HealthDiseases and Conditions

Acute pancreatitis: treatment of the disease

In the past few years, acute pancreatitis, whose treatment is rather complicated, took the third place among diseases of a surgical nature, rising to the next step after appendicitis and acute cholecystitis.

The condition in which the pancreas is located depends primarily on what we eat and how often we do it. Proceeding from this, the conclusion suggests: very few people really think about and worry about the condition of the pancreas. And in vain! Because acute pancreatitis - a very complicated disease, hard to tolerate and even, in isolated cases, leading to death.

Causes of the disease

Before deconstructing acute pancreatitis, treating it, it is important to understand: why does this disease appear?

Everything is quite simple: in the duct leading from the pancreas to the duodenum, the pressure rises. Because of this, before reaching the intestine, enzymes are activated and self-digestion of pancreatic tissues begins, the so-called autolysis.

One of the main causes of this phenomenon is cholelithiasis. The stone, clogging the duct, does not allow pancreatic juice to leave .

In addition, quite often the cause of acute pancreatitis can be called the use of a significant amount of alcohol. Know that neither the liver nor the pancreas is simply able to produce as much enzyme as it would split the alcohol. Therefore, we can say that alcohol not only has a destructive effect on the pancreas itself, but also causes the formation of stones in it.

Symptoms of the disease

It should be understood how acute pancreatitis manifests , symptoms, treatment of it. The main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Pain in the abdomen or hypochondrium compressing the upper body. Sometimes this pain is similar to an attack of angina pectoris. That's only in case of acute pancreatitis, the pain appears after a person has eaten, and in the case of angina pectoris - after performing physical exertion;
  2. Nausea, vomiting (persistent and not bringing relief), diarrhea;
  3. The temperature rise to 38-39 degrees and chills are also quite frequent symptoms of acute pancreatitis.

Acute pancreatitis: treatment

If the patient has such symptoms, he is usually brought to a surgical dispensary, where the examination is carried out. If the diagnosis of "acute pancreatitis" is confirmed, treatment is prescribed. And it starts with anesthesia, for which drugs that have an antispasmodic effect are used.

In addition, in the acute course of the disease, hunger is prescribed, followed by a strict diet.

Drug treatment of acute pancreatitis includes setting the patient to droppers containing physiological and protein solutions (eg, albumin solution). In addition, drugs are introduced that have the ability to block pancreatic enzymes, an anesthetic and, if necessary, plasma.

If such treatment does not give positive results or exacerbation of pancreatitis develops, the treatment leaves no other choice but for surgical intervention. It includes:

- peritoneal lavage - rinsing of the abdominal cavity. With the help of drainage tubes, the liquid accumulated in the abdominal cavity is excreted;

- necroectomy - removal of areas of the pancreas, which are already damaged. But such an operation is rather rare, as it is considered very difficult;

- removal of the gallbladder. This operation is performed only in case of blockage of the bile ducts and only after arresting the attack.

In addition to dieting, it is necessary to use enzymatic preparations, vitamins and analgesics, which will relieve pain. Doctors advise in addition to acute pancreatitis, if available, to treat also concomitant diseases: cholelithiasis and diabetes mellitus.

Acute pancreatitis, whose treatment consists in observing a very strict diet, is quite a serious disease. Only specialists can remove all painful sensations and prevent complications.

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