
Folk recipes - how quickly to cure barley on the eye

Disease begins with the fact that the edge of the eyelid reddens, it is swollen dense bundle, which is very painful.

Then the events begin to develop according to a well-known scenario: a few days later (an average of 2-4 days), a yellowish head appears, then its contents break out, after which there is relief. In the people this sore is called barley, and experts - blepharitis. How can you deal with this problem, often in the autumn-winter period?

In most cases barley, especially if it appears repeatedly, does not arise by itself: this organism gives us a signal about the problems of one of the systems. In this case, it is extremely important to understand the warning and remove the unfavorable environment on which barley grows.

How quickly to cure barley on the eye ?

First, you need to check your eyesight. If your vision is not perfect, but you do not want to wear glasses or use weak old ones that are no longer suitable for you, then due to the constant strain of vision, the edges of the eyelids often become inflamed, and barley often forms on this background.