News and Society, Nature
The Atlantic Ocean and its features
The Atlantic Ocean is one of the largest. Its area is the second largest after the Pacific and amounts to 91.6 million square kilometers. It washes the shores of Europe, Africa, North and South America. The nature and the relief of the Atlantic Ocean are very diverse. Until now, all the features of this part of the world's oceans have not been studied and therefore it attracts the interest of scientists and researchers around the world.
There are two versions of the origin of its name. One is related to the ancient Greek titan Atlas, and the other, to the mythical island of Atlantis.
The Atlantic Ocean has some individual characteristics. Its shore line is heavily indented. It is characterized by the presence of a large number of seas and bays. If we compare it with other oceans, then the number of rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean is the most significant.
This part of the world's ocean is distinguished by a relatively small number of islands. A feature of the relief are the numerous depressions and ridges. It can be called the most difficult. On the territory of the Atlantic Ocean, there are many pits and gutters. The relief of the bottom varies under the influence of earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes, which in large numbers are present on its territory. Many of the volcanoes reach a height of 5 kilometers.
The Atlantic Ocean is also characterized by a special climate. This is explained by the large length along the meridian. The temperature of the water also depends on the influence of the Arctic Ocean, with which currents are exchanged. From this side, many icebergs fall into the ocean, reaching even tropical waters.
Features of climate and relief characterize its biological world. The fauna of the Atlantic Ocean is diverse and uneven. In the temperate and high latitudes, a large amount of biomass is observed with scarcity of species. In the tropics and subtropics, the species diversity is large. As for any part of the world's ocean of these latitudes, the presence of large mammals is characteristic. Here you can see fur seals, seals and representatives of the whale family. The Atlantic Ocean is home to almost all types of whales. However, their populations decreased significantly due to human interference in nature and extermination.
The ocean is the largest fishing site. Its fauna is rich in various kinds of fish, which are caught in large quantities. This leads to a reduction in the populations of some species. In the Atlantic Ocean, live: halibut, herring, sea bass, cod, sprat and other commercial fish. In addition, many mammals are also an object of hunting and fishing. In this regard, many inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean are on the verge of extinction. The animal world is capable of self-reproduction, but for this it is necessary to reduce human interference.
The peculiarities of the Atlantic Ocean include the current Gulf Stream. It is considered one of the largest. Its warm waters make the climate of many coastal states milder.
The current of the Gulf Stream is powerful. Its consumption is 50 million cubic meters. And thermal power can replace one million nuclear power plants.
Another feature is a large blue hole. It is a cave that has the shape of a bowl and a depth of only 120 meters. Its light waters border on the dark waters of the ocean and create an unusual effect.
The biggest mystery of the Atlantic Ocean is the mythical continent or the island of Atlantis. According to legend, he went under water with the inhabitants.
The world and nature of the Atlantic Ocean has not been fully explored yet. They remain a mystery, which many scientists try to solve for the benefit of all mankind.
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