
Hair color "Redken". Description, series, reviews

The relevance of hair colors is very high. Previously, it was used mainly by women to hide the gray hair. But lately ladies of any age paint hair. Some with paint add shine to their natural strands. The new hair color allows you to quickly change your image, emphasize facial features. Depending on the tone of the hair, you can look older or younger than your years. The assortment of cosmetics on store shelves is large enough, and it can be difficult to make a choice. One of those that is worthy of attention is the hair color "Redken".

Features of Redken

Hypoallergenic hair dye, which perfectly stains strands in the desired color, without causing any harm to them and without causing discomfort to customers, is appreciated by professional hairdressers all over the world.

The product formula is based on three principles:

  1. Try to minimize the amount of ammonia contained in the paint.
  2. Use protein elements in the composition, as they excel at coping with hair nutrition.
  3. Try to observe neutral acidity.

History of appearance

The first product to color the strands was created by hairdresser Jerry Redding just over half a century ago. The need to create an absolutely new product that would not cause an allergic reaction, unpleasant sensations on the scalp and did not spoil the hair, arose because of the actress Paula Kent.

Whatever options available at that time, the hairdresser did not try, nothing suited the actress. As a result of fruitful joint work, the first hair color "Redken" was created, which not only perfectly dyed hair, but also looked after them.

The most popular series of paints

Hair color "Redken" exists in the market of professional and high-quality cosmetics for many years. The company does not stand still and develops more and more innovative product lines, which allows you to choose the optimal tool for each customer.

One of the most popular is the Chemistry line. It is ideal for overdried, weakened hair, which underwent numerous repaints, which could not but affect their condition. During the exposure of the paint, the hair is deeply nourished with proteins and the water balance is restored. In this line, you can find and caring cosmetics, capable of restoring the hair's beauty and health.

Color Fusion is another basic ruler of Redken. Hair dye, the palette of which consists of classic tones, perfectly penetrates the structure of the hair. Due to this the color is stable and does not wash out for a long time. The composition well stains gray hairs, which is not possible with any cosmetics. In addition, the sun does not pose any danger to the color of the strands. It does not burn out, so lovers of spending time on the beach should not be afraid.

Tint colors

The range of products offered by the company is presented by Beyond Cover Urban Chill. It is a care-free caregiver ("Redken", hair dye). The palette consists of four natural shades: brown, gold, ash-gold and shimmering gold. You can not get a lighter color of hair with this line. It is used to give beauty and depth to the natural color of hair. To curls were also healthy, nutrition provides a complex of oils, vitamins and minerals that make up this paint.

Another similar product is Shades EQ Cream. This hair color "Redken" is quite popular. It does not allow you to radically change the natural color of your hair. The purpose of this tool is to transform the appearance of the head of hear. The color becomes deeper and more saturated. Hair acquires a healthy shine and volume due to deep nutrition.

Line for men

The company took care not only of the beauty of women's hair, it did not disregard the strong half of humanity, offering them the Color Camo Salon Service.

"Redken" (hair color for men) is presented in 6 colors and allows you to choose the most suitable shade for everyone. Paint helps to get rid of gray hair, without changing the natural color of natural hair. In addition to the beautiful toning effect, the paint perfectly nourishes the hair, making it healthier, shiny and beautiful.

Opinions about the paint

This is not the most famous and popular brand of cosmetics for hair. Therefore, many people still do not know anything about such a product as "Redken" (hair dye). Reviews about it are very in demand. If you carefully study them, then among the merits should be allocated:

  • The process of staining occurs without unpleasant sensations;
  • Hair becomes soft and shiny;
  • The paint allows to avoid the unpleasant yellowness, characteristic for those who prefer light shades of hair.

The main disadvantage of the hair color "Redken" is the price. The cost of staining in the salon can cost more than 10 thousand rubles. A more economical option is self-coloring at home. The cost will be much lower. A tube of paint will cost 700-1000 rubles. The developer will cost about 1500 rubles. Consumption depends on the length and thickness of the hair.

Another drawback, which some note, is that the paint dries previously dyed hair and makes them more brittle. This may be due to improper use of the product or to individual hair features.

Bezammiachnaya paint "Redken" will give hair shine and beauty. A fairly wide palette will help to choose the best shade thanks to the ability to combine several colors at once.

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