Computers, Computer games
How to become an assassin? The history of the Order of Assassins on AssassinsCreed
Different orders existed at different times. They are told about in many computer games, and somewhere new ones are being invented (some real facts are laid for the basis of greater persuasiveness and interest). Today we will talk about how to become an assassin in the computer game of the same name and tell about the history of the Order of the Assassins.
Who is this?
Everyone knows the fighters for justice. Say, Robin Hood. He robbed the rich and gave money to the poor for the sake of a just life on earth. It was precisely with such goals that the Great Order of the Assassins was asked. How they themselves say about themselves: "We work in darkness, but we serve the light." Nevertheless, these wrestlers speak a little differently than Robin Hood. They argue that everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed.
Recently, the game "Assassin Creed 3," which even more revealed the history of the world of assassins, was released. So, how did the story start? It is based on quite real historical facts. In the Middle Ages, sworn enemies and murderers of the Templars organized the so-called Order of the Assassins, which is also known as the Assassin Brotherhood. While the Templars are trying to gain power, in order to save their people and release it against their will, the Assassins are liberating on their own free will.
In Assassin Creed 3, players learn that both the Templars and Assassins want to achieve the same goal - freedom and justice. True, their methods of struggle and means of achievement are tremendously different. Some do it against their will, others - at will. So if you had a question: "How to become an asasin in real life?", Fight for justice and freedom of people, if they themselves want it. By legal methods, of course. Well, we move on.
Credo and principles
Before thinking about how to become an assassin, you need to learn the principles and credo of this order. "Nothing is true - everything is allowed" - here it is, the main credo of all fighters for justice, including the Brotherhood. Decipher this expression can be so: what you got, you can easily lose, we decide our own destiny. Credo helped protect the Assassins from killing innocent people and preserve the reputation of the Order. In addition, the Brotherhood argued that it is impossible to kill faith - it will live, even if all followers are dead.
Violation of credo was always considered a betrayal. In addition, the Assassins have 3 principles, the violation of which is also considered a "riot on the ship." It:
1. Do not kill innocent people.
2. Hide in front of everyone.
3. Do not substitute the Brotherhood for a blow, no matter what happens.
In addition, to reduce the influence of enemies, it was necessary to take their flag. Assassins sent for them, so that detractors and traitors were afraid of the Brotherhood, because different flags were hung from each faction.
Than the game is successful?
So, you decided to continue working on the question: "How to become an assassin?" To do this, you just need to play in one of the parts of the same game. Nevertheless, we decided to stop at the third part of it. What is good about it?
The thing is that this part has many new moments that help the player to plunge into the medieval world. Now you will have more real enemies who fight the same way as real people did (say, throwing axes Scots). In addition, now your character will be able to hunt animals in the forest, and sell the hides. The character has learned to climb rocks and trees, he feels great in the forest zone. But to explore the city will have a little less. Almost all the characters with which the player interacts are created on the basis of real people. In addition, in the third part of the remarkable game about the assassins, much attention is paid to the plot. Much more than before. Now the scenes in total last more than 2 hours.
A few details
Many people like to run a little ahead and know what awaits the game character throughout history. As we have already said, the game will give the opportunity to live more in the forest, rather than in the urban area or on the towers. Now you can use several types of weapons and clever traps to achieve your goals.
It should be noted that the main character will be led not by revenge, as it may seem, but by the desire to liberate his people and find his place in America. After all, our hero is the son of an American and a Native American. In the game you will be able to learn more about Assassins and Templars - Assassin Creed 3 will begin to disclose in detail the characters and principles of these orders.
What's next?
Now we need to figure out what exactly is the third part of the game, because there is also the fourth one called "Black Assassin" or "Black Flag". Well, the game begins with what we get from the modern world, 2012, into the memories of an English nobleman in 1754. It turns out that to achieve peace on earth it is necessary to find a special key and 4 energy sources. Now our hero Desmond has to turn off his consciousness and find out where the key is hidden, while others are looking for energy. In addition, you have to recruit several people who can help you on the path to peace. But we will not disclose all the details of the game - then it will not be so interesting. Instead, let's see who can play it.
To whom the game is available
The line of Assassin Creed games is usually available to very many players. It is released for both consoles and computers. In addition, in 2012, with the advent of the new Wii U, the manufacturer Yubisoft decided to release the game by the time the game console "Wii Yu." If you have an old good "ployka" of the 3rd re-division or an X-box - you can safely go to the store for the game - it is already waiting for you.
In addition, "Yubisoft" did not deprive the attention of those who prefer personal computers to consoles - the third part of the game is on the PC.
According to statistics, since the first days of the release of the game, it has become the most sold in the entire history of game sales of this manufacturer. That's how you can make historical moments an interesting gameplay that will allow you to plunge into the medieval world and learn the history of the Templars and Assassins. Pleases the fact that this time, as already mentioned, the plots are given a separate, central place. In general, if you are interested in how to become an assassin, you can safely take up this game. Good luck!
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