Spiritual developmentAstrology

Water signs of the zodiac. Characteristic

Water signs of the zodiac are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Emotional and very sensitive people. It is these signs of the zodiac that can burst into tears, watching a romantic film or hearing bad news. They are able to empathize and are able to sympathize with others, for them nothing is worth supporting a person morally and even materially. Watermarks of the zodiac often donate money to charity.

Representatives of this element tend to make hasty conclusions. Not having understood up to the end in a situation or only having learned the person superficially, they are ready to make a decision or characterize any. Of course, these actions are not always true. It is about them that you can say that they hear the ringing, but do not know where he is. Having learned some of the information, they will quickly think out the rest and sincerely believe that it really is.

Sometimes it seems to them that they are in a completely hopeless situation, are lost, do not know what to do. But what is most interesting, from the side these throwings are completely invisible. Water signs for all their uncertainty are able to find a way out of any situation.

These people are very receptive and always take a hard time to take criticism or any negative in their direction. If someone has offended them, offense and a spoiled mood may not leave for several days.

But the intuition is just on top! Water signs of the zodiac quite often have superpowers. Surrounding people notice that many of the premonitions of a man born under the sign of Water come true.

Partners for marriage and close friends are better to choose from Water or Earth. The most unfavorable relationship with the signs of Fire.

Pros of the sign: attractiveness. Sensitivity, kindness, sociability, calmness, are able to endure for a long time. Zodiac signs "water" - artistic and creative natures.

Cons of the sign: irritability, mood change, pessimism, evasiveness, spinelessness, impracticality, melodramatic character.

Water signs of the zodiac feel most comfortable living near the source of water. River, lake, sea or just a swimming pool. Quite often in their house you can see the aquarium. When choosing a home, much attention is paid to the view from the window. They do not like to receive noisy guests and often see relatives in their home.

Cancer. In love and family life this is the most devoted sign. They seem to be created for marriage, appreciate their soul mate and the spiritual comfort of the home atmosphere. They are sensual, they are easily wounded. Cancers do not require much from their relatives, they, on the contrary, tend to give themselves entirely to the problems of others. At work, they are always honest, valued as reliable employees, always strictly follow the instructions and tasks set by their superiors. Possess some mystical abilities, but prefer to hide it from everyone.

Scorpio. The most controversial sign, often rushes to extremes. They either love, or hate. They are energetic, always strive for success and popularity. Often reach considerable heights in professional activity, skillfully avoiding all life's obstacles. What is most interesting, most of the current and already there are no world presidents, were born just under the sign of Scorpio.

Fish. Dual nature. They are honest, hardworking, and at the same time dreamy and impressionable. They are real idealists, they believe that beauty and kindness can save the world. Fish are difficult to cope with life's obstacles, often disappointed in life, and the reason can be quite insignificant. They do not like the company, prefer to spend time alone, thinking and meditating. They do not like innovations and changes, do not like to move, let other people into their world. Material values for Pisces are practically not important, in the first place spirituality.

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