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Alena Sterligova: biography, children

Russian businessman Herman L. Sterligov became famous not only for his financial successes (he is the first legal dollar millionaire in Russia), but also because of his eccentric behavior, which does not fit into the framework that ordinary people can understand. Becoming really rich, he lived for several years in Rublyovka, then went bankrupt, took his family and went to live in the forest. In their new home there was no running water or central heating. Wife, who was accustomed to luxury, Herman asked to wear a handkerchief, cook food in a simple cauldron with fire and give birth to children at home.

The man translated the children to home education, taught them to shoot from the machine gun and own a sword. About the TV, of course, they also had to forget, as well as brushing their teeth. Rumors that Sterligov tyrannizes his children and beating his wife quickly spread to the media. Herman's wife, Alyona, decided to answer the wicked and wrote a book about her love and family life, which she ironically called "The man beaten ... What I had to endure with Herman Sterligov". The presentation of the book took place in Kiev. With a glint in her eyes, the woman told of her extraordinary life and about the trials that she and Herman had had with the couple for 25 years of living together.

Today we will find out how one of the most unusual married couples lives and why they chose this way of life.


Herman Sterligov was born in 1966. At the time of dating the next couple he was twenty-three years old, about the same age was Alena Sterligova. The year of birth of the girl for some reason is not indicated anywhere, but oh well. Herman had already earned decent money for his age. By this time the man had served in the army, worked for a year at the factory as a turner and six months of studying at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. He had to give up his studies because of a conflict with the history teacher - an avid communist. After calling the communist regime the bloodiest in history, Herman fell out of favor with the teacher and soon made the decision to finish his studies and start earning money.

Yelena Ivanovna Yemelyanova (which was the name of Alena before her marriage) at that time had just received the diploma of the Polygraphic Institute and was preparing to start an adult life. Alena's father earned well, and her family always lived in prosperity, but when her father died, her mother got into debt and was forced to rent an apartment. Herman was looking for an office at the time. Once, when he was talking with Alena's mother about a possible interaction, Alena went to their room, greeted them and left. After a couple of steps, she heard Herman ask his mother: "Do you mind if I marry your daughter?" The landlady accepted this question for a joke, but on the same day a promising businessman made an offer to a young girl. His main argument was the phrase: "I will be a millionaire." And this is at a time when everyone dreamed of becoming doctors or engineers. About millionaires then knew only from books.

Alena, of course, did not agree, because she knew that it was necessary to marry for love. Herman was a completely inconspicuous young man - a growth below the average, weird tendrils and glasses before our eyes. His image could not accommodate a normal girl. For Alain then other guys also looked after, which looked much more advantageous. But there was something in German that could catch the girl, some inexplicable charisma. And yet she intended to refuse him. The next day Herman was arrested and detained for several days in the remand prison, then released because of the absence of corpus delicti. According to Alena, in those days she first felt that she was worried about someone. Either out of pity, or just in a huff, Alain still agreed to marry a man. A year later, Herman really became a millionaire, he literally kept money in bags.

Career Alena

Immediately after the wedding Herman said that Alain would never work. This caused indignation from the parents, but the businessman did not care. Just in case, Herman even threw out his wife's diploma. To date, Alena understands that if she had started working then, their family would have disintegrated.

To the question: "What about self-realization?" - Alena Sterligova responds simply: "With such a husband you do not get bored, I'm a millionaire, then a sheep dog, then a teacher, then a mother with many children." Giving all household chores a hundred percent, the girl finds this life fascinating. She also adds that a woman should always be under the patronage of her husband. Equality, which is glorified in the modern world, leads to an imbalance of male and female principles. As a result, people do not live a happy life.


Having dealt with the career of his wife, Herman Lvovich Sterligov cleverly removed her friends from her life. As soon as he found out that his wife was going to meet someone, he immediately offered to spend time with him. And since he knew how to make a rich and interesting leisure, his wife always chose him. Frequent crossings finally cut off contact with friends. But Alena does not regret about it, since her best friends were the mother-in-law and Polina's eldest daughter. According to Alena, the days she spent with her daughter before her marriage apart, you can count on the fingers.

