Spiritual developmentReligion

Who are the sectarians and what are they doing?

Freedom of religion led to the fact that various sectarian groups began to be selected from the dark corners of the underground. This should alarm people, since many of them are very dangerous for society. Moreover, every year their power only grows stronger, which means that soon each of us risks to face their negative influence. Therefore, it will be very appropriate to talk about who such sectarians are. What are they doing? And how not to get into their network?

What is a sect?

Sect is an independent religious group, separated from the basic religion. At the same time, it can both use customary dogmas, rework them in its own way, and create its own rules and laws. In a broader sense, a sect is a social group united by a common spiritual idea or purpose.

Most often, such organizations arise in the bosom of dominant religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and so on. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to create a sect based on existing concepts, rather than erect them from scratch. However, this does not mean that there are no such currents, since the world is full of evidence that says the opposite.

How is the sect different from religion?

Only by catching the difference between religion and the sect, one can understand who the sectarians are and what they do. After all, otherwise, you simply will not be able to recognize that fine line that protects the truth from lies.

So, the main differences are as follows:

  1. Almost all sects are young currents. The oldest of them is not more than two hundred years old. At the same time, all of them are not born under the influence of the divine principle, but through a break from the main dogma or at the will of their founder. For example, the father of Scientology was the usual science fiction writer Ron Hubbard, posing as a new messiah.
  2. All religions are based on worshiping the creator (God or deities) or the highest goal (for example, in Buddhism, the logical end is enlightenment). In contrast to them, sects put their leaders on the forefront. They are the basis of the whole spiritual life of the community, sometimes comparing themselves with the higher mind.
  3. Religion does not enslave the whole person, it always leaves room for doubt, so that he could come to the Creator in his own way. Sectarians, on the contrary, are bound by rules and obligations, which completely control the life of a person.

Structure and hierarchy of sects

Sectarians are people who live in a strictly established hierarchy. Most of them do not even realize that such a system of ranks exists in their community. After all, their leaders are unprofitable, so that their flock began to understand the peculiarities of local order.

And yet all the sects are built according to the pyramidal type. At the head of everything is a leader or a group of leaders (as in the case of Jehovah's Witnesses). They decide the fate of their community, and they also establish a set of rules on which she lives. At the same time, history shows that the change in the laws in the sect occurs constantly and depends on the personal interests of their leader.

On the next step are people close to the top: regional pastors, high priests, oracles and so on. They are the clear example of who such sectarians are. Blindly believing their leader, they are ready to fulfill any order, regardless of its complexity.

Then everything depends on the size of the sect. For example, Pentecostalists have many intermediate pastors working at the regional, local and community levels. Such a system of hierarchy was copied from the Catholic Church in the hope of approaching a more prestigious status.

At the very bottom are the usual sectarians. This is an expendable material, which, if necessary, can easily be sacrificed. In addition, they bring the greatest income to the community, being essentially just ordinary pawns.

Types of sects

To be honest, at the moment there is no exact classification of religious communities. This is due to the fact that these organizations are very different from each other. Therefore, it is possible to give only an approximate list of criteria by which one or another sect should be characterized.

First, all communities are divided into charismatic and hierarchical. So, in the first case there is a clear leader, which can easily be distinguished from the others. In the second variant, the hierarchical ladder comes to the fore, because of which it is rather difficult to follow the main puppeteers.

Secondly, there are totalitarian and free sects. In fact, both operate according to the same rules. The difference is only in the length of the "leash", on which all adepts are planted.

Thirdly, it is possible to divide religious groups according to their faiths: Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or followers of a new faith.

Power over Mind

Today, theologians often talk about who such sectarians are and how dangerous they are. But despite the excess of information, many people still get to them on the network. In this connection, a very conscious question arises: "Why is this happening?" Who are sectarians, so that they can so professionally recruit people? "

Well, the truth is that all the leaders of religious communities are very charismatic people. They skillfully use the techniques of manipulation of consciousness, in order to attract new followers. If we talk about thousands of sects, such as Jehovah's Witnesses or Scientologists, here even ordinary preachers are taught the art of persuasion. So, under the guise of ordinary seminars they are presented with the basics of oratorical skill, not to mention the fact that only people who are capable of leading other people are admitted to this position.

