
How after the revolution was called the factory that produces perfume, loved by all women of Russia

A small factory for soap making, founded by the hereditary French perfumer Henri Brokar and located in Teply Lane, at the beginning of its activity produced slightly more than fifty pieces of soap per day. A distinctive feature of this enterprise was that the products manufactured here were intended for a wide variety of people. And over time, special emphasis was placed on consumer goods.

The emergence of the empire of Brocard

And the first successful swallows were soap "Narodnoe", and then cologne "Flower", which became truly popular. The products of consumer goods brought considerable profit to the enterprise. And by the end of the founder's life, on the site of a small private farm, the "Brokara Empire" grew up with an annual income of about three million rubles. By the 14th year the society "Brokar and K" had already had about ten gold medals of the best international exhibitions, coats of arms, the Grand Prix of the perfumery exhibition of Paris in 1899 and other awards.

And how after the revolution was the factory manufacturing perfume? At the beginning of the existence of the Soviet state, it was called the Soapmaking Plant No. 5. Then, under the leadership of an energetic "red director", it grew into a perfumery-soap factory, which received the name "New Dawn".

The enterprises labeled all products with labels with the abbreviation "Trust Zhirkost" - TSEZ, mentioned in the song of V.Vysotsky.

"Red Moscow"

And already in 1925 this huge enterprise was awarded its first award for the amazing and unique perfume "Red Moscow", presented at VDNH. Do you remember how after the revolution was called the factory that produces perfume? "The New Dawn." The products of this company were so democratic from the outset that it was not affected by changes in the social order. It was popular and answered all the aspirations of women. Many of the classic scents Brocard changed the name, but not the essence.

Thus, the spirits of the Novaya Zarya factory for many years have become the world-famous face of this enterprise. Although the Soviet "empire of spirits" produced several brands of other titled fragrances, such as "The Queen of Spades" (issued for the 150th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin), "Red Poppy", "Stone Flower", the fragrance "Red Moscow" remained This day is memorable and desirable. And to declare now that these spirits are your favorite, not at all embarrassing, and even piquant. And not because the fashion is changeable, but because this fragrance is really beautiful. He became already a classic, along with famous French brands. But here again a new historical picture - the Soviet Union broke up. A new revolution.

New star

And again, the discussion on the topic "How after the revolution was the factory manufacturing perfume called?" Becomes urgent. As a kind of return to the roots - Nouvelle Etoile, which in Russian translation sounds no less tenderly and reverently - "New Star".

Unconditional and unconditional is the primacy of France in creating fragrances. During the years of Soviet power, the most famous domestic perfume factory closely cooperated with eminent French perfumers, and in 2004 a new Russian-French company was officially registered on its basis.

Perfume "Red Moscow" is a legend that, along with ballet, has become a symbol of the USSR. He was readily bought up by foreigners, since the quality corresponded to the famous French brands.

It would be desirable to wish that the name Nouvelle Etoile did not change for a long time, and there was never again a shadow of doubt, prompting to ask the question about how after the revolution the factory manufacturing spirits was called?

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