By the way, Polina's love story is very similar to her mother's story. Once, to Comrade Sterling, Comrade Herman came on business. Together with him was a young man. Polina covered them on the table and left. Three days later, the guy came to get married. As a gift, he brought a white stallion. Of course, Polina said that she did not like the boy, to which he replied: "You will love!". And it happened. Alena Sterligova is happy for her daughter. She thinks that behind such a man - like behind a stone wall.


One day, Herman Lvovich Sterligov came home and saw his wife watching the same Santa Barbara in the kitchen. And not only looks, but also strongly empathizes with the heroes. The man tried to explain to his wife that he had to live his life, and not someone else's fantasies, and added at last: "Either I'm going to leave, or the TV." Alain heatedly chose the TV, and her husband left. After sitting for a few minutes in the car, he returned and shot the TV from the gun. This act made a strong impression on Alena, but she still watched at night another, a small TV, about which her husband forgot. During such sessions, she felt as if someone were standing behind her. Eventually, the woman herself got rid of the last TV in the house.

Married without love

In the book "The Man Crushed," Alena says that the first years of married life did not like her husband. But after a while Herman managed to win the girl's heart. On the first anniversary of the wedding Herman gave his wife 365 roses - one for each day lived together. His parents were indignant that he so recklessly spent money, but Alena still remembers this bouquet. Learning about the birth of his first daughter, the man brought to the hospital a whole car of flowers. They were placed literally throughout the maternity home.

Alena Sterligova is married for a quarter of a century, she has five children and four grandchildren. Their life together with Herman was not cloudless. Quarrels and scandals with punches on the table were everywhere. But in all this the woman feels the care of her husband. She understands that when a man indulges all the desires of the wife - this is not a concern. Another thing is when he takes responsibility for the health of the family, the richness of life, the adaptability to it and comfort. For this, Alena once fell in love with her husband.


The Sterligov family moved 32 times. When the head of the family became a millionaire, he was the first in the country to open an office in New York. Then London and Washington were conquered. Then the family was surrounded by enormous attention from the media and competitors. Since it was dangerous, they had to constantly change their place of residence. For a long time the Sterligovs did not have their own dwelling. As soon as they got used to one place, Herman said that it was time to move again. Then Alain and her daughter stayed for two years in New York, and after returning, the family settled on Rublyovka, supposedly for good. Herman was then 27 years old. On Rublevka there were all conditions for a comfortable and stable life, which the family had long dreamed of. The house of Alena Sterligova became the personification of prosperity and family happiness. After the move, one after another three boys were born to the Sterligovs.

The last move

In 2004, Herman Lvovich Sterligov went bankrupt. It all began with the fact that he decided to run for president of Russia. The agitation campaign required huge expenses. The man not only spent all his savings, but also took a serious amount in debt. And suddenly, unexpectedly for all his candidacy was removed from the registration. Without thinking twice, Herman told the family that they were moving again, and the house on Rublevka would have to be sold to pay off debts. A week later he reported that the family was going to live in the forest. Alena's indignation was beyond limit. The girl did not want to give up a comfortable life, but the main reason for the panic was her next pregnancy. Herman reassured his wife, saying that when the time comes to give birth, they will already have a beautiful home. Alena understood that it was simply useless to resist her husband, so once again she allowed him to take full control of the situation. As a result, the family went to Malaya Sloboda. At first they lived in a simple tent. The constant hunger and discomfort oppressed Alain, but it did not last long.

Herman kept his promise, and the family was ready for the birth. Alain still does not understand where her husband got money for construction. The house was wooden, with a tiled roof. The whole family was crazy about him - a fairy tale, not a house. But the Sterligovs' adventures did not end there either. In one day all the dreams of a new family life were literally incinerated. On the eve of the new housewarming Alena woke up with the cry of neighbors: "We are burning!". Opening her eyes, she saw their fairy-tale house burning. Unknown ignited it, cynically taking advantage of the gasoline owners.