Many believe that sectarians are sick people. But this is not so, although there are also there. Simply they were cleverly "washed" by a brain, because of what their habitual outlook gave a crack. Often, agitators pre-select themselves as victims of people who are prone to psychological suggestion.

Invisible slavery networks

In most cases, sectarians are completely enslaved individuals. How does this happen? How does it come to the point that people turn into a faceless flock completely devoid of their own will?

In fact, this process takes place in several stages, each of which brings a person closer to life in the community, but at the same time alienates him from the usual socium. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Agitation. It all starts with the fact that one of the members of the sect is approaching a person and offers him a kind of "free" service in a good-natured voice. These can be lectures on the study of God's word, courses on the universe or preaching about the approaching end of the world. All that a person needs is to come to church and listen to the shepherd.
  2. Screen. It is worth a man to get to them at the headquarters, as he immediately begins to process. This is done unobtrusively and in a "voluntary" order. That is, everyone here is smiling, they are kindly told, they are talking about miracles and share their plans for the future. Such a sight involuntarily suggests that these guys are really happy, which means they can be friends with them.
  3. Attachment to the rules. It is at this stage that it becomes clear who are the sectarians and by what laws they live. Naturally, the whole code of conduct for one time, no one gives out - just an adept day after day they say what you can do and what not. In addition, for sweetness, this is flavored with beautiful propaganda about the benefits of being in the community.
  4. Restriction of communication. When a person has completely immersed himself in the life of a sect, he begins to be weaned from his usual socium. In particular, he is told that he is the chosen one, and the rest of the people live in complete ignorance or sin. Communication with them can harm his achievements, and therefore it is better to reduce contact with the world to a minimum.
  5. Detachment. Eventually a person finds himself in a situation where all his friends and acquaintances are members of the sect. His whole world is a community. And the only voice of reason belongs to the pastor or the priest.

For a better understanding of the situation, we will analyze this mechanism on real examples of sects. This not only helps to understand who the sectarians are, but also shows how dangerous they really are. At the same time, as living illustrations let's choose the most famous spiritual communities.

A vivid example of who such sectarians are: Jehovah's Witnesses

Probably, in the world there is no such person who at least once in his life did not encounter Jehovah's followers. This is due to the fact that this is one of the most numerous sects leading active agitation among the population.

The basis of the concept of Jehovah's Witnesses is that only their followers will survive the end of the world. All the rest are waiting for eternal torment, while even those who professed other areas of Christianity. They are also confident that only they know all the secrets that the Bible contains, since their elite can communicate with the Lord.

But who are Jehovah's sectarians in reality? In most cases, these are ignorant, who can not think critically. The truth is that they draw their conclusions, based on what they write in their magazine called "The Watchtower." It is this publication, not the Bible, that is the main guide in their lives.

Sound criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses

Scandals around their spiritual community flare up more often than around many politicians. The whole point is that the adepts of this sect are violently fulfilling certain rules and prohibitions. Here is an example of the most dangerous of them:

  • Jehovah's Witnesses are prohibited from transfusion. Because of this stupid taboo, many innocent people died, some of them were still children.
  • One of the main penalties in the sect is the denial of communication. That is, people stop talking even if they are a close friend or family member.
  • Preaching in the courts is a must for every adept. Also, children under 6 years of age are obliged to join these campaigns.

As for the true aims of the sect, they are more than obvious. Only on the sale of magazines the elite of the Watchtower receives a multimillion-dollar profit. In addition, do not forget about voluntary donations, transfer of real estate and blind obedience.

