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How to build a car in the "Maincraft" and what it is needed for

It's not a secret for anyone that the world of Maynkraft can be huge. It can take days to study it, given the fact that in parallel you need to look for food, build a home and deal with other important issues. Therefore, the time in this game is incredibly important, and the more you have it, the better. So any funds will be good if you want to speed up the process of searching for resources and exploring the territory. And the knowledge of how to build a car in the "Maynkraft", you can really come in handy.

Advantages of rapid exploration

When you go to explore the world in which you play, you are most likely doing it on foot. You still do not know how to build a car in the "Maincrafter", so you do not have the opportunity to quickly drive through the area and study it. But this would give you great advantages. Firstly, it's speed - the distance that you would walk for an hour, you will be able to overcome in just a few minutes. Secondly, you will be protected from mobs, which would immediately attack you if you traveled without third-party items. If you sit in a car, then no attacks will not be scary to you, since you will gain speed, which no mob can compete with. And, of course, the very feeling that you conquered the auto mechanic, created your car and rode around the world - it's unforgettable. And you should definitely know how to build a car in the "Maincrafter", at least in order to feel all the brightness of the moment.

Crafting wheels

So, the creation of a car always needs to start somewhere. And the easiest way to do this is with the wheels, since these are the most unpretentious elements that can be made quite quickly. If you want to learn how to build a car in the "Maincraft", then go for the resources, as you will need them a lot. If we take the wheels for an example, then here two units go as one block, that is to create one car you will need two blocks of wheels. But to consider is a single block to realize what exactly you need and in what quantities. Eight skins - this is the base, without which you can not do. You can get them by killing cows or horses - only this method, more humane in the game has not yet been observed. Place these skins on a workbench in the outer cells, and in the central one you will need to place a metal ingot. It can be made from one of the most basic blocks - metal. After melting the block of metal in the furnace, you will receive ingots, which you will need to use. Moreover, you will need the same materials for the other parts as well, so store this material properly. How to create a car in the "Maincrafter", you will have to study for a long time, because you are ready to have only wheels, but they alone will not go far.

Heart of the car

Each car has its own heart - it's a motor. In the "Maincrafter" the motor for all cars is one, there is not much diversity here. Therefore, you can not think about the fact that the machine in "Maynkraft" can get worse or better - they are all done according to the same principle and according to the same scheme. But now it's about the engine, so go to find resources for it. Here everything is a bit more complicated than in the case of wheels. You will have to acquire two pistons and the same number of torches, but this does not end with the components. You need to have red sand with you, and craft will be done using a stove. Place the torches on the sides of the furnace, the red sand above it, and on the sides of the sand - the pistons. It is this recipe that is used to make the engine. You do not even need to install a mod on your cars in your "Maincraft", as you can build a car with your own hands. By the way, when you have wheels and engine, the most crucial moment comes - the craft of the vehicle itself.

Making a car

The final chord in the creation of the machine is the combination of all the parts that you have produced, as well as adding the necessary elements to them. In addition to the motor and two pairs of wheels, you will need a chest and two metal ingots. You need to arrange all that you have on hand in the following way: in the central cell there must be a motor, to the right of it there is a trunk that will act as a body. Under the engine and to the left of it, put the metal ingots, and in the two lower corners place a pair of wheels. Now, when you click on the craft button, you will have your own vehicle, on which you can quickly explore the territory.

The movements

But in order to explore the surrounding world by car, you need to first learn how to manage it. This is very easy, since the direction buttons are the same as when walking. But only you need to take into account that the car does not go back here, and instead of this direction a brake is used, which by default is assigned to the button shift, so that you can conveniently brak at any desired time.

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