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The power of fate is ... Reasoning about the future and destiny

The present, the past, the future ... What is time? Is a person a full participant in this "action", or are we merely mute "subordinates" of Her Majesty of Destiny? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer. Some believe that time is an irreversible movement, proceeding in only one direction - from the past through the present to the future, and a person is able to independently choose how to swim along this current ... Others believe that the future is a blank piece of paper, and our Desires, thoughts, actions - these are the colors and shades, when mixing which we ourselves create a picture of life. However, there is also the opposite opinion - belief in blind fate, in the fact that all events are already foreshadowed to us, and a person is not free to choose. What does it mean ...

The Inevitability of Destiny

Once, between the Roman Emperor Domitian (51-96 AD) and the famous astrologer Askletarion, a conversation was held about the inevitability of fate. The emperor asked what the stars say about the last minutes of the prophet's life. The answer was unexpected - his death will come soon, and his body will tear apart a pack of dogs. Domitian laughed and immediately ordered the killer to be killed. On the same evening, during the pompous dinner, the emperor bragged to his friends with his resourcefulness and boldness, because he managed to traverse the destiny and change the intended. All present supported the ruler not with one glass of wine, except for one person - the mimic actor Latina. He was gloomy and silent. Domitian drew attention to this and asked him what had happened, why he did not share the general rejoicing? To which the actor said that just today he passed the square where criminals are usually burned, and saw the body of an astrologer brought in. The fire could not be ignited. It is constantly extinguished by strong gusts of wind. And after a while, the comedian saw a pack of wild dogs tearing the corpse of poor Ascetaryon to pieces ...

So what is our life - fate or freedom?

And if you imagine the life of an individual as a kind of journey, say, on the train, from point A to point B? Here the passenger sits near the window, lazily sipping tea with lemon, and passing by and by, successively changing types - forest, river, bridge, sown fields, cities ... He can not see in advance a lonely tree standing or a large stone on the roadside. He will notice them only in that brief moment, when they are level with him. However, this does not mean that wood and stone did not exist until this moment. They were always there. It turns out that the events that occur with us in the future are not born and are not formed due to something or for something, or rather, they do appear for certain reasons. Cause-and-effect relationship exists, but all this in any case is already "there", as well as parallel laid steel rails, so necessary for the movement of the train, and a pre-planned route of the trip, and landscapes due to meet on this path ... In other words, it is impossible to influence or Change the event in the future, just as you can not revise past actions. They are unequivocally interrelated, but from the moment of birth they were already recorded in the scenario of a person's life. Hence the very concept of fate. This is fate, predestination, as with the sign "plus" - fortune, bringing good luck and joy, and in a negative sense - rock, endowed with malice and cunning.

In the occult sciences, we consider such elementary properties of fate as completeness, correctness in relation to matter and hierarchy. It is difficult to verify this, but it is even impossible. Therefore, the main properties of fatum will be considered irreversibility and invariance.

And what is freedom?

Freedom in the sense that her person understands - the ability to independently determine, choose their life guides, is nothing but an illusion, the greatest error, and quite dangerous. With the definition of a clear system of coordinates for the continuous flow of time - second, minute, hour, day, night, day and so on - the person was dragged into a peculiar game. A single picture is fragmented into parts, and we, like children, collect all the fragments of this puzzle together. At first glance, it is fascinating, interesting and helps to navigate in the material world. And on the other hand, a man is grabbed by the hand, and he involuntarily becomes a hostage to this entertaining "game." It is difficult for him to part with the past, doubts in the present bind the movements, and there are persistent fears of the future. And no matter how much we convince ourselves that there is nothing to be afraid of, no matter how much we put new, more solid doors with thousands of locks, and do not cover the cracks around, various anxieties and fears, replacing each other, still find a loophole and crawl through. Why? If we took responsibility, we weighed everything around, measured it, counted it and at the end gave it to all that exists, it means that we are able to manage this great "economy". And here, naturally, we are trapped by a trap. The proud mind has neither the knowledge nor the spirit, nor the ability to "stand at the helm," and at the same time it can no longer turn back, and renounce the throne of the "master of destinies," and imperceptibly finds itself in the hands of the fate. Is this freedom?

And what if, initially, to recognize its imperfection, insolvency, accept it, but not as a defect, but as an amazing and inalienable dignity. What will happen then? Perhaps then staying in the power of fate - it does not mean being under the unbearable weight of being, shuddering from the words "evil rock" or renouncing freedom and becoming what is called a slave of destiny, which means living an amazing life without looking back to the past, to the Experience, stereotypes, opinions of other people, and without suffocating fears of the future. Do what you must and it will be. Be responsible for every step of your life, but not from fear, but from love, and then, probably, the power of fate is powerful, irresistible, but the same "fair wind" that all seamen want before beginning a long voyage.

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