
Secrets and mysteries of the ancient civilizations. Mysteries of the Dungeons of Ancient Civilizations

Mysteries of the ancient civilizations have always worried humanity. And now, literally now there are reports that warm objects have been found in all the Egyptian pyramids. Particularly impressive are the three stones at the base of the Cheops pyramid.

Egyptian pyramids

They are called puzzles because their origin can not be explained scientifically. There are so many riddles and undiscovered secrets that one can stop only on some of them. For example, all the same Egyptian pyramids, which, it would seem, are explored to a centimeter, still cause a lot of questions.

The most important of them are who, for what purpose, and, most importantly, how they erected these structures that were perfect from an engineering point of view, representing a complex and harmoniously built 48-storey house. During the erection, technologies and tools that humanity does not possess now are used.

Science develops - new riddles appear

The riddles of the oldest civilizations are not explained by official science; moreover, it encounters any interference in its dogmas with bayonets. And mankind likes riddles and secrets, especially since they meet at every step. And the further the science progresses, the more questions arise. For example, with the advent of genetic engineering, it was proved that the DNA of the dogs says that they are all artificially derived from wolves, which they skillfully altered into a friend of the person, and this happened no later than 40 thousand years before our era.

Belief in the aliens

The main argument that the land was never visited by aliens was the statement that in that case they would leave to the Earthmen some essential proof of their stay or even an appeal to the aborigines. Nevertheless, people continue to seek evidence.

Mysterious city

In a word, the riddles of the oldest civilizations, which official science can not explain, are not advertised. This is how the city stands in Pakistan in the Indus Mohenjo-Daro valley with an amazing, almost modern layout and amenities. There was a water pipe, public toilets, baths, food stores, well-maintained houses and a reasonable street layout. It was built at the same time according to a premeditated project, and all this happened 2600 years before our era.

Mysteries of the Sumerians

There was also a Sumerian civilization, covered with secrets and consisting of solid riddles. How did this miracle arise in wild, poorly fit places? Their writing is still not deciphered, in what language they spoke - is unknown. But it is known that the Sumerians were familiar with metallurgy and seriously engaged in mathematics. Mankind is the one who owes them the invention of hours, minutes and seconds. They calculated that the circle is 360 degrees. The Sumerians built buildings of burned bricks, erected aqueducts, were familiar with astronomy. Are these the riddles of the oldest civilizations? The rest of humanity on earth at that time was in its infancy.

Teotihuacan and Titicaca

There are still amazing and incomprehensible cities, for example, Teotihuacan, located 50 km from Mexico City. The exact date of origin, the builders of this oldest city in the Western Hemisphere, their origin and language - nothing is known. It is only known that on the top of the pyramid of the Sun there are fairly large sheets of mica, which was used there not as a decoration, but as protection from electromagnetic and radio waves.

No list called "Mysteries and Secrets of Ancient Civilizations" is not without mention of Lake Titicaca, located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. Located at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level, it is known for high technologies, which were used here in the Stone Age. With the help of canals, dams and dams, highly productive agricultural zones were created. In the construction of land reclamation facilities, bronze was used, which here generally could not be.

Easter Island

And there are plenty of such unexplained mysteries on the surface of the earth. But no less interesting and numerous are the riddles of the ancient civilizations' dungeons. Amazing mysterious dungeons are in many places on the planet - under many cities they are full. But there are very ancient, for example, the dungeons of Easter Island or the mysterious Maltese labyrinths. The multi-level and multi-kilometer artificial caves of Easter Island were discovered only recently. They stretch under the whole island, and no one knows what is at the bottom. Researchers, including Tour Heyerdahl, fell only to a depth of 100 meters. In 45 caves found traces and artifacts of ancient civilizations. The whole island of Easter, with its strangely strange creatures looking at the sky with sculptures, is one continuous puzzle of antiquity.

Underground areas

The mysteries of the ancient civilizations' dungeons are gradually being comprehended. Recently, scientists have been complexly surveyed some objects, which resulted in the discovery of underground cities in the Altai, the Urals, Tien Shan, the Sahara and South America. Many of them are erected in ways completely unfamiliar to mankind. And this gives the right to assert that there were unknown civilizations under the earth. As an example, the underground city of Asgard in Peru, Kaimakly and Tatlarin in Turkey can be cited. One of the most famous is the 20-storey Derinkuyu City, located all in the same Turkey.

Under Ecuador and Peru, too, there are systems of tunnels and caves in which scientists have come across the riddles of ancient civilizations. The artifacts found here were two libraries: one from metal books, the other from crystal tables. And above, at the time, to which these books belong, were inhabited by wild tribes without any written language!

Mayan civilization is a mystery of times and peoples

And, of course, the whole world is concerned with the riddles of the ancient Mayan civilizations. The main questions without answers are only 50. There are even statements that the Mayan riddles should not be solved, because the consequences can be unpredictable. The "Skull of Fate" artifact, stored in the New York Museum, is, in the opinion of many, the most beautiful mystery of ancient history. It is made by an unknown master from a single piece of incredibly hard material, rock crystal, and is an absolute copy of the human skull. When the light source is directed into the nasal cavity, the entire skull begins to glow, and if the sun's rays are focused in the eye sockets, a flame is released from the open jaws. There is a legend that Hitler, an ardent admirer of everything mystical, believed that the owner of all 13 skulls would become the lord of the world.

The knowledge of the Maya is staggering, the tools that they used to build houses and arrange comfortable living are at a dead end. Maya does not have to talk about the calendar - it's a riddle of mysteries. Anthropologists have no idea who they are. And of course there is no answer to the main question: "Where has this civilization disappeared, by historical standards?".

The conspiracy of non-disclosure

As you can see, the riddles of the history of ancient civilizations will long remain without intelligible answers. But the interest caused by them is so great that it forces scientists to approach these issues more systematically. Archeology is a science that, due to its specific nature, is called upon to discover an unknown or long forgotten. But there is forbidden archeology, the results of which are not disclosed. This is explained by the unpreparedness of the inhabitants of the planet to comprehend and accept them. Many scientific news are in conflict with generally accepted concepts, and therefore remain for the public as "riddles of history and archeology." Ancient civilizations under the pressure of scientists, and first of all archaeologists, with a creak open their secrets. So, huge skeletons found in 2013 in Ecuador (six units from 213 to 243 cm in height) were sent to Germany for thorough analysis.

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