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A cone in the back of the child. What to do?

A cone in a child at the back of the head can be hereditary and appears right from birth, or maybe a little later. According to the teachings of occult sciences, this phenomenon indicates cosmic magnetism. A pronounced bump says that its owner is able to strongly influence others. A dent indicates a break in the harmonious connection with the world. A cone on the border between the crown and parietal part indicates the greed of its owner. Is it necessary to get rid of such signs?


A cone in the back of the child, as a rule, appears due to mechanical influence. In ancient times such damage was removed with the help of a cold pyataka, which was applied to a sore spot. Today such practice does not bring results. Earlier, the coin was heavier, and the metal was nobler. But do not despair. Today, there are other ways to get rid of such injuries.

How to get rid of such a problem?

In every house there must be iodine, alcohol, salt, butter, egg and thyme. If the place of the bruise is very sore, you need to apply cold to it. Remove a piece of meat from the freezer, wrap it in a rag and attach it to a sore spot. Do not forget to periodically turn the piece. Soon you will feel that the pain is receding, and the hematoma will not be so great in time. In a day you can use a warm compress. It will perfectly remove the swelling. Simply heat the salt or egg or use a blue lamp. Leaves of thyme will help in healing. Make a decoction out of them and moisten their head.

We use drugs

If the lump on the head does not pass the child, take the ointment "Troxevasin", which has a resorptive action or gel "Rescuer". Treat one of the hematoma remedies, and the head will immediately cease to hurt, and after a while everything will pass. However, the cone on the back of the child may well be a lipoma. This is a benign tumor that is formed from adipose tissue. Similar adiposity is usually painless, but their magnitude can put pressure on the nerve endings and surrounding tissues. She herself will not go anywhere. It must be removed. Probably, it will make radio wave method (if small size lipomas). It happens quickly, painlessly and soon heals.

Folk remedies

A cone in a child at the back of a Siberian witch doctor is called a thorn. They say that the best means of getting rid of them are prayer and bow. To do this, take a small onion, bake it in the oven, grind well and mix thoroughly with one third of the laundry soap until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Such a compress should be applied to a sore spot and changed three times until the bud at the back of the head is softened. At the end of the procedure, the liquid of unpleasant odor should pour out. In order to prevent such shishas from reappearing, it is necessary to read the conspiracy after sunset on the departing moon. Also, Siberian healers are advised to adhere to certain postulates, in order that the lump of the child on the back of the head does not appear. Do not scratch your left hand with your head while eating. Do not cut your hair on your fingers and do not twist your hair. From the implementation of such recommendations the child will not become worse. But in any case, you need to visit a doctor and make sure there are no serious illnesses.

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