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24th week of pregnancy: the main characteristics of the period

The 24th week of pregnancy means the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. For future mothers, this is an absolutely wonderful time when you can relax and enjoy your condition.

24th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby? By this time, all the main organs and systems have already been formed, so their further development and improvement takes place.

The fruit at this stage already weighs about 500 - 600 grams, and the length of his body from the ass to the crown is on average 21 - 30 centimeters.

Outwardly, the fetus is already similar to a future baby. His skin still remains wrinkled, since there is no subcutaneous fat yet. Nevertheless, in the fetal organism, the so-called brown fat accumulates actively , which accumulates under the shoulder blades and on the tummy of the child. It is this substance that will be the main source of energy after birth, when the mother organism does not yet produce enough milk.

The 24th week of pregnancy means that the baby can already close and open his eyes, smell, taste, hear sounds. At this stage, a dream is very important for a future child, which lasts approximately 16 to 20 hours a day. The rest of the time the fetus is quite active.

By the end of this week the child already occupies the necessary position for the birth and lies downside down. In addition, it is during this period that the sebaceous and fat glands begin to work. The skin of the baby is covered with special skin lubricant, which protects from mechanical damage and shocks.

It is useful for a future mother to know that the 24th week of pregnancy is just the period from which you need to be careful. The fact is that the baby is able to feel the same as the mother. If you experience stress, anger or just nervousness, then your condition is transmitted to the baby.

24th week of pregnancy: what happens to the mother's body? Starting from this period, you will begin to gain weight quickly, even if by that time you have not recovered too much.

The 24th week of pregnancy is a quiet period, as the nausea is completely gone, and the tummy is not yet so great as to cause inconvenience. However, some women complain of back pain. This is the result of weak muscles that are not fit to hold additional weight. In this case, you should use an antenatal bandage.

The baby's movements are already distinct and they can not be confused with anything. In addition, many women face such an unpleasant problem as heartburn. The fact is that the volume of the uterus is constantly increasing, its walls begin to push back the internal organs and press on the stomach. If you are constantly tormented by heartburn, then go to the gynecologist - he will prescribe harmless drugs.

In addition, during this period there may be a secondary toxicosis. Pregnant women suffer from permanent swelling. If you start to gain too much weight, but you have swollen limbs, then most likely in the tissues of your body began to accumulate fluid. Be sure to tell the doctor about this.

On the 24th week of pregnancy, there may appear "training" fights, which are accompanied by the stress of the uterus and drawing pains in the lower abdomen. This is normal, and if they are not accompanied by bloody discharge and severe pain, then you should not worry.

24th week of pregnancy: possible problems. At this stage, some mums are faced with cervical insufficiency. The fact that the cervix can not withstand the stress and possibly spontaneous termination of pregnancy without any symptoms. In this case, the doctor will impose several sutures on the uterine tissue.

Another problem is placenta previa. There is nothing terrible in this, but a pregnant woman needs to rest as much as possible, do not lift weights and try not to be nervous.

Ultrasound 24 weeks gestation is optional, but with it you can determine the presence of such problems as improper fetal position and wrong location of the placenta.

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