Spiritual development, Mystic
Vampire names for men and women
Vampire names are well known to all fans of the supernatural and connoisseurs of otherworldly forces. They have long been found in most of the mythologies of peoples from all over the world.
Variety of names
Vampire names vary greatly depending on the area in which they became popular, as well as the beliefs of residents. In this case, despite the differences, the main signs defining vampires were common.
These are living dead who suck blood from people and are mortally afraid of sunlight. In European mythology, they often rise from the graves or are to people in the form of bats to suck their blood. They drink blood often at sleeping victims, but that they do not resist and do not wake up, they send horrible nightmares to them.
In some countries, there were beliefs that vampires were impious dead. For example, those who committed suicide, died prematurely or died from a vampire bite. Vampire names from many peoples allowed to immediately distinguish the clan of evil spirits from an ordinary person.
Vampires from ancient peoples
It is necessary to know that the stories about vampires did not appear in the European tradition, but existed much earlier. Stories of the dead, feeding on the blood of living people, there are almost all peoples, even the most ancient.
For example, in Babylonian demonology there were spirits, like vampires, who were called Lila. In the still earlier Sumerian mythology, the akshars are well known. Basically, they were female demons who wandered unremittingly into the night. Their main goal was pregnant women and newborn babies.
Vampire names from ancient Armenian mythology are known. The evil spirits of this people were called Dahanavar. The vampire lived in the mountains of Ulthis Alto Tem. His main feature was that he never killed his countrymen, those who lived on his lands.
According to Armenian legends, Dahanavar possessed a superhuman strength, which allowed him to defend his country from invasions of enemies. Everyone who invaded Armenia became its victims. He attacked at night, killed opponents and drank their blood.
There is even a more modern story written by Baron von Aktausen in the fifties of the XIX century. He talked about two travelers who were in the domain of Dahanavar. They were well aware of all his habits, in particular, the fact that he attacks only at night. To spend it, they fell asleep, with their legs tucked under each other's heads.
When Dahanavara came, he was so puzzled by the seen creature with two heads and without legs, that he left these lands forever. Since then nothing has been heard of him.
Asian legends about vampires
Their counterparts of vampires also existed among the Indians. They were called Vetals. They are often found in works written in Sanskrit. According to legend, these vampire-like creatures are planted in corpses.
The most famous work, which describes their habits and appearance, is called "25 stories of Vetala." This is a collection of Sanskrit short stories. The main character is the king of Vikramaditya, who tries to overtake and catch the elusive vetal. Indian Vetala is undead, which is also associated with bats that hang upside down over cemeteries, as well as over places where the dead are cremated.
In China, a vampire analog was called a limping corpse. True, unlike well-known to us vampires, this one eats not with blood, but with energy qi. In the Chinese worldview - this is the life essence of each person.
In the Philippines, the vampire was called Mananangal. It's a vicious evil that eats people. In addition to light, she is also afraid of spices, vinegar, whip and even the tail of the ramp. And it is worth noting that Mananangal is a sample of vampire female names. Until now, many legends have survived about how they release their wings from their shoulders with their membranes and go on a flight - in search of a victim. In this case, the body itself is divided, the lower part remains on the ground in anticipation. Language in the form of a proboscis they suck blood from sleeping people, most often in pregnant women.
Vampires in Europe
In Europe, vampires are known from ancient Roman legends. The list of vampire names for this people was very wide. These are the Empuza, Lamia, Lemurs. Many Roman legends mention the bird Strix, who lives only at night. It feeds on human blood and flesh.
In Romanian, on behalf of this bird, the word "strigoi" was formed, which in this country was designated by vampires. A similar etymology in the Albanian language (here the most common vampire names for men are Striga).
Traditions about vampires were often recorded by medieval historians, who could sincerely believe in all this. For example, in the 12th century, the English chroniclers William of Newurgh and Walter Map retained several stories in which they described creatures similar to Eastern European vampires.
The modern myth of vampires
The myth of blood-sucking vampires, which is known to most of you, originated in Eastern Europe. And he came there under the influence of Slavic folklore. In the Slavs, vampires were creatures that killed people by drinking all the blood from them or by pre-strangling them.
There were several ways to kill a vampire. He could be cut off his head or plunged a sharp aspen stake right into the heart. To the dead man did not come to life, the corpse should be burned.
In the Slavic tradition there were many reasons for the appearance of vampires. This is the birth in the water shell, the so-called shirt, and the appearance of the newborn's tail or teeth, and the conception of the child on certain days, as well as suicide or excommunication from the church.
To the dead man did not become a vampire, a crucifix was placed in the coffin, and under the chin was some object that could prevent the dead man from eating a shroud. There was one more original way. A lot of sawdust was poured into the coffin. There was a belief that a vampire wakes up in the evening, but before he leaves the coffin, he must count all the sawdust. While he was doing this, morning came. And the light for vampires is the worst.
Vampires in the world
Let us dwell on several of the most famous names of vampires in world mythology. Some African tribes believed that a special spirit in the form of a fiery clot could inhabit people. His name was Azza.
Algul was famous for the Arabian people with special cruelty and feasts in the cemeteries. Vampire names for women are also well known. The list is headed by Brooks. Its purpose is young young men, whom she traces and kills.
The most famous vampire
The most famous vampire names and surnames are, of course, Vlad Tepes, nicknamed Count Dracula. He is the hero of numerous novels and films, which had a real historical prototype - the Romanian count, who was famous for his cruelty.
The first to write about the Count Dracula Bram Stoker. This happened in the 30-ies of the XX century. Since then, Dracula has become one of the most popular characters of the last century. It does not lose its relevance today.
It was Stoker who came up with the idea that Dracula was asleep in a coffin, wearing a long black cloak, and having incredibly sharp fangs.
Vampires in movies and books
имя для девушки - это Кармилла. The best vampire name for a girl is Carmilla. At least, fans of the Irish writer of the XIX century Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu are convinced of this. His most famous story is called "Carmilla". In her acts a merciless woman-vampire.
Did not pass over the theme of vampires and master of literary horrors - Stephen King. In particular, they appear in his novel "The Lot". The main vampire in this work is called Kurt Barlow.
A lot of vampires in the cult thriller Robert Rodriguez "From Dusk Till Dawn". Salma Hayek plays the role of the bloodthirsty vampire Santanico Pandemonium.
In the dramatic fantasy of Neil Jordan "Interview with the Vampire", several representatives of evil spirits act immediately. Their names are Arman, Louis de Pont du Lac, Lestat de Lyoncourt and Clodius.
In the comedy Tebe Murphy "My best friend is a vampire," the main hero, whose name is Jeremy, becomes a terrible bloodsucker. He is a classic teenager who is experiencing a puberty age crisis. The supernormal abilities he acquires after becoming a vampire only prevent him from living.
Often, this topic is addressed and Russian authors. In Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy in the story "Ghoul" vampire is the knight Ambrose, and in the fiction writer Nick Perumov, the bloodsucker is called Ephraim.
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