As Alena says in her book "A Man Broken," all these events completely changed her attitude to luxury and comfort. After experiencing true wealth and extreme survival in the wild, she realized that for the sake of the mother of many children, there is enough washing machine and hot water. And she realized that if the husband is the very person who can be trusted with his life and the life of his children, then it is really possible to build a paradise in a hut with him. And if a man is boring, cowardly and simply unworthy, then in a chic palace with him will be bad. The last story was often found on Rublyovka, Alena Sterligova remembers.


At the moment, the family lives in nature, without a fence and any creations of civilization. She has a large farm with sheep, goats, turkeys and horses. Children feel confident in the saddle and with a gun in their hands. The head of the family taught his sons carpentry, so in the house almost everything is done by their hands. And the eldest son, who is now 16 years old, has already built his first wooden house. Sons sell their crafts, as well as meat and homemade bread. When the farm brings a good profit, the family goes to the shopping center for new things.

Sons Sterligov can easily slaughter the animal, so that it does not suffer. Nevertheless, such procedures are mostly performed by adults. Together with his father, boys go hunting and pick mushrooms. Every day for every child there is a matter that could be useful to him in life. The family completely refused school. The oldest daughter went to school for several years, but it was still in the "past life". Children study the Bible and deal with teachers, which are personally chosen by the father.

Spousal Happiness

Alena's book is called "A Man Broken", but in fact the husband never raised his hand to her. Of course, such an eccentric couple often have quarrels, and many times the couple were on the verge, but they did not get to the point of assault. Herman believes that with his wife, as with a child, you need to communicate using the carrot and stick. Alena Sterligova in her youth thought that a real man would never "lead" to the harmfulness of a woman. But after 25 years of marriage, she realized that a weak and defenseless girl can make even the most balanced man out of himself.

Alena often comes from all over the country. Each of them tells about their destiny and married life. Over time, Alena began to understand that the main reason for the female misfortune lies in the lack of respect for her husband. Many women love their companion, but they do not respect. The heroine of our story recalls that she too was like that. However, thanks to the originality and activity of Herman, she discovered the secrets of happiness. Humility and full trust in her husband give rise to his gratitude and, as a result, harmony, says Alena Sterligova.

In her youth, the girl often argued with her husband, rested, went to the principle, until the last defended her point of view. But over time, she realized that Herman can not be manipulated, and even the strongest emotions will not force him to change his point of view. Now Alena does not argue with her husband under any circumstances. Even if she completely disagrees with him and everything is boiling inside, Alena includes her reason, looks to the future and understands that there is no sense in aggression. And if Herman is not right, he himself will eventually recognize this. Perhaps, it was thanks to her husband's ability to admit her mistakes that Alena learned humility.

Finding out the relationship, it is difficult to preserve the natural female attractiveness, says Alena Sterligova. The husband understands only the arguments, and scandals are a stupid waste of time. Hysteria kills femininity, as well as total control. Alain never checks what her husband is busy with, she knows that he is always on the job. There are no places for jealousy. So this unusual family lives.


Today we have got acquainted with the history, which Alena Sterligova told in her book. The biography of this woman deserves much interest, as is the story of her husband. Interested in the idea of Sterligov about life in nature, many Russians became their followers. To date, Alena Sterligova, whose books have become a salvation for unhappy women, holds meetings with readers and master classes devoted to all kinds of women's craft. Herman, in turn, for small money teaches men who are in search of themselves, what should be the real head of the family and how to build an environmentally friendly farm that can make a profit.

Someone considers this family to be extremists and mentally unhealthy people, and someone envies their strength of spirit, as well as the ability to live in harmony with nature and love all life. Having been in different conditions, having earned incredible money and went bankrupt, the Sterligov eventually returned to the origins consciously. They could get out of debt and become secured again, but decided not to do it. These people have rethought the value of life. And, anyway, each of us can learn a lot from them.

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