Arts & Entertainment, Films
Refined Charlize Theron - biography and creative achievements
Few will turn around indifferently when they see this beauty on the screen of their TV. Actress Charlize Theron, whose biography is worthy of attention not only to her fans, achieved her success by hard work. Her dreams were far from the career of a Hollywood star. She always wanted to become a ballerina, but a serious injury did not allow dreams to come true. For a long time the girl worked as a model. And soon the world has found another great actress.
The first years of her life, Charlize spent on a parent farm, not far from Johannesburg. Communication with farm workers, who came from local tribes, enabled the girl to acquire 26 local African dialects. Communication with wildlife since childhood has influenced the fact that later Charlize Theron became an active advocate of animal rights.
The presence of German, Dutch and French roots has provided the actress with such an attractive appearance. The owner of the refined beauty Charlize Theron, a biography (personal life, in particular) which does not leave her fans, representatives of the strong half of humanity in peace, always was surrounded by men's attention. At the moment, the actress is lonely, but this does not mean that Charlize is striving for this state of affairs. The famous phrase: "Loneliness does not give anything good. Count on something else "- is the best confirmation of that.
Still, the actress is happy, because she has an adopted daughter, adopted in 2012, which helps to raise the mother of Charlize Theron. The biography of this woman contains many facts from her life that cause respect. And if you take into account, with what perseverance she invariably achieves the goals set for herself, then she has no equal among other famous actresses.
The first success was brought to her by the movie "Monster". For the role in this film, for which Charlize scored 10 kilograms and unrecognizably disfigured her face, she was awarded the Oscar and was awarded the Golden Globe Award. This allowed her to get into the top ten most highly paid movie stars. Proof of the stunning beauty of Charlize Theron - photo. Her biography contains information that she was included among the most attractive women in the world.
Among the last significant roles in her cinematic career, one can mention works in the films "The Northern Country" (the picture was nominated for Oscar), Hancock with Will Smith, Poor Poor Girl. And Charlize Theron with the same success succeeds in the role of both serious and lighter, comic character. In addition to her acting career, the actress devotes much time to charitable work.
It's hard to believe, looking at the chiseled features of the famous actress, that she is almost forty years old. Close friends of Charlize Theron, whose biography they are well-known for, note in her a rare combination of mind, beauty and talent. Undoubtedly, these same qualities helped raise Charlize Theron to the top of her success.
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