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Why is the child's black teeth: possible causes, how to fix the problem

Of course, health of the oral cavity belongs to the health of the organism . Parents are simply obliged to monitor the condition of their children's teeth. Modern ecology and genomodified products have a bad effect on health. Increasingly, there are cases of early tooth decay with caries and other pathologies in children. The cause for concern is the black teeth of the child.

Plaque and its types

Milk teeth of children are covered by a bloom at the age of a year. But not always the color change can be a cause for concern. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Even dry air in the room contributes to its occurrence. What is this plaque and why are children at risk?

Features of the child's body do not allow to produce a sufficient amount of saliva, washing the baby's mouth. In this regard, the enamel of the teeth accumulates epithelium, food particles, as well as bacteria. If you do not pay attention to this, then white coating will become a bigger problem - a tartar. But the black milk teeth of children look unaesthetic.

Plaque on children's teeth can be of any color:

  1. Yellow indicates poor hygiene and eating disorders. This is the first sign of tooth decay bottle.
  2. Light gray enamel is evidence of the presence of dental hypoplasia. In this case, a qualified treatment is necessary.
  3. A greenish plaque appears in children 2-4 years old in case of damage to the dental pellicle. Need a specialized cleaning.
  4. The brown color of the teeth arises from the excess amount of iron released with saliva.
  5. Black spots on the child's teeth are the most common problem. Every second parent worries about the enamel's blackening in the child.

From a black spot to a hole

If the child's color changes, then parents should pay close attention to this problem. Yellowish and white coating can be eliminated with the usual daily cleaning paste. But this way you can not get rid of such a problem as black teeth in children. Photos of the darkened enamel are quite unpleasant.

The plaque of dark shades is often a consequence of the development of the child's body. These features do not give rise to a sufficient amount of saliva, which flushes food particles and epithelium from the mouth.

A large number of bacteria contains plaque, and these harmful microorganisms are a positive environment for the formation of calculus, inflammation or caries. Black teeth in a child - a frequent problem that pushes parents to turn to a specialist.

Plaque Priestley

Prileley's touch called a strong darkening of the enamel of children's teeth. This is an indisputable reason to call a dentist. Plaque Priestley is the initial stage in the development of serious diseases of the oral cavity.

If the gastrointestinal tract and disturbed microflora are disturbed in the oral cavity Priestly can attack. Bacteria multiply with great speed, which leads to darkening of the enamel. To get rid of the problem will help only the dentist with the help of a special brushing of teeth. The procedure is painless. At the child this manipulation will not leave unpleasant sensations from visit to the stomatologist.

Often parents are looking for an answer to the question of why the child has black teeth and why priests appear. It is important to know that darkening of enamel is a consequence of dysbacteriosis or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which parents may simply not know. In this case, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive examination of the whole organism.


In childhood, the caries of the infant teeth is more rapidly flowing, and dentists identify the destruction of several adjacent teeth, sometimes the entire lower or upper jaw. From inaction you can expect serious consequences, since you can not joke about the health of the oral cavity.

Many mothers are mistaken, thinking that the baby's teeth will fall out and the problem with the black teeth in the child will disappear. This is not true. Carious destruction, alas, affects not only the hard part of the tooth, very often it happens that the root begins to break down together with the soft tissue around, and this is very serious. In this case, only the removal of a damaged tooth decay will help, which, incidentally, is painful and can cause the child to have a persistent fear in relation to the dentist.

Hypoplasia of teeth

A specific disease, during the development of which completely or partially destroys the tooth enamel, is called hypoplasia. This disease occurs due to impaired metabolism in the child's body. Violated metabolic processes, the body does not absorb useful minerals and trace elements, as a result of enamel thinning and becoming weaker. The tooth can crumble, break at the slightest load. This is another reason why the child has a black plaque on his teeth.

In addition to the above reasons, hypoplasia of baby teeth can be the result of a serious violation of protein metabolism in the child's body. That is why hypoplasia is considered not only a separate disease, but also a consequence of the development of other serious pathologies.

Caries bottles

Children 2-4 years old often have such a problem of the oral cavity, like bottle caries. The name can easily understand what is at stake - the disease develops due to the fact that the child often sucks a nipple or bottle before going to bed or during the day. Therefore, it is desirable to wean the child from the bottle as early as possible, because for the whole night in the oral cavity there are particles of milk or mixtures that promote the development of caries. As a result, black teeth appear in the child. Milk teeth have a thin enamel, which breaks down pretty quickly, which is why they are also rapidly affected by tooth decay.

Bottle caries has several names, someone calls it dairy or nursery. From the title you can easily understand everything. These are common names of the disease, they can not be found in medical sources.

Other causes of black teeth

Black teeth for a child can be for various reasons. For example, children do not cope well with hygiene procedures, they do not always properly brush their teeth. Often you can see that mummies lick their baby's nipples, thinking that they are cleaning them, but that's not so. In the oral cavity of the baby foreign bacteria enter, which later reproduce.

Insufficient amount of vitamins is the cause of darkening of children's teeth. Perhaps the baby does not eat fruits and vegetables. Reduced humidity in the room - not a good factor. Negative effects are also on medicines containing iron in their composition. As you know, black teeth in a child arise because of an excess of iron.

Healing measures

It is necessary, of course, to consult a dentist if the child has black teeth. What to do and how to cope with the problem, only a qualified child's expert will tell. First, he will determine the root cause of darkening of the teeth, and secondly, prescribe a course of treatment.

Depending on the extent of the lesion and the presence of the disease, the following measures can be taken.

Carious lesions are treated by simple methods: silvering or fluoridation of sick teeth. Such methods of treatment are advisable in the early stages of caries development. Therefore it is so important to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Scraping of the affected soft tissues and coating with the glass ionomer cement mixture is carried out with a surface carious destruction. In severe lesions with acute pain, the procedure is performed under the influence of anesthesia. Their conclusion and permission for surgery are given by such specialists as cardiologist, therapist and neurologist. The procedure and the state of the child are followed by an anesthesiologist.

The natural color of the teeth can be returned independently, if the cause of darkening is an excess of iron. In this case, it is enough to reduce its quantity in food.

When there is a lack of calcium in the child's body, the pediatrician prescribes drugs that make up a stock of this useful trace element.

Black teeth in children, the causes of which lie in dysbiosis or fungal disease, require the intervention of the dentist and pediatrician. Specialists should, first of all, identify the primary disease and take measures for its treatment.


Night feeding is desirable to exclude, as soon as the crumbs will have the first milk teeth. If this is difficult to do, then the milk formula or fruit juice can be replaced with ordinary water. After a while, at the request of the baby, water it from a simple mug or drinker, but not from a bottle.

Closely monitor changes in the oral cavity of the child. If there is a touch, then immediately contact a dentist who will help in the selection of hygiene products.

To clean the first milk teeth, it is advisable to use herbal decoctions, which include sage, chamomile and thyme. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab in the mixture and wipe the teeth with chicken. As the child grows, you can resort to rinsing and gradually start daily brushing your teeth.

The baby should eat only with his spoon or fork. Do not give your child another's spoon (dad, mom, brother). Carious lesions are easily transmitted. It is advisable to visit the dentist for the first time, when the baby turns 9 months old. Follow-up receptions are usually held once every six months.

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