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Rites for Protection for Marriage: Feedback, Traditions

Many girls of different ages suffer and suffer from their loneliness, come up with all sorts of ways to get rid of this scourge, visit those who have courses, who are fortunetellers, but no good. But in fact, a very effective method of solving problems has long been known. They refer to the "rites for the Protection for Marriage." It's not just magic. This is a ritual, worked out and confirmed by many generations of our relatives. Why should I renounce it? You just need to understand what to do and how it will work. Let's understand.

A little about the holiday itself

This date, as they say in Orthodoxy, is not passing. Celebrated on the Fourteenth of October. For girls and widows, the day is a landmark, very important. The rituals for the Protection for marriage were passed from mouth to mouth. The old women could whisper that girl, the time of which has come that the groom is not all, if the mother for some reason did not hurry to "enlighten her". Caring for the happiness of our neighbor was always considered a natural matter in Russia. And the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is exactly the date when any "good" desire can be imagined. According to the legend, she herself appeared on that day. And she promised the believers to intercede for them before the Lord, to tell him about their requests and burdens. Therefore, the rites of the Protection for marriage in the church are so popular. Believers know that the Mother of God on this day is particularly sensitive to people listening.

Ancient rite in the church

Those who wish to conduct their own rituals for the Protection for marriage, it is necessary to carefully read the recommendations, given the nuances. So, on that day, the girl needed to go to the morning service. Only there is a very important point. It was necessary to go early. It was believed that happiness will come to one that is not lazy, gets up at dawn, does not luxuriate in feather beds until noon. As a rule, the girl had to defend the entire service. This and now it is necessary to do. And then modern women will jump into the Temple for a minute, put a candle and run about their business. So you will not be happy with yourself. You need to come to the very beginning, and leave when the service is over. To put a candle at the Icon of the Virgin. And while the festive ceremony lasts, it is necessary to make a three-time conspiracy to pronounce (about oneself). He is this: "On the Pokrov I beg my happiness, health and happiness to cover my little head with happiness! So be it! Amen! "Rituals for marriage, not only in the Temple held. But the guides said that it was necessary to go to the service in the morning so that the Intercessor could ask for help.

Ritual with water

And those who do not believe in the Lord, that it is impossible to conduct ceremonies for marriage to marry? Of course you can. Just in those days, when they came up, they did not know about atheists in the people. Traditions were different. Do not want to go to the Temple - you do not need to. Go to the zoo to the lake or river. There, draw a little water. Previously, girls were required to make a trip with a wooden bucket . So you follow this recipe. Nowadays there are no problems with wooden containers. You can find. And when you bring home your "catch", then say such words to him: "Cover the earth covered, joyfully endowed. And give me a husband, so that the heart does not become cold. Let the young man come, but let him. Yes, not simple, but rich - and money, and soul. Amen! "How to pronounce this phrase three times, so pour from the bucket straight from head to toe. Remove the clothes, let it get wet. It must be preserved without erasing. As the matchmakers will come (get acquainted with the gentleman), so again you will dress at least for a few minutes. Such an unbeliever is recommended marriage ceremony. Reviews about it are diverse, but mostly positive. Many people say that this autumn shower is very invigorating. Others like what happens next. Namely, the process of personal life.

Rituals for the Protection for the Widow's Marriage

But for those who have already been married, other rituals are provided. Nobody says that the second time you can not get a husband. It's just not worthless to observe the girl's traditions, you need to invent your own. People who performed rituals for the Protection of Marriage for their families, leave feedback for the "followers" willingly. From their content it becomes clear which is more effective than others. Here ladies advise those who want to learn happiness again, do not disdain a rite with a wedding ring. After all, the widow has left her first husband. If the memories of him are good, then with the help of a ringlet you can try to attract such a man into your life. It is not recommended to spend it to those ladies whose past does not cause pleasant emotions and analogies. And further. The same ritual can be done to the girls who liked the ring presented by the guy. But with another decoration, bought by yourself or received from relatives, nothing will come of it. Remember. The ring should be connected with the man you are dreaming about. Although anything can happen.

Rite with a ring

Conduct it in the first moments on October 14. Prepare a glass of spring water and a ring. The ritual should be done secretly so that no one jinx it. Yes, and do not talk about it. So it will be more true. At midnight, the ring is lowered into the water. You need to say this: "I throw the ring into the water. The widow's heart is languishing. Give me the fate of my husband such that happiness between us blossoms, so that my grief is forgotten. Let the betrothed come soon, lead me by the crown. It is said to come true, the witness is the waterer! Amen! "Do not take out the ring, but tilt the glass directly on your head with the last words of the plot. Then quickly find the jewelry and put on your finger. With him spend the whole holiday. In the evening, take off and put it away. You can wear it again, as you get married.

Rite of Marriage

More veduny recommended that the girls eat honey in the morning. And for this, he is being talked about at Pokrov. Here's how to do it. Take a jar of sweet food with you to the Church. At once, as you will return, stir it with a silver spoon and say: "Sweet honey and fragrant. Everyone tastes good. So I am the Lord slave (name) any my dear (name if he already is). I eat honey and ask for a sweet life, a happy life, a marriage soon. Let the darling come, the matter will be fulfilled, the family will last, the child will be born! Let our life be sweet, like this honey. Amen! "You must eat a snack every morning, with the same spoon. And with friends, just unsettled, you can share. Bridegroom at all enough!

Ritual for a specific "candidate"

In the Pokrov you can not only call unknown grooms. It is possible and quite real to push slightly to resoluteness. What else is a weak girl, if he "brakes" himself? To do this on this holiday, you need to buy a new broom and scoop. They determine in the hall until evening. And how everyone will fall asleep, but before midnight, sweep the whole apartment from the windows to the front doors, saying: "I entice, I draw the Lord a slave (name) into my chambers. So as not to stand, I did not break my head, but fled from my court to mine, so that happiness carried with me. To make the wedding, he wanted the children to become brave and able. That life was friendly, the Lord needed. Fortunately for the rich, everyone around is happy. Amen! "Attributes (scoop and broom) place in a secret place. They can not be touched until the wedding. And then take care, do not use. They will be the mascot of your family.

Ritual with a tree

Many girls like rituals that are held in nature. This day is also recommended to take a walk. And take with you specially for magical actions bought scarlet scarf (kerchief). You need to go straight to the tree, which should be chosen in advance. Most often, girls looked after themselves a birch tree. Its trunk is tied with a scarf with the following words: "In the forest, every beast has a pair. Every bird has a nest. So I need a girl (name). Let the dear friend come to the doorstep. Let him love him, he will shower him, he will give me joy and let him lead me by the crown! Amen! "Now you need to treat other people with the fruits of your labor. That is, the girls were supposed to cook pies, for example, and give them to those who pass by the yard. The day for this is suitable, festive. So now it is recommended to do it. If you want to simplify, then buy a treat in the store. Although to attract happiness is better not to be lazy and do the cooking.

How to conduct rituals?

It is important not only and not so much to observe the "order" of the operations, the words are correct to say, and tune in the appropriate way. This means that the Mother of God will help the girl faster than she does not put forward demands, but rather hopes for a miracle. The one that lovingly looks at the world, has kindness. Do you remember the tale of "Frosty"? There's not all is fiction. A lot of folk legends have been taken. Therefore, before the ritual, you must necessarily be optimistic. Everything necessarily comes from someone who believes in success. And if you begin to do and criticize yourself and the ritual mentally, then do not expect neither the bridegroom nor happiness. As you think, so it will! Remember this.

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