food;
  • overweight.

In this case, everything depends on us. Gradually abandoning bad habits and getting rid of extra pounds, you can already count on a multiple improvement in health and indicators of IA. Affects the increase in this coefficient and age. So, in men after 45, and in women after 55 years, the level of "bad" cholesterol, as a rule, increases. An insignificant role can also be played by heredity. However, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, daily exercise, then these secondary factors will not have such a strong impact.

If the atherogenic index is increased, treatment should include a set of measures:

  • A diet with a predominance of plant foods and a reduction in animal fats;
  • Limiting the use of salt;
  • Moderate physical activity (dancing, yoga, daily walking tours);
  • Refusal from alcohol and tobacco;
  • Reduction of stress and fatigue (both physical and emotional);
  • Reception of biologically active additives regulating lipid metabolism and reducing the absorption of edible fat;
  • In some cases, an additional intake of drugs - statins (to reduce cholesterol), but take them only on the advice of a doctor.

There is also a list of foods recommended for use in high cholesterol, and those that should be excluded from the diet.

What can and can not be eaten with high IA

So, if the atherogenic index is increased, you need to abandon:

  • Bread of the highest quality and various baked goods;
  • Soups on meat broth;
  • Fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Fatty meat, sausage, offal, caviar;
  • Margarine and butter;
  • Mayonnaise and sour cream sauces;
  • Chips and fried potatoes, ice cream, milk chocolate.

In this diet should be enriched with products that promote the normalization of cholesterol. First of all:

  • Vegetables and fruits, vegetable soups;
  • Sea fish and seafood;
  • Lean beef, turkey and chicken fillet;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Sunflower, olive oil;
  • Marmalade, candied fruits, fruit sorbet;
  • grain bread;
  • soy sauce.

A qualitative change in the diet will not only reduce the content of "bad" and increase the level of "good" cholesterol, but also reduce body weight (if necessary). Such nutrition will promote physical activity, energy, good mood and increased immunity. The risk of cardiovascular disease will decrease.

Sokoterapiya as a way to reduce IAP

Also, the level of cholesterol can be normalized with freshly squeezed juices. It should be conducted no more than once a month for 5 days. It consists that daily it is necessary to use on half a glass of carrot juice, each time combining it with one of the following (on a choice):

  • A quarter of a glass of beet juice and the same amount of cucumber;
  • Third of a glass of celery juice;
  • A quarter of a glass of apple juice and as many celery;
  • The fifth part of a glass of cabbage juice;
  • a glass of orange juice.

Such therapy will help to lower the level of cholesterol to a normal level while observing the other recommendations listed above. In order to control the coefficient of atherogenicity, an appropriate analysis should be carried out at least once every two to two years.

How to prepare for the analysis of the level of the IA?

For research purposes, the patient takes blood from the vein. To ensure that the results do not turn out to be distorted, it is necessary to prepare correctly for the analysis. To start to observe a number of rules it is necessary already for couple of weeks before a campaign in an out-patient department:

  • Do not break the habitual regime and the nature of food - at least 1-2 weeks before the analysis;
  • For a day to refrain from drinking alcohol;
  • For 12 hours to stop eating (drinking water is allowed);
  • For half an hour before the start of the study, exclude any kind of emotional and physical overstrain;
  • 30 minutes before the test, do not smoke;
  • Five minutes before blood surrender to sit.

Compliance with these measures will avoid deviations in the results and get more accurate values of OXC, HDL and LDL, as well as learn the index of atherogenicity.

Overestimation and underestimation of IA indicators

What can affect the distortion of the obtained indicators? Increase cholesterol coefficient factors such as:

  • Delivery of the analysis in a standing position;
  • Smoking before research;
  • Prolonged fasting;
  • The use of a large number of animal fats several days before the analysis;
  • Androgens and anabolic steroids;
  • pregnancy.

At the same time, the atherogenity index is low (that is, understated) can be obtained in the following cases:

  • Passing the analysis in a supine position;
  • Excessive physical activity shortly before the start of the study;
  • Compliance with a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and low in cholesterol;
  • Reception before the delivery of an analysis of antifungal drugs, estrogens, erythromycin, etc.

It is also not advisable to take an analysis for the determination of the cholesterol coefficient after recent serious illnesses. So, after a surgical operation or a heart attack, a minimum of six weeks must pass, after which a lipidogram can be performed.


Now you know that not all cholesterol is harmful to the body, and some even vital. The relationship between them is determined by conducting biochemical analysis and calculating a special cholesterol coefficient. We examined what are its normal values, low and high, what factors affect these and others. From the article you learned when there is an atherogenic index increased, what to do in this case, what independent measures to take. In addition, we told how to properly prepare for analysis in order to avoid distortion in the results. We hope this information has been useful to you. Watch your cholesterol and take the necessary measures in time.

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