Education, Colleges and Universities
North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosov (NEFU): address, faculties, branches
A diversified university with the widest possibilities - the North-Eastern Federal University - trains 16 181 students (according to the statistics of 2015) at a time, perfectly conducting educational and research work. He proudly bears the name of Maxim Ammosov, who played a fundamental role in the formation of Yakutia as an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
About the university
The North-Eastern Federal University was established in August 1956, and in 2010 it became unifying in the region, that is, the federal one. Now students of Siberia and the North of the Far East come to Yakutsk. FGAOU VOFU is located at: Russia, Sakha Republic, Yakutsk, Belinsky Street, 58. Index: 677000.
This is one of the ten federal universities of the country, focused on solving geopolitical problems. It is able to meet the staffing needs of the largest investment interregional projects. Prior to the official approval in April 2010, it was the Yakutsk State University named after MK Ammosov with already a seventy-five-year history. Now NEFU positions itself as a center for integrating education, production and science. He is called upon to train highly qualified specialists who will support the growing economy of the entire Far East and Yakutia in particular.
In the teaching staff of the North-Eastern Federal University, a remarkable team has gathered in its walls: 1360 main employees (with part-time workers - 1592), including 191 doctors of sciences and 873 candidates. They carry knowledge to students of six research institutes, which are in the structure of the university, thirteen institutes, five faculties and three branches located in Mirny (Polytechnic Institute), Neryungri (Technical Institute) and Anadyr.
In addition, the structure of the university includes the structures of pre-university education - two colleges and one lyceum, where professors and researchers prepare a worthy change for their graduates. NEFU them. Ammosov is loyal to the code of corporate culture, which was developed within the collective, and therefore the whole life of both employees and students is aimed at integrating corporate thinking, convergence of views on the tasks and plans of the home university.
North-Eastern Federal University has a very modern scientific and educational complex with a developed infrastructure, the quality of equipment allows work on applied and fundamental research. Here there are forty educational and laboratory buildings, the Nokhtuy polygon, a cultural center, an athletics arena, a swimming pool, a ski base. The food factory of the university has its own network and takes great care to ensure that students receive the calories needed for active study on time and in full.
NEFU (Yakutsk) is very well equipped with everything necessary, but the students of the hostel are especially pleased. The buildings are modern, comfortable, only 88,340 square meters of student living space, which is equipped according to all today's requirements. Nonresident students and foreigners studying at NEFU (Yakutsk) live in comfort and are glad that the campus is located not far from the academic buildings. Every month, one hundred students relax and are treated at a university dispensary. The republican intercollegiate library is the center of all libraries of universities and NMCs with funds of 1,373,773 units of storage, and this is rightfully proud of the city of Yakutsk.
The international cooperation
This is one of the main aspects of the university's activities, which has dozens of partner universities, and also the cooperation with colleges, research centers around the world. The geopolitical position of the university is unique, here priorities of interactions are determined primarily with the countries of the Arctic and Asia-Pacific regions. Among the universities of Japan, Korea, USA, China, Finland, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, Iceland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, as well as the whole CIS, cooperating with NEFU universities.
Cooperation is very fruitful. Here is one of many examples: the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North hosted a presentation of the International Center for Molecular Paleontology. The use of the Center is collective, any research team cooperating with the NEFU from anywhere in the world can bring to its scientific research the entire arsenal of laboratory and office areas, book depositories, the latest equipment with unique technologies. Already, active mammoth cells are actively being searched for here, they are studying the DNA of ancient animals. For this purpose, the only mammoth museum in the world has been created within the university, named after PA Lazarev, an outstanding pioneer in studying the mammoth fauna and propagandist of scientific knowledge in paleontology.
Innovative belt
The tasks of modernizing the infrastructure were solved through the creation of a high-tech campus at the university, to which the whole city of Yakutsk joined in almost the entire composition and not only it - scientific centers and laboratories, a business incubator for students, the Arctic Innovation Center, the Intellectual Property Centers and its commercialization Objects, Scientific and educational - "Nanotechnologies", polygons and small innovative enterprises, as well as much, much more.
Thus, a chain is formed: from fundamental research and applied research and development to technological work, then through serial production to production. The challenge of the global peace was adopted: NEFU them. Ammosov became the center of ethnocultural, socio-humanitarian, historical studies, a polygon was created here for the development and testing of new practices that ensure not only the preservation but also the development of diverse cultures of the peoples of the North-Eastern region and all circumpolar territories. Here knowledge is generated and innovative technologies of world standards are introduced.
Learning and not only
Science and education at the university are integrated, sixteen scientific schools, more than ninety educational and scientific centers, as well as scientific and technological centers are formed and operate here, scientific laboratories equipped with the newest equipment for analysis and expensive unique facilities are functioning. Education in NEFU is realized by groups of specialties and directions, only twenty one groups, fourteen fourteen major educational programs and two to twenty-eight directions of secondary professional and higher education.
In addition to studying, students are willingly engaged in social activities. Student self-government, the trade union, the Student Council at the University Academic Council function, the rector has Councils for creative development and coordination. Working teachers over seventy have considerable experience, authority in the republic and recognition among colleagues, and therefore they are united in the Council of Mentors, which helps the formation of educational and scientific activity of students and young teachers.
Mining Institute and Institute of Natural Sciences
The Mining Institute was established in 1956 as a part of the Engineering and Technical Faculty, since Yakutia has always been one of the largest mining regions in the country. And for sixty years there have been training mountain engineers who help the development of this industry in the North-East of Russia. Both the present and the future are closely connected with the mining industry and the processing of minerals. Yakutia is the world's first diamond supplier, the largest producer of mica, gold, coal and tin. Subsequent graduates of the university will find themselves in the development of new deposits not only of diamonds, but also the richest apatite and iron ores, facing and building materials, and numerous other reserves of the Yakut subsoil.
The Institute of Natural Sciences is the successor of the Faculty of Biology and Geography, at the moment it is a center in the system of higher education and postgraduate professional in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology, geography and pedagogy in the North-East of Russia. In addition to educational, the most modern research, educational and socio-cultural activities are carried out here, since a unified innovation and information and communication environment has been created, where education, science, practice and production are components.
Philologists and psychologists
The institute of foreign philology and regional studies within the walls of the NEFU has something to be proud of, because its graduates - bachelors, masters and scientists - are absolutely competent in the field of linguistics, philology and foreign regional studies. They are capable of effective activity in the field of pedagogy, teaching, translation, information analysis, philology. They strive for self-education and realize their talents in fundamental and applied directions in English, Russian, German, French, Japanese, Chinese and Korean, they always represent our country's interests on an international level with dignity.
The Institute of Psychology appeared in 2010 on the basis of the faculty present at the university since 1996 at the request of the new time, when in all fields of activity psychological knowledge was needed. In today's conditions of informatization, globalization, stressful situations, deviations and addictions, psychologists are particularly in demand in the society. Here a two-level system of training - bachelor's and master's degrees. Also in the Institute there are the Educational and Methodological Center and the Center for Practical Psychology. There is also a system of advanced training and retraining of teachers, psychologists, social workers and clinical psychologists, where the assistance is provided to both students and employees, and the population of Yakutsk.
Physicotechnical Institute
This institute with the oldest staff of the university, with the sources of 1934, when the first university of Yakutia opened - the Pedagogical Institute with the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 2000 he passed under the auspices of the Yakut State University.
Today it is one of the largest units in the NEFU - the faculties and institutes of the university rarely have more than a thousand students. Here they are trained in ten departments, where there are eight classes equipped with modern computers, an experimental range, sixty educational and scientific laboratories. The Institute of Physics and Technology conducts training in eight areas.
Selection committee
The NEFU starts receiving applications usually in the twentieth of June in the building of technical faculties. The admission committee works on weekdays from nine in the morning to seventeen with a break from thirteen to fourteen hours. You can call by phones: 8 (4112) 32-19-16 and 8 (4112) 35-21-21. Welcome to NEFU!
Passing points
Under the Bachelor's and Specialties programs, when passing to the university for full-time education, passing scores are established according to the results of the USE. Exceptions in the competition for admission to budget places - target reception and persons with special rights. For example, the road department requires 181 points from the applicant for the competition, and the geological survey - 209. Jurisprudence - 210 points, and the world economy at the Financial and Economic Institute - no less than 300. But every year the number of passing points varies, depending on many factors : Competition, quantity and quality of entrants, as well as on the number of budget places.
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