
The child swallowed the coin. What to do? Is it dangerous?

Little children are so curious that they can not sit still and just play toys. They are all interested not only to see and touch, but also to taste. Unfortunately, parents do not always manage to be present next to the child every second. Many, doing household chores, forget and do not remove small items from the child's field of vision on time. Here he has a holiday: he immediately hastens to study them! Dangerous may be coins, beads, buttons, batteries, small parts from toys, etc. So, dear parents, be careful. But even if the child has swallowed a coin, do not panic in any case, perhaps nothing terrible will happen. This article will teach you how to behave in such an unpleasant situation.

The child swallowed the coin. What can not be done categorically:

  • Use an enema for rapid bowel evacuation;
  • To water and feed the child (for example, a loaf of bread) to push the coin;
  • Shake out of the kid a jammed object.

The child swallowed the coin: what to do?

First, make sure that the object is not stuck in the airway. This can be determined by the state of the baby, if he is cheerful and does not feel any discomfort, then everything is fine. Usually in such cases, you just need to wait a little while until the coin itself leaves the body naturally. So even doctors advise. But until this happens, you need to carefully monitor the health and behavior of the baby. Enter the food rich in fiber in your diet, and then the coin does not take long to wait: within 2 days you will find it in a pot. But from laxative drugs it is better to refuse, harm from them more than good. This all applies to the case, if you are sure that the object of a small diameter and not dangerous.

So, in the event that your child swallowed a coin, what to do, you already know. But if you doubt what exactly happened inside the baby, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. The biggest damage to a small organism can be caused by the following items:

  1. Coins or metal balls. Oxidizing, they can cause an allergic reaction or inflammation in the intestine. Suppose a child swallowed a coin. What if she did not come out within 3-4 days? Urgently consult a doctor!
  2. Batteries-tablets. They are used in many children's toys, so be careful! Electrolyte contained in the battery, in the body can give a discharge. Because of this, it simply begins to grow into tissues, thereby destroying them. In this situation, you need to contact the medical center immediately for help!
  3. Sharp objects. They can injure the walls of the organs.
  4. Large items. They can get stuck in the esophagus or block the intestines, making it impassable. A visit to a doctor is mandatory!

Usually, if a swallowed object consists of metal, doctors recommend that it be tracked on a radiograph. In the picture it will be clear where the coin is at the moment and whether its location is dangerous. The worst thing is, if she finds herself in the bronchi, there can already be no surgical intervention. Dear parents, please remember how to behave and what to do if you swallowed your baby's coin! Most often it affects children aged 3 to 5 years. Be careful!

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