In the power of the Holy Spirit

In the New Testament there is a story of how the Holy Spirit fell on the 50th day after the ascension of Christ to his apostles. After that they learned to speak in other languages and went to preach to all countries of the world. Well, it was this story that became the basis for creating a new trend called the Pentecostal.

It is noteworthy that the members of this brotherhood even today are sure that the divine spirit condescends to them. Looking at their meetings, one can not help knowing who the sectarians are. Pentecostals during the sermon become like demons, as they begin to laugh hysterically and speak incomprehensible languages. However, most words do not lend themselves to any interpretation and are a simple set of sounds.

Pentecostal believers also believe that the Holy Spirit will endow them with a superpower: the healing of diseases, the gift of prophecy, the ability to communicate with spirits and so on. At the same time, according to their teaching, pastors can speak directly with Jesus Christ. However, when it comes to reality, these "skills" for some reason do not work.

In addition, quite often the adepts of this sect are being pushed to give up material wealth, arguing that money and gold are pulling the soul of man to the bottom, closing the way to paradise. The funny thing is that all these values then go to church, thereby replenishing its treasury.

Are Baptists sectarians or not?

For many, it remains a mystery whether Baptists can be considered sectarians. After all, in fact it is a very ancient religious school, which claims to be a full-fledged branch of Christianity. In addition, there are more than 100 million Baptists in the world today, surpassing in number all existing sects.

Given all this, it becomes clear why theologians have become entangled in this matter. But let's think about who these sectarians are. Baptists, by their very nature, have much in common with them. First, their community tries to stay away from the usual world, creating its own utopia. Secondly, their teaching is a set of strict rules that can not be violated. Thirdly, preachers of this church actively suppress the individuality of a person, making all the same both externally and spiritually.

The only positive thing is that Baptists are more friendly to people than other sectarians. And yet it does not outweigh those negative aspects that are inherent in them. For example, honest believers should pay tithing to their church, strictly follow its instructions, and also have families only with representatives of their faith.

Also noteworthy is that Baptists are not allowed to use any contraceptives. Because of this, Baptist families are often large families. And the only way to protect yourself is to completely give up sexual life. If we put together all these facts, it becomes quite obvious who the Baptists are: they are sectarians. Or not, it will be more accurate to say: this is a spiritual school, built on a sectarian type.

Manson's Family

The history of the sect under the name "Family" serves as a vivid example of how such a structure can harm not only its adherents, but also surrounding people. Founded by this community Charles Manson - a psychopath with megalomania. Because of his eloquence, he inspired his followers that the end of the world is near and only he knows how to survive.

Despite the fact that he was carrying pure water delirium, members of the sect believed him. And all is nothing, if one day he did not order them to kill people. He explained this act by the command of the Lord and by the fact that this is the only way to save the world. Alas, his words were taken seriously, and soon in the US there were several brutal murders.

The only good news is that the members of the sect were quickly caught and they did not manage to turn the city into a bloodbath. This event once and for all revealed to the inhabitants of America who such sectarians are. Photos from the site of their crimes even today are exasperating with their cruelty. But the adherents of the "Family" did not even suspect that they are doing something terrible. Therefore during the trial on their faces there was no shadow of remorse, not to mention the fact that Charles Manson himself was smiling at all.

Where does the blind fanaticism lead?

The history of the sect "Temple of the Nations" is the most horrifying example of the blind fanaticism of believers. The leader of this community was Jim Jones - a man suffering from a persecution mania. He believed that the United States somehow controlled the minds of its inhabitants. Naturally, only his teaching could save people from the harmful influence of the government.

Having collected enough money, he, together with his sect, moved to live in the forests of Guyana (South America). Alas, over the years his teaching began to crack and part of the adherents of the "Temple of Nations" decided to escape from him. Unable to withstand such treachery, he ordered all sectarians to commit suicide.

As a result, more than 900 members of the community died on the same day. Of these, one-third were children and adolescents, just beginning to live. Together with him, Jim Jones himself was killed, but it is still unknown whether he committed suicide or was shot by someone else.

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