
Why does not "VC" work? VKontakte website does not work: what should I do?

Dependence on social networks is considered one of the most serious "cyber-illnesses". Every day, tens of millions of users around the globe visit their personal accounts, communicating with friends, discussing the latest developments in the world. Social networks are so tightly integrated into our lives that it seems unusual to spend a day, even if for a second not looking there. According to statistics, only about 30% of the population use the VKontakte social network in Russia every day.

Therefore, it can be argued that a person's life without social networks is impossible. Many can deny this, but they will never agree to an experiment in which they will be isolated from communication on the Internet. Although this is involuntary, for reasons independent of people - "VKontakte" stops working. It can happen for various reasons, but it always causes a violent reaction from the audience of the social network. So, let's try to figure out why the "VC" does not work.

How is the "VC" arranged?

For many, this social network is just a means of communication, and they rarely reflect on the principles of its work. Nevertheless, it should be given to the developers, because the project works quite stably, despite the huge number of requests (about 200 billion a day). The server "VKontakte" is located in four data centers in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, and their number is estimated at about ten thousand, with all the colossal load.

An interesting fact is that about 10 hard disks on which the user information is stored daily are out of order, but thanks to the data duplication system, it is possible to avoid losses. Sometimes it happens that the "VC" page does not work because the information about it was stored on the disk that was damaged. However, after the data center experts replace it, the workability is restored.

Reasons for inaccessibility of "VC"

Why there is no "VC", there may be several reasons. Due to the stability of the project, they are mostly related to problems for the user himself - this happens more often than system failures. For example, there was a connection break. You can diagnose this by trying to download any other website. In this case, you need to find out the reason for the suspension of Internet access. It happens that the "VC" does not work now because the site itself was added to the black database for the filter. As a rule, this happens at workplaces and in institutions, since the employer deliberately prohibits access of workers to those sites that can distract him from business. Sometimes it happens that everything is in order, but the site still does not load. If in that case "VC" does not work, what should I do? To find out the true reason is enough to visit other social networks. The refusal of VKontakte is so "significant" event that the news about this spreads extremely quickly. In this case, it remains only to wait.

Inaccessibility of individual services

It happens that, for example, a video or music in the "VC" does not work. This is due to the loss of communication with the servers on which this content type is contained. So, in autumn of 2014, many users experienced problems with the reproduction of most audio recordings. Many believed that this was due to the management's statement on combating piracy. Nevertheless, this was only an assumption. The real reason was that the Moscow data center was replacing carriers, which contained audio and video content. As a rule, it is for this reason that one or another section of the "VC" is not available.

Suspending the operation of peripheral programs

Many install special add-ons for "VKontakte", which give more opportunities to use social networking - plug-ins. Very popular are various video and audio uploaders and browser add-ons, allowing you to communicate in the mode of browsing sites. It often happens that "VK Sawer" does not work. What to do in this case? Tip number one - reinstall the add-on. There are errors in the system that block the program, which can be fixed by reinstalling the component.

Also, it may be in the version update, when the old one becomes irrelevant. If the plug-in does not work after the above procedures, then, probably, it's in the browser. It should also be reinstalled by checking compatibility with Adobe Flash Player, which may, by the way, also be one of the reasons why music in VK does not work. However, now there are many analogues of any programs, so if one does not work, then another will work.

Stop the work of VKontakte

Inaccessibility of the social network, there are always reasons, because problems - this is tens of thousands of dollars lost to the company. Why does not "VC" work? In most cases, this is due to the loss of communication between the servers and users' computers, namely, if this happens because of the company, then the fault lies with the provider providing communication services for VKontakte.

Sometimes there are problems with the leading servers responsible for the overall functioning of the system. Such problems are eliminated quickly enough, because the condition of the equipment is constantly monitored by specialists. There are also deliberate disconnections of servers in order to avoid more serious failures. So, for example, in the summer of 2014 several main servers of the social network were disconnected to the anomalous heat. In this case, whether the "VC" will work, depended on the weather conditions.

Signs of inoperability "VKontakte"

When the social network is about to stop working, there are signals that indicate a failure. This is because for each segment of the system a separate server is responsible, and, basically, only one breaks, and the rest continue to function for some time. The operating personnel notices the malfunction, disconnects all other servers, eliminates the breakdown and starts the devices again. Rarely problems can be solved without disconnecting power. For example, if you notice that messages are missing or any other data, it means that "VC" does not work, and now it will be turned off.

Mobile application "VC"

Mobile application "VKontakte" for various platforms can be considered one of the most popular programs in the Market. Millions of people use it every day, so stopping his work also will not go unnoticed. A separate group of servers is responsible for it, which has a connection with the main ones. Therefore, it often happens that the application does not work, and with the site version everything is in order. Nevertheless, such breakdowns have a local scale, so if "VC" does not work, today it will be restored. Perhaps the problem is in the version of the program itself. To do this, it is recommended to update it from the official platform application store. Sometimes the speed of the Internet does not allow you to download data, in which case you need to test it on other sites. If they open well, and the data in the application does not load, it means that it does not work. We need to wait and try again. Usually the work is established within two to three hours.

What to do if you can not log into the account in the "VC"

If the "VC" does not work, what to do in this situation? First you need to make sure you have a network connection on your computer, and if it's okay, then try to go to the site through an anonymizer - a special site that allows you to change your IP address and bypass the filter. If it turned out, then the problem is that the site was added to the list of unwanted ones. To resolve this issue, contact the network administrator or the person who installed the filter. If this does not help, you should contact the official VKontakte representative on Twitter. There, the administration quickly places information about the inaccessibility of the site and the estimated time of recovery. Problems with the mobile application can be caused by the inaccessibility of its servers, which will also be reported in the official Twitter of the organization. In this case, you can try to enter the social network through mobile browsers.

The largest outages

Recently, the site has not stopped its work for a long time, and there were few questions as to why the "VC" does not work. The last trip was recorded on January 24, 2015 at approximately 8 pm Moscow time. The biggest one in recent times can be considered a summer trip due to anomalous heat. Then "VKontakte" was turned off a little less than a day to give the technician a breather and create a small cooling system. Now glitches in work of a site occur once or twice a month, however so was not always. In the period of rapid development of the project, when the audience increased in geometric progression, the "VC" was switched off several times a day, after which it was decided to expand the technical base.


So, we figured out why the VKontakte site is sometimes unavailable. Due to the fact that this is a very large system, it is difficult to keep track of every little thing, so there are occasional failures. Sometimes they are given by peripheral programs, for example, if "VC Sawer" does not work, but this has no relation to the social network. One, if the "VC" does not work, now it will be in the service centers to set it up and soon access will be restored. In any case, the inaccessibility of the project for many is a great disappointment, although this is wrong, because we have time to rest and take on more important things, such as walking and hobbies. As its creator, Pavel Durov advised, it is not necessary to allow virtual communication to replace the real one. Probably, his departure from the project is connected with the rethinking of certain values of life. As he stated in his last interview, what he created will sooner or later swallow him up.

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