Hobby, Needlework
How to make a compass with your own hands?
It happens that it is necessary to know exactly which side is the south, and in which the north. At home, this can be useful when tuning the antenna, and travelers without such knowledge, especially in the wild, can not do. Of course, the easiest way is to use an ordinary compass. And what if he is not at hand? How to make a compass at home and outdoors? It turns out that it's very simple. You do not need special devices - just the handy materials that every home has, or they are easy to get in the woods.
How to make a compass at home
1. In order to make an indispensable attribute of a tourist, you need a needle, a small piece of foam rubber and a mug with water. First you need to take foam rubber, about 3X3 centimeters. We need him to keep the needle on the water and not sink. Foam pierced with a needle in the center and place a simple construction in a mug with water.
2. In order for it to become a true compass, it remains to magnetize one end of the needle. Finding a magnet in an apartment is very simple. It is in the headset that holds the doors of the kitchen cupboard, or in the dynamics of the music center. To demagnetize the needle, just bring one of its tip to the gas burner and hold it for 20 seconds. Thus, the magnetized tip of the needle will show us the north, the demagnetized point will tell where the south is. Put our construction in water again.
3. To understand where the north is, and where the south, stand face up in the direction of the needle. Remember, in which window the sun shines in the morning (it will be east), accordingly, the sun sets in the opposite direction - it's the west. Now stand along the needle in such a way that the east is on the left, and the west is on the right. So you will face to the south, and your back to the north.
How to make a compass in nature
Sometimes in a hike, for example, in a forest, it is important to know the exact direction of the path so as not to get lost. It turns out, to understand where the north, and where the south, is also easy, using improvised means. Consider two options for how to create your compass in extreme conditions.
1. For the first option, you need to find something metallic. Any nail, wire or needle will do. To magnetize our arrow, it is enough to rub it on the hair. Next, the nails must be tied to a string or line and hung on a static surface (for example, a tree branch). It is important that the thread length is not less than 40 centimeters, otherwise the result will be inaccurate. Now the arrow will accurately show the magnetized end to the north. How to determine the remaining directions of the parts of the world, you already know.
2. For the second option, you need a bowl of water. Magnetize one end of the arrow and put it in a bowl, laying on a piece of bark. The arrow always tells you where the north is.
So, now you know how to make a compass in any situation. This procedure does not take much time, even in a modern apartment, even in a dense forest. It is enough to show a little ingenuity, to find suitable materials, to create with your own hands a simple adaptation, and you will always know exactly which direction to move. Now you are not afraid of any troubles in the journey.
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