Technologies, Connectivity
IMTCPay: How to disable "easy payment"?
It happens that the once chosen tariff, proposed by MTS, does not completely satisfy the requests, and then you have to change it to another one. Some clients eventually ask themselves the question: "How do I disable iMTCPay?", Which for some reason does not match their requests.
Convenient rate
From the "easy payment" service, users expected a lot of convenient functions. But in fact not all MTS customers will be able to answer the question: "What is SMS iMTCPay?" This service provides busy people with the opportunity to pay for various services via mobile communication, including utility bills, payment for a made purchase in a shopping center or on the Internet, bills MTS, various other payment.
The financial infusion is due to replenishment of the telephone balance, but due to the existing bank card it is possible to solve the issue of payment.
Which is convenient - the financial procedure does not take much time, since the service is open for use at any time of the day, there are no breaks here as well as the days off. A part of the payments do not have a commission or it is less than in any bank or payment terminal. It is possible to create payment templates.
This service also has compatibility with a huge number of different phones, flexible settings.
Possibilities of use
This service became available thanks to:
- A special mobile application;
- Ussd-commands. Dial enough code 115. This portal is considered the most universal in terms of access to "easy payment";
- A special web-portal.
To make payments from your personal account, you can use one of these methods, but if it is a bank card, it can only be done through a mobile application.
Regardless of the way in which the function is used, a message is sent to the phone before requesting payment to confirm the financial transaction, where all the payment parameters and the commission for services are indicated. In response, the client sends a message in which the operation is acknowledged or rejected.
If a bank card is involved, from the mobile application to the bank comes information that iMTCPay payment is necessary. This automatically includes the card number and payment amount.
Is the protection reliable?
Access to this mobile application is password protected. It should be known only to the user who switched to the "easy payment" tariff, therefore the formation of any request by third-party people should be completely eliminated. When the money is written off, the iMTCPay payment is completed, the transaction is completed, an SMS message is required, from which it is clear that the payment was made, and if the commission was withheld, its amount is also disclosed.
Security was promised thanks to a closed password and automatic verification of the service, which is able to find out whether the addressee and the specified payment are in compliance. All this is done to avoid any kind of fraud so that the recipient of the payment transaction does not change.
This mobile system has received a certificate that legally conforms to banking standards - PCI DSS, and therefore make equal security rights for various types of payments that are made from bank cards.
Limitations in spending
If the client of the MTS company uses a bank card, the requests are charged - to manage the service, reports, messages, etc.
Limitations the tariff has, and quite tough. For example, you can pay a personal account up to a certain amount, and financial transactions per day should not exceed 15 thousand rubles, and a week - not more than 50 thousand rubles.
If a bank card is involved in payments, not for all banks, it is valid, including holders of corporate cards can not use the service to make expenditures on the production part, and within a day, no more than seven operations can be conducted.
If the next payment can not be made due to the fact that there is not enough money on the account, there is an option yet to make the payment, but the money will be withdrawn from the bank card. Here, the mobile application comes to the rescue.
Personal Area
The personal cabinet will help you to find out all the information about how bank cards were used in the "easy payment" service, check the payments made, clarify whether tariffs were changed. After the program is started, all the terms of the contract are accepted, a password is set, access to all programs is opened after updating the necessary parameters.
How do I disable iMTCPay?
Not all users were satisfied with the operation of this service, although it was conceived as a very profitable and simple function, which in many cases facilitates life and significantly saves time.
Someone did not agree to overpay for the services provided by the service, or the commission fee seemed more than we would like, someone got conflicting and conflicting situations with the service representative.
If the question still arose: "How to disable iMTCPay" Easy payment "?", There are several options how it can be done.
Change Password
But before the operators, if the user hesitates, whether to refuse the service, they can advise changing the password. To do this, you should use the previously configured "personal cabinet" function and change the access code. In this case, the updated menu is loaded, the list of available payments is displayed and the number of payments that are already in the history is set.
You can recover the password here. If it was forgotten, then this problem will be more difficult to solve, since for security all applications - bank cards that are connected are deleted. All have to reconnect.
If there is a refusal from the tariff, there should be a message about the successful cancellation of the package.
The danger posed by scammers
But if before that a significant amount of money was lost from the account, and it is impossible to determine how this happened, we will have to seek a return. Sometimes this happens because of scammers who contrived to make a so-called clone of a sim card, and the write-off continues.
If such suspicions arise, the operators advise not to respond to SMS messages sent from unknown numbers, not to answer those calls whose subscribers are unknown. It is not recommended to send messages from your phone when newsletters arrive or unknown subscribers request help from someone by transferring some amount to an unknown number. As statistics show, in most cases such actions are dealt with by fraudsters, because in the future the subscriber will be forced to lose significant amounts, and not understanding where they disappear from the accounts.
Even if it's very interesting to find out what kind of sms iMTCPay is received, it's better to keep curiosity, and "easy payment" is faster to disable.
The fight for a refund
Codes via SMS messages are also not recommended if you stole iMTCPay money, and what to do is unclear. Most likely, you will have to contact the nearest service center of the operator with a written application, which will set out a requirement to stop the tariff. It is necessary to have a passport and a copy with you.
If fraudsters are guilty of withdrawing money, they will have to turn to law enforcement agencies so that they help resolve the conflict situation, return the stolen money and punish the criminals. Again, you need to bring documents that prove your identity.
Disable short number
Disable the service is the ability through an existing smartphone running on the Android or iOS platform.
There is a way to suspend the service "easy payment" with the help of a short number. To learn how to disable iMTCPay, 6996 is the number you need to call and follow the instructions. This number is used during the tariff action, when a request is required, which will confirm any payment made. This function during the action of the tariff is paid, and its cost depends on the region where the subscriber is located.
In order for the transaction to be carried out, a message should be sent to this number. The text can be of any content. In order for the message to be erased, it is enough to enter the sign "0". All messages are processed, and the sender is eventually notified accordingly.
If there is a desire to disconnect from the tariff, after typing a short number, it is pressed on the keyboard "0" and then it is required to perform all actions according to the instructions. After the tariff has become invalid, the short number automatically stops working.
Special trip codes
The short number is included in the services of the standard "easy payment" service and is connected to many tariffs that are available from MTS, by default. The subscription fee does not have a short number, payment is included when it is required to pay something. For each payment will be a percentage, which is laid in different organizations individually.
There is no special code for disabling the "6996" service from MTS, but if it is not needed, it is possible to contact the operator or go to the service center, with a passport, and ask the employee to turn off the service. By phone, you can contact the operator by dialing the number "0890", then following the instructions of the autoinformer, to get in touch with the employee of the company, you must press the number "0".
Service center
As users advise, for faster resolution of issues related to services provided by telephone companies, it is better to seek help from service centers. Service there is good, you can get answers from specialists on all the questions of interest.
The interactive menu will also come to the rescue. To do this, dial the usual combination "* 111 * 1 #", and through the voice menu all the operator's prompts are executed.
If you need to disconnect, while the user is in roaming, you can use the phone number - + 7-495-766-01-66. This number is dialed in an international format, after the connection it will be necessary to listen carefully, and consistently follow the instructions.
Disconnection with the help of "personal cabinet"
In the "personal cabinet" the problem is how to disable iMTCPay, it will be solved almost instantly, but you will need the password and login you entered earlier.
It is the phone number is the login, and the password can be ordered. To do this, there is a specific link, you can get it through a special SMS message.
If there is a tablet, in case you need to figure out how to disable iMTCPay on MTS, or it's a MTS-modem modem, you can enter automatically into the "personal cabinet". When there was an authorization, then entering the "personal cabinet", it is disabled, but it is also possible to untie the bank card.
There is another short number - 7763. If the transaction and payment is done, how to disable iMTCPay is still not clear, then it is enough to cancel the options, and this number ceases to function. If all the same messages continue to arrive, you need to use a service such as "banning content." You can connect it using the "personal cabinet" or by using the following combination - "* 152 * 2 #". When the tariff cutoff comes into effect, both paid and free subscriptions that have been made from short numbers will disappear.
In the MTS service department, any operator of the center knows how to disable iMTCPay, and so he can deactivate the service as quickly as possible.
Authorization on the site
The official site will also help to refuse the "easy payment" service. To do this, you need to log in to Some users who have not previously visited this site can also take advantage of its capabilities. To do this, you need to enter your own mobile phone number, and with the help of an SMS message, you will be asked to send a password for further action.
If manipulations are performed on a tablet or modem from the MTS, the input will be made automatically. No credentials are needed.
In the section where services are displayed, there is an easy payment panel. Here you need to run the "disconnect" command, and here, or rather, in your personal profile, the bank card is unfastened.
The "easy payment" service was to become a universal service. Initially, it was a micro-code placed in a special SIM card where the mtcpay service was contained and the transaction was carried out only when the SIM card was changed to a special one. But only after a time was introduced directly the service itself, which could be implemented immediately from the phone or from the site. Conveniently or not - only users of this service can solve.
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