Spiritual developmentReligion

Why God does not give a child: causes, sins and sermons

Unfortunately, very many married couples are childless all their lives, or the first child appears after many years. But here's the paradox: many women get pregnant out of wedlock. It would seem, irony of fate? No. There are some nuances that a person does not know about, but God knows. And he gives people only what is useful to them.

Let's discuss the topic of why God does not give a child, give examples of childless couples, we will briefly discuss the sermons of holy fathers, priests.

About the Saints Joachim and Anna

In the church walls, many married couples ask the priest: "God does not give us children. Why? "This question can be answered clearly only by the visionary elder, holy man. And what will the ordinary priest say? If the priest is the spiritual guide of a couple, he knows that his wife did not have an abortion, the husband did not live with other women until he got to know his wife, both led and lead a pious way of life, he probably only consoles the story of the saints Joachim and Anna - parents The Most Holy Theotokos.

As the story goes, Joachim and Anna lived together for many years, lived with God, were pious and prayed for the gift of a child. But for years and decades, the couple did not lose hope, they continued to ask the Lord for tears. But as the Gospel says: "Ask, and it will be given to you," Saint Anne became pregnant at an advanced age. Spouses could not believe in a miracle. They endlessly thanked God. A girl was born - Maria. All childhood she was quiet, inconspicuous, she did not communicate with anyone, did not play. Her baby spirit was completely occupied by God. When she became more mature, Archangel Gabriel arrived with her with a white lily and announced that she had been chosen by God to become his mother - Jesus Christ.

What is the meaning of this wonderful story? Parents zealously prayed and asked God for a baby, the Lord sent them the Blessed Virgin.

Of course, if a modern couple does not have children for a very long time and they ask the question constantly: "Why does not God give a child?" And the zealous prayer of husband and wife does not stop, then they will receive the petition. But this does not mean that the baby will necessarily be pure and holy, like the Mother of God. At least it will be an exhausted child. Who knows, maybe he will connect his life with God and pray for the whole world in the future.

What the priests say

Any woman who wants to have a baby can approach the priest with the question: "Why does not God give children?" A sermon, just advice or the instruction of the holy fathers will help you figure it out. But the most important thing is the will of God.

Often, miracles are performed by the faith of childless spouses: parents literally "bring" the baby from a pilgrimage trip, after long standing in line for the relics and the icon of Saint Matronushka. But for all, fate develops in different ways. The main thing is not to despair.


In Russia, a lot of children left without a father and mother. All existing orphanages are overcrowded. Unfortunately, babies do not live in ideal conditions. Few people are lucky to find themselves in a monastic shelter, where both the attitude, and upbringing, and the quality of life are very different from state institutions.

Can you guess why God does not give children to a woman sometimes? Because he wants her to raise an orphan as her child, become his own mother. After all, abandoned children also need parents, attention, good upbringing.

If to you God has not sent children, think: is not it time for you to adopt children? Unfortunately, such a procedure is not easy and not accessible to everyone. It is required to collect a lot of references, including you should bring a certificate of income from work.

Any difficulties are rewarded with victory. Pray to God, Mother of God and beloved saints, so that everything will turn out to be the best way. There are many stories related to childless families, when God miraculously sends a child or several children at once.

About health and upbringing

And does your health allow and bear? Often, God protects women from harm, death or error. Which one? For example, a woman became pregnant. Then it turned out that she was forbidden to give birth, even to bear a child. Both mother and child can die. Such cases exist in the church life.

But there are happy stories. One can talk about one family of a priest. The wife of the priest is a very small woman (about 1 meter). As you know, small women are forbidden to give birth, as the fetus has nowhere to develop, and the internal organs of the mother will be squashed. What happened to the little mother? Together with their spouse, they began to pray earnestly to God that a healthy baby was born, and my mother survived. And it happened, fortunately. The doctors were in shock. By the way, after a while the spouses decided to give birth to the second child.

As for the other problem - education, here, too, has its own nuances. Will you be able to raise a worthy person? Will you cope with the difficulties? What upbringing do you have yourself? Maybe you need to fix something in yourself.

Let's talk about why God gives sick children. There are many options, the fate of everyone is different. There is one story related to a dying boy. Mother sat near the crib of her son and wept bitterly. She began to pray earnestly to God that his son survived. Suddenly she fell asleep and sees a dream: her son grew up, did terrible things and was hanged. The Lord through the angels asked the suffering mother what she was choosing: a paradise for her little son who was dying, or else a gallows with disgrace after 20 years? The woman, unfortunately, chose the second. All has come true. Her son was hanged as punishment for the atrocities.

True, this story does not apply to unborn children yet, but it clearly describes the possible reasons why God does not give children at all. He wants to protect the pious Christian couple from sorrows. One can answer why God does not give the second child: practically for all the same reasons:

  • Poor parents' health;
  • Avoidance of trouble and sorrows;
  • There is a risk not to cope with both kids;
  • poverty.

It is necessary to be able to accept what God gives, and for what does not give, - to thank. Remember the adage: "Be afraid of your desires - they tend to come true." And why should they be afraid? Because they can be harmful.

Not married, but I want a baby!

Often priests hear strange words from women who are already slightly or far in their thirties: "Father, age is pressing, and I'm all alone. Bless me to give birth to a baby from someone for yourself. " This lady, unfortunately, does not know that the Lord is not pleased when children are illegitimate. But nevertheless, they are born and even more often than in couples. Here you can only answer that illegitimate mothers punished themselves.

Very often it happens. Spouses ask: "Why does not God give a child?", And unmarried women cry: "The Lord sent me a sick, unruly person as punishment." What remains to be done by the parish priest? Of course, to talk in confession with everyone, to try to understand what's the matter.

Why get married?

The wedding is a great sacrament, the Lord sanctifies marriage. The priest reads prayers, one of them relates to the birth of children.

Why does not the God of the child give some spouses? Because they did not give a vow before God to be together always, did not pray together with the priest, and the Lord did not bless the marriage.

Are you a sinner?

Often during confession it turns out that once upon a time a woman had several partners, got infected from one of them and could not give birth, and another had an abortion. That's why God does not give children - sins, and very terrible ones. That the spouses have children, you need to live with God, with a clear conscience, pray and believe.

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