Technologies, GPS
How to install "CityGid" on "Android" - a useful and functional application
You decided to install the application "CityGid" on your mobile, tablet or computer, but do not know what it is and is it worth it to download at all? Read our article!
Currently, all mobile handheld devices are equipped with a built- in GPS navigation module. It allows you to easily track your location, and also without any problems navigate in a completely unfamiliar city. However, to use it, you should install on your multimedia device an application such as CityGid.
It works in all the latest versions of the Android operating system. And has proved itself as reliable, useful, and most importantly - a fairly functional application. Naturally, the question immediately arises: "How can I install CityGid on Android?" I just want to make a small reservation: it is desirable to purchase a license for this application, then all subsequent updates of the program you will receive free of charge automatically. Also, you will be available a variety of different card options, which you can also download free of charge.
Of course, if you do not want to spend money on buying a license, on the World Wide Web, you can find options with which you can set "CityGid" on "Android" for free. However, then you will have to update the application yourself.
Next, we turn directly to the solution of the question of how to install "CityGid" on "Android." There are two ways to do this.
We use a special installer. If you do not already have this application installed, install from the Play Market, download AppInstaller. Next, connect the phone to the computer and copy to the memory card the installation file "CityGid".
Since the CityGid application is not from the market, it is necessary to check the box ("Settings" - "Applications" - "Unknown sources") to allow installation.
Run the installation program (AppInstaller), find the application "CityGid" and click "Run Setup."
- Initially, you must allow the installation of applications from unverified sources.
- Then you should copy the distribution kit "CityGid" to the memory card.
- Start the browser.
- Enter into the address bar: content: // the name of the installation file. And click "Execute".
- Now it remains only to confirm the installation.
- Then you just need to activate the program. To do this, run CityGuide and enter the license key. Now you can download maps.
Thus, as we can see, there is nothing complicated in settling the question of how to establish "CityGid" on "Android". But now it's not scary to visit any unfamiliar city, because this application will not allow you to get lost, providing the most complete information.
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