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Tibetan Spaniel
Always friendly clever, a Tibetan spaniel is an excellent friend and companion. He treats his family members well, disliking outsiders, to whom he openly shows estrangement and unfriendly attitude.
The first mention of this breed was found in the books of Tibetan monks in the eighth century, which referred to dogs that were the result of crossing Pekingese and Shih Tzu. In those days, the Tibetan spaniel lived in monasteries and had a very important duty - to twist the sacred drum, inside which were parchments with prayers. They were brought to Europe in the 19th century. In 1905, several dogs of this breed got to England, but very few people knew about their existence until the end of the Second World War.
The Tibetan spaniel is a small enough, but very active dog that relates very carefully to all extraneous rustles and sounds. She is very attached to her master, who must also know that with the education of excessive rigor will not go to his pet for good. This friend of man is quite an independent animal, which in no case can be deprived of his own space and the right to express his own opinion.
Her height is about 25 centimeters, weight is up to five kilograms, her head is small compared to her body. Widely placed dark brown eyes, ears hanging, high above the muzzle. The muzzle itself is of medium length, slightly flattened, but without folds. Dog owners prefer the black nose and bite with a slightly prominent lower jaw. Wool in an adult dog should be silky, on the front paws and muzzle smooth. It should hang without any additional cosmetic procedures. Whiskers, unlike pads on paws, usually do not shear.
The Tibetan spaniel in any apartment feels well enough, however it is necessary to walk with him very often, because the movement is his constant state, and in order for the dog to be healthy, she needs to perform a large amount of physical exercises daily. Walking these dogs must necessarily be on a leash, tk. They are not particularly friendly to strangers and can express their dislike.
Care Spaniel is simple. The most important thing that a master should know is that his main treasure is a luxurious coat that needs to be cleaned every day with a brush. Perhaps someone will be surprised, but the Tibetan spaniel is the owner of a pronounced protective instinct and sometimes takes on the functions of a guard dog. It would be ridiculous to think that he can represent at least some kind of threat to the lives of enemies, but to warn that it is necessary to leave his territory, he can be quite menacing. And that is very important to know: these dogs do not just bark.
Another species of this breed is the dwarf spaniel, a small, graceful, mobile, light, but very strong dog. The length of her body is just above the withers' height. These are agile, affectionate, loving to frolic creatures, otherwise called papillions or phalenes. Papillons love long walks, when they manage to have plenty of fun, scare at the same time all the creatures that come across her on the way. Such dogs are completely lacking undercoat, and therefore care for them is very simple. It is only necessary to comb your hair with a long comb on the tail, ears and paws regularly so that no tangles appear. Dogs themselves avoid getting into the mud, so regular care is a guarantee that they will look neat.
Their gait and cleanliness papillions are very similar to cats. They are very attached to their masters, do not tolerate rudeness and screaming. Representatives of this breed live from twelve to fifteen years.
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