Health, Medicine
How to treat conjunctivitis
One of the most common eye diseases, it is conjunctivitis. The essence of this disease consists in inflammation of the outer shell, which covers the eyeball and a small inner part of the eyelid. The main symptoms include reddening of the eyes, there is a feeling that there is sand in them, they begin to water, and can even get stung. Therefore, it is desirable to treat conjunctivitis when the first unpleasant sensations are manifested.
Since this disease can be contagious, the sick must necessarily observe hygiene. For example, wash your hands with antibacterial soap and use your own towel. It is not recommended to wash with running water, because the chlorine contained in it may not have the best effect on the course of the disease, it is better to use boiled for this purpose. If you rub your eyes, then unilateral conjunctivitis can spread to both sides.
In order to treat conjunctivitis, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the proposed drugs, doses and methods of treatment. There are cases when burning in the eye is too strong, it is possible to relieve this symptom with the help of instillation of the albucid for the lower eyelid or a weak solution of levomycetin. This procedure is performed every three hours, with a preventive goal, you can repeat it for a healthy eye.
Conventionally, allergic, viral and bacterial types of the disease are distinguished, respectively, they are caused by various factors and it is necessary to treat conjunctivitis in different ways. To determine what caused the disease, an ophthalmologist will help, who will prescribe the appropriate drugs. With proper treatment, the disease will be after 4 days, and in chronic forms within a month.
Allergic conjunctivitis appears, most often, against the background of the general reaction of the body to the stimulus or when using decorative cosmetics containing an allergen. It is characterized by swelling and redness of both eyes. In addition to drugs, it is important to avoid any contact with the substance that causes allergies. If it is a flower pollen, then it is better to cut to the minimum outlets on the street and in those places where it can meet.
The bacterial appearance of the disease is caused by microorganisms such as staphylococci or streptococci. In addition to other symptoms, a small amount of pus may appear here, especially at night. In order to treat conjunctivitis of such a plan, in addition to the main course of drugs, it is recommended to wash the eyes with infusion of chamomile.
Viral conjunctivitis occurs, most often, against a background of general acute respiratory viral infection. In this case, the general disease is treated, and the immune system of the body is strengthened. The doctor prescribes antiviral drugs.
If there are suspicions of conjunctivitis, treatment with folk remedies will also help to help. For example, it is recommended to make eye lotions from dill juice. However, this method is only applicable at the initial stage. The duration of this procedure will be about 10-15 minutes.
Another effective way is the following. The crushed laurel leaf (3-4 pieces) is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Cooled broth is washed with an inflamed eye as often as possible, and at night make lotions for 30 minutes.
Another good tool in the fight against this disease is blueberry tea. Dried berries are filled with boiling water and for several minutes are kept on fire. A decoction is taken several times a day. For sweetness, you can add a spoonful of honey. In the bilberry contains substances that promote the improvement of vision and disinfection of the body.
In spite of the fact that the treatment of conjunctivitis with folk remedies, it can be effective, in any case, a doctor's consultation is recommended.
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