EducationThe science

Scientific knowledge and its features

From the very moment of his birth, a person seeks to know the world. He does it in various ways. One of the surest ways to make what is happening in the world understandable and open is scientific cognition. Let's talk about how it differs, for example, from unscientific knowledge.

The very first feature that scientific knowledge has is its objectivity. A person committed to scientific views understands that everything in the world develops regardless of whether we like it or not. Private opinions and authorities can not do anything about this. And it's wonderful, because it's impossible to imagine a different situation. The world would simply be in chaos and could hardly exist.

Another difference of scientific knowledge is the direction of its results in the future. Not always scientific discoveries give immediate results. Many of them are subject to doubt and persecution from individuals who do not want to recognize the objectivity of the phenomena. It takes a tremendous amount of time until the true scientific discovery is recognized as fulfilled. Do not go for examples. Suffice it to recall the fate of the discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo Galileo concerning the bodies of the solar Galaxy.

Scientific and unscientific knowledge has always been in the confrontation and this has determined yet another feature of scientific knowledge. It necessarily goes through such stages as observation, classification, description, experiment and explanation of the natural phenomena under study. Other types of these stages are not inherent at all or they are present in them separately.

Scientific knowledge and scientific knowledge have two levels: empirical and theoretical. Empirical scientific knowledge consists in the study of facts and laws established through the generalization and systematization of the results obtained through observations and experiments. Empirically, for example, Charles's law on the dependence of the gas pressure and its temperature, Gay-Lussac's law on the dependence of the volume of a gas and its temperature, Ohm's law on the dependence of the current on its voltage and resistance is found.

And theoretical scientific knowledge more abstractly considers natural phenomena, because it deals with objects, which under ordinary conditions can not be observed and studied. In this way were discovered: the law of universal gravitation, the transformation of one type of energy into another and its conservation. This is how electronic and genetic engineering develops . This kind of knowledge is based on building in close connection with each other the principles, concepts, theoretical schemes and logical consequences arising from the initial statements.

Scientific knowledge and scientific knowledge are extracted in the course of observations and experiments. The experiment differs from observation in that the scientist can isolate the studied object from external influences, surrounding it with special, artificially created conditions. An experiment can exist in a mental form. This happens when it is impossible to study the object because of the high cost and complexity of the required equipment. Here, scientific modeling is used, the creative imagination of the scientist is put into motion, which puts forward hypotheses.

Scientific and unscientific knowledge always strides alongside. And although they, more often than not, are in confrontation, it must be said that the first is impossible without the second. One can not imagine modern science without a curious people's mind, who invented myths, studied phenomena in the course of life practice, left our generation with an invaluable treasury of folk wisdom, which contains common sense that helps us to be guided in life. A great role in the knowledge of the world is assigned to art objects. How diverse life is, so are the ways of knowing its laws.

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