
Medication "Herbion". Instructions for use

Herbion, the instruction for its use indicates that it is an expectorant, also has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, contributing to a decrease in viscosity and a better release of sputum from the bronchi.

The drug "Herbion". Instructions for use. Appointment

The drug helps in case of inflammation of the respiratory system, complicated by difficultly separated sputum. Prescribe a drug "Gerbion" from a dry cough (the instruction on the application confirms this information). In particular, a remedy for tracheobronchitis, bronchitis and tracheitis is recommended.

The drug "Herbion". Instructions for use. Contraindications

It is not recommended for children who have undergone acute laryngitis of obstructive type. Do not give this drug to babies until two years. The medicine "Gerbion" (syrup), the instruction for use warns about this, it is not prescribed for diabetes (sugar), for bronchial asthma and for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Contraindications include fructose intolerance of hereditary type, malabsorption syndrome. It is not recommended to carry out treatment during pregnancy or lactation due to insufficient knowledge of the safety of the drug.

The drug "Herbion". Instructions for use. Side effect

When using this drug is likely the manifestation of allergic reactions. In some cases, nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting is possible. If these and other negative consequences appear, stop treatment and visit a doctor.

Dosing regimen

Medication "Gerbion" is recommended for adults to take three spoons three to four times a day. Patients from two to five years - half the spoon three times, from five to fourteen years - 1 spoonful three times, from fourteen years - two spoons three times, four times a day. The duration of treatment is two to three weeks. An increase in the duration of admission or repeated courses is allowed after consultation with a doctor.

additional information
In practice, cases of drug poisoning are not described. Overdose theoretically increases the intensity of adverse events, gastrointestinal disorders are likely, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. Therapy is prescribed according to the symptoms. The medication does not affect the ability of patients to concentrate and manage transport. In this regard, it can be assigned to people of any profession. Do not use the medication "Herbion" at the same time as antitussive drugs that reduce the production of sputum. This can provoke difficulty in removing mucus from the bronchi. The product has a specific odor and has a brown color. During storage, a slight change in shade, a small precipitate or an odor reduction is likely. These deviations from the standard are not clinically important and do not affect the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug. When the appointment should be taken into account the presence of sucrose. The medicine should be stored away from children, in a dark and cool place. After the expiration date the medicine should not be used. It is better to take the remedy on the recommendation of a specialist.

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