
Antiskrip Brake Pad Plates: Description

Owners of cars when replacing brake pads often face the thin metal overlays included in the kit. Many do not even pay attention to them, considering the spare part. The name of this part is the antiskrip plates of the brake pads. Do they really clean up the creaking? And if not, why are they needed?

Description and purpose

Anti-scribbler plates are called balancing in another way. Their main role is to redistribute the force from the brake piston over the entire surface of the shoe. In the event of dust or dirt falling in the absence of such plates, a slight skewing of the shoe is possible. This almost always causes an unpleasant sound from the brakes. That's why the plates and got the name anti-script.

Outwardly they consist of two parts and are made of thin metal (tin). The plates repeat the contours of the brake shoe, and they are located on its non-working side, closer to the piston. The part that comes into contact directly with the brake piston has the form of a solid plate. The other one, which is adjacent to the shoe, is corrugated. This is just necessary for the possibility of evenly distributing the force in the presence of contamination.

Design Features

Appearance of antiscatter plates is often misleading. Thin and frivolous, they are often not taken into account and are not installed. This attitude is also facilitated by the fact that the plates do not enter into the non-original sets. And if the car owner has a car that has already been replaced with non-original shoes, then even more so.

In fact, the pads may not creak without such plates. This is due to good operating conditions of the car and timely maintenance. That is, with proper technical care, when all brake mechanisms are regularly carefully cleaned and lubricated.

The anti-scratch plates of the rear brake pads are in the original only for cars with disc rear brakes.

Is it a scrape or an antiskrip plate?

In the sets for replacing brake pads for disc brakes, sometimes there are so-called scratches. They do not need to be confused. Antiskripnye plates brake pads repeat the form of the lining, and the scrip is a small, quaintly curved tin. It is usually installed perpendicular to the long axis of the shoe by pricking or snapping.

The purpose of this plate is quite different - it, on the contrary, creaks when the shoe is close to abrasion, hence its name. In fact, this is a cheap version of the wear sensor brake pads. It is made of soft metal and does not tolerate distortion and deformation for brake discs.

"Skripuny" in complete sets for replacement of brakes are found much more often. Produce them and companies that supply non-original products.

Lubricant for plates

The original replacement kit for brake pads always has a small bag of grease. Often they just lubricate the guides. It turns out that this special lubricant is for the purpose of working the antiskrip plates. After all, without this, they will behave simply like a pair of cans and cause a terrible noise. It is thanks to the lubricant that is applied to the corrugated plate, and there is a remarkable effect of an even, noiseless pressing of the shoe.

What if there is no lubricant, than lubricate the antiskrip plates of brake pads? This can happen when replacing an unoriginal set, when the plates remain unaffected. Lubrication for adjustment plates has special properties. First, it must be high-temperature, since with intensive braking work, one disc can be heated above 500 ° C. Secondly, the synthetic basis and absence of influence on rubber products - anthers of guides are important. Among the famous companies that produce lubricating materials, Liqui Moly is widely known.

The main thing is not to use lithium and graphite lubricants, which do not fit the temperature and quickly burn out. In addition, they cause deformation of rubber anthers. Copper grease is also not suitable . Burning, it also leads to corrosion.

Or maybe with their own hands?

It happens that there is no way to order the original brake pad kit. At the same time, the native plates from the squeak also fell into disrepair. In this case, there are only three options for getting out of the situation:

  1. Leave everything as it is and do not drive a car so that the brake discs do not deteriorate.
  2. Change the set without plates and just carefully monitor the condition of the brakes.
  3. Demonstrate smartness and make anti-scratch plates brake pads with your own hands.

What can this be required for? Yes, just the same thickness sheet. Attaching an old antiscatter plate to it, carefully draw it around the contour with a pencil. Then, using the metal scissors, cut out the plate as accurately as possible. After that, having combined the old and new part and pressing them together with clamps or clamps, we bring the file to full coincidence.

Similarly, both plates are made against squeak. The corrugated inner plate will require more time and patience, but it will surrender before persistence and labor. It only remains to choose the right lubricant - that's all. Now the skew of the pad or its central deformation in the place where the piston is pressing is not terrible.

How difficult is it to find the antiscatter plates?

How rare are the kits where there are antiskrip plates of brake pads? Where do questions arise about the manufacture of plates with their own hands? In fact, there is no hype. Plates always go in the original sets for the replacement of brake pads for disc brakes. Such sets are supplied practically to all Japanese foreign cars. At the same time, the price of kits in the original packaging is much higher than any analog. Separately, the plates against the creaking are sometimes harder to find.

Again, as for Japanese cars, the original catalogs have all the information. There it is easy to find the number of the part described separately. Anti-scratch plates of brake pads "Toyota", for example, are sold and ordered separately.

Among the companies that produce non-original products, TRW stands out well. In the assortment of kits of this company there are complete copies of the originals, in which there are necessarily anti-scratch plates.

Nissan anti-scratch plates

Japanese cars are a high-tech product. On many cars of Japanese origin, antiskrip plates have long been installed. In order not to be unfounded, let's take as an example Nissan Teana, 2006 of release.

Entering all the necessary data, and this is the Vin-number or body number for a car with the right-hand drive, we get full access to the car parts.

Passing along the branch "brake system", without any difficulties we find the front pads. There is also a catalog number of the pads themselves - AY040NS106, driving it into any online store, we will get the price and delivery time of spare parts, as well as the price and delivery time of non-original ones.

Anti-scratch plates of brake pads "Nissan Teana" also have their own catalog number - 41080AU025. This set includes all the plates for replacing the pads: two anti-scratch and one creaking on each wheel.

User Reviews

Antiskrip plates brake pads are still very controversial moment in the car forums. Among the arguments for and against, the main criteria remain observations after installing the plates and without them. So, some of the members of the forum notice the absence of changes. That is, the pads creaked, and continue to creak. And opponents argue that in this case there are inaccuracies in the installation and defects that are not associated with the plates.

Some users of the Network note the possibility of using non-original brake pads without plates against squeaking. At the same time, there is no noise during operation. Proceeding from what has been said, something can be recommended only by the manufacturer, and it is necessary to solve the problem with the installation yourself.


Considering the use of plates against the squeak, you more and more realize that there are no final solutions. Despite specific recommendations of automakers to install original spare parts, many users have their own, different from the official opinion. Therefore, the kit: brake pads, antiskrip plates and grease - this is an excellent option, allowing you to enjoy all the achievements of technical thought and ride without a squeak. And for those who do not want to use the plate there will always be other options.

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