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Honey dark: properties and varieties. How to collect dark honey

Honey is one of the most valuable natural products ever given to mankind by mother nature. His other ancestors knew about his unique properties. It contains about 190 different chemical compounds. Particularly useful is considered dark honey. With what plants of the middle band of Russia receive this product, you will find out after reading today's article.

What does the shade depend on?

Just note that the color of this product is largely determined by the time of collection. In addition, its nuance is affected by the nectar of plants from which it is mined. So, in the spring they get a lighter product. At the end of summer and early autumn, dark honey is collected (from which plants do this, you will learn further). For example, chicory, buckwheat and heather are recognized by their characteristic brown color.

It is generally accepted that light varieties contain more vitamins, dark ones contain microelements (copper, manganese, zinc) and protein compounds. Therefore, the latter are often recommended to people suffering from anemia.

The most important features for which dark honey is valued

From which plants of the middle band it is collected, it becomes clear from the names themselves. Despite the fact that each variety has its own unique properties, there are several common characteristics that unite them into a single group.

Usually dark brown honey is harvested from flowering plants. Its shade is due to the high concentration of iron and trace elements. It is more viscous and dense compared to light varieties. Despite the fact that it is much more difficult to forge dark honey, it is recommended to purchase it only from trusted beekeepers. When buying it, you need to pay special attention to the signs characteristic of the selected product.

List of colors from which brown varieties are obtained

Many people like dark honey. With what plants it is collected, you will learn right now. This list includes heather, chestnut, angelica, eucalyptus, chicory, burdock and buckwheat. Working with these plants, bees extract such a valuable product.

In addition to the above varieties, the so-called padew honey belongs to the dark varieties. It is not collected from the flowers themselves, but from the excretions protruding on the leaves of the plants. Due to the fact that this product has a pronounced bitter taste, it is not suitable for eating. However, it is ideal for outdoor use.

The use of dark varieties

From all of the above, we can conclude that the properties of the product depend on which plant it was obtained from. But, despite this, there is something that distinguishes them from light varieties.

Honey dark has a thicker consistency. It is characterized by a high content of iron and some trace elements. Just like the bright varieties, it can be used to treat many diseases. With the help of this product, you can heal almost all the ailments, including malignant neoplasms.

Among other things, this product is often used in cosmetology. At home, all sorts of masks are made from him. In industry, it produces factory caring products.

How to recognize a fake?

In view of the fact that dark honey (from which flowers it is collected, we have already mentioned above) is less common than light, it is sold at a higher price. Therefore on sale it is often possible to meet falsification. To avoid the disappointment associated with buying a counterfeit product, in the process of selecting it, you need to pay attention to several important factors.

Of course, judging how good quality honey is, you can only after carrying out the appropriate examinations. Therefore, even specialists who are well versed in the various variations of this product will not always be able to accurately determine where the original is, and where a well-executed counterfeit is made. In order not to become a victim of unscrupulous producers, we recommend purchasing it only in specialized shops that have certificates for the goods sold.

Dark honey - from which plants?

Burdock gives a valuable product of olive shade, which has a sharp spicy odor. Burdock honey is often used as a cleanser and diuretic.

Orange is made from orange or tangerine pollen. This product has a dark brown color and a rich citrus flavor.

To dark varieties is still hyssop honey. It is collected from the pollen of the same medicinal plant. This product is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it has an excellent wound-healing effect.

The same group includes high-grade meadow and forest honey. The first one is obtained from wild flowers. The hue of this product can range from light to very dark. The second is made from a mixture of pollen of various honey-plants growing in forests.

Buckwheat honey

It is considered the most useful of all dark varieties. Its color can vary from yellow with a pronounced red tint to a saturated brown. This product has a unique bitter-tart taste and a spicy flavor. It contains 40% fructose and 36.5% glucose.

This dark honey is rich in vital amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, protein and minerals. It is he who is considered one of the best sources of iron. It is recommended to use with low hemoglobin, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and nephrolithiasis. This product promotes the renewal of the blood composition, the purification of vessels and the enhancement of regeneration in tissues.

Regular use of buckwheat honey is indicated for pregnant women, as well as for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It saturates the human body with valuable nutrients, so it is desirable to take it with flu, colds and beriberi. Thanks to antiseptic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties, this product is useful in the treatment of acne, dermatitis, furuncles, ulcers and ulcers.

Dandelion variety

You have already understood what the properties of this or that dark honey depend on, from which plants (dandelion, buckwheat or chicory) it receives. Thus, the product obtained from yellow flowers contains 41.5% fructose and 35.6% glucose.

Dandelion honey can be distinguished from other dark varieties by its sharp smell and strongly pronounced specific taste. This product is very appreciated due to its antiprotozoal and antimicrobial properties. It is indicated to people suffering from constipation, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and many other diseases.

Fresh dandelion honey is a thick, viscous consistency. The peculiarity of this variety lies in the fact that if it is not periodically stirred, it is very quickly candied, turning into a fine-grained mass.

Heather Honey

This variety can be easily distinguished from other analogues by a unique rare red shade. It is considered one of the best sources of many minerals and proteins. It is often recommended to eat to increase appetite.

Another characteristic feature of heather honey is its high viscosity, the presence of strips and the ability to rapidly thicken. That is why it is so difficult to extract from bee honeycombs. In the long-term storage process, this product is converted into a jelly-like mass.

Chicory honey

To taste, smell and external characteristics, it is very similar to meadow varieties. It can be distinguished only by a darker shade. This product is very much appreciated for its unique antimicrobial properties. Honey from chicory is recommended for people suffering from hypertension, flatulence, colitis, angina pectoris, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

In addition, this variety is indicated for migraines, neurasthenia, depression and insomnia. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps to get rid of bouts of irritability. Experts argue that those who use three tables a day for one tablespoon of chicory honey, less often catch cold and get all the vital microelements and vitamins. It is believed that this product has a beneficial effect on the state of the brain, blood vessels and heart muscle. Regularly drinking at night a glass of warm milk with a spoon of chicory honey dissolved in it, you will get better sleep, improve overall tone and feel a rush of vivacity.

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