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Are magicians magicians or sorcerers or wizards? Where did they come from

Mages, wizards, wizards and wizards have been from time immemorial. But they were called in different epochs in different ways. Let's try to figure out who wizards are today. Is this a Russian word or is it borrowed from other languages? What do magicians do, and what are their vital positions?

Origin of the word

If you refer to the ancient chronicles, then they often mention "magician". The meaning of the word is a sorcerer, a sorcerer, a magician. The word "kudes" is translated from the Old Russian language, like sorcery or enchantment. It turns out that the person who owns these spells, and will be a magician.

In other sources it is indicated that magicians are a creative miracle. It is this word that is considered fundamental. Miracle, strange, surprise, eccentric, chudizh - all these words one way or another can be used, talking about magic and witchcraft. In the Old Russian language the word "miracle" meant - worthy of surprise or striking.

Doc in his business

If to generalize a little, magicians are people who are very experienced in their field and are able to surprise (with talent, skills, skills). The word can be used for many professions. For example, Pushkin: "Tell me, magician, favorite of the gods. What will come to pass in life with me? "Here is meant a person who has certain abilities and is endowed with power.

In colloquial speech, the word can be used in the following context: "You are so well prepared, just a magician, lick your fingers." Here already the meaning of the word has nothing to do with the supernatural. Here is meant a completely different wizard. The meaning of the word will be "dock, a craftsman, better doing his own business, etc.".


Most often, of course, the word "magician" is associated with the magicians and sorcerers of Ancient Rus. In those days, witchcraft was very popular. Magicians are Slavic mages who practiced a change in being, charm, magic and the science of the transformation of matter. Magicians believed that they could communicate with spirits, guides, souls of the dead, guardians. They traveled to different worlds, collected useful data and gave them to the ancient Russian society.

In fact, many scientists believe that the magician is a shaman, moreover, a practitioner and an experienced one. Shamanism, like kudesnichestvo - a very ancient tradition, which has historically evolved over the years. Historians confirm that shamans - wizards were still in the Neolithic period.

Wizards who occupy practical shamanism, communication with spirits and practitioners of magic inhabit the globe to this day. There are many shamans in South America, Africa, Peru and Korea. But magicians practice in Siberia, Buryatia, Altai, the Far East and Tuva.

Modern magicians

Who knew such a magician hundreds of years ago, and today. The roots of the word go to the Slavic past, when the magi dominated, drawing strength and inspiration from natural sources. Modern magicians are people who glorify the primacy of nature, praise the elements, appeal knowledge from epic stories and ancient tales. Today's gardening is a more advanced and "well-read" science. The knowledge of magicians is backed by the centuries-old experience of ancestors and written magical rituals. In some sources, modern kudesnichnost still called esoterics or internal teachings of the world. Magicians practice various practices based on unity with nature and communication with their own inner world.

Who is a magician in the modern world? This is a person who lives in several realities. In everyday life, you never distinguish it from an ordinary person. Only a selected circle of like-minded people will know what magic and ability is practiced by a particular magician. Such people everywhere are accompanied by amulets and amulets, perfume-assistants and the power of animals.

Modern magicians are not hermits retiring in the forest wilderness. They are well-formed people who work and enjoy the benefits of civilization. Just the internal state of these people is different from the consciousness of an ordinary person. They live in harmony with the world, nature and themselves.

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