Computers, Computer games
Interesting facts about GTA: the police
Why did the GTA series of games become one of the most popular and successful in the world? The thing is that there is a fairly large open world in which you can do whatever you want. But at the same time, you do not have to miss exactly, because the developers thought out a lot of different interesting and fascinating aspects, such as basic and side missions, various transport that you can test, disassembly with passers-by and much more. However, one of the most interesting aspects of the game is still the police, as well as your interaction with it. In this article, you will learn all the details about the servants of the law on the example of one of the most successful episodes - "San Andreas". What is the police in the games of the GTA series?
Guardians of order in GTA
Your character is a resident of San Andreas. Here everything goes on as usual. That's why all residents need to constantly monitor, and first of all - for you. Of course, this is a slight exaggeration, because the police treat you the same way as other people in this city of GTA. The police keep order, and you can meet various manifestations of this - in the service there are always foot policemen, whom you can see on the streets of the city. Also constantly on the roads wheels of police cars, and sometimes even motorcycles. In principle, these are the main options that can be seen in times of peace, but this does not mean that you will not be detained if you seriously violate the law.
Please note that in the GTA the police are monitoring not only you, but also other citizens, and if one person attacks another, the police will necessarily intervene if he sees how the crime was committed. Also, servants of the law are very disliked if their car is hurt, and they often arrest unlucky drivers.
Number of stars
In the GTA, police arrest all violators of the law, but you perfectly understand that you have to bring everything to the extreme, whether it's the goal of the mission or just a whim. Therefore, it is worth considering what your actions will lead to what consequences. So, if you committed a crime in front of the police - attacked a person, stole a car or crashed into a cop car patrol, a star of persecution appears. It is in these stars that you measure how much you violated the law. If you have only one star, then you will be pursued, but not very annoying and not so many policemen. If you continue violations or you kill a policeman, you will get a second star - now you will be pursued more actively and in large numbers.
Three stars - this is serious, because the police will appear randomly next to your hero, and in the air after you pursue a helicopter with a machine gun. If you managed to bring all up to four stars, then it will not be easy, because now helicopters will begin to descend commandos - they will chase you on armored cars. Ordinary police will arrange checkpoints on the roads, and in the air you are already prepared to catch interceptors.
The fifth star leads to the fact that representatives of special services are beginning to hunt after you - serious guys in black suits and sunglasses, armed with pistols-machine guns. Well, the sixth star is already a state of emergency, since soldiers are being lowered to you with machine guns, as well as tanks, and real barriers are being installed on the roads using army trucks. As you can see, in the GTA, the Miami police would be inferior in all respects to what the security forces are doing in San Andreas.
The easy way to get rid of the pursuit stars
In the GTA, the Miami police would chase you to the very end, but still it's a game, so there is an opportunity to get rid of the custody order. The simplest method is not to bring the situation to a critical level, since if you only have one or two stars, you can hide in some gateway and wait - after a while the stars will disappear. It is also worthwhile to learn the location of special bribe stars, which allow you to shoot one star of pursuit. In GTA: San Andreas, the police do not really aspire to catch you until you bring the situation to a critical one, so you can solve your problem quite easily.
other methods
Naturally, the game has other ways to get rid of the tail. If you are by car, you can stop by the workshop and repaint your car - it removes all the stars of pursuit. Actually, like dressing up in different clothes. There are also several options for getting rid of the police with the help of conservation, for example, you can simply just stay at home, and this will save you at once from all the stars. But you can not use this function in the course of the mission, so you will have to complete the passage - it also removes all the stars.
Codes for the police
Another way to get rid of the persecution in GTA: San Andreas - codes. The police will stop persecuting you if you enter the cheat TURNDOWNTHEHEAT. And if you use the code AEZAKMI, then you will never be able to catch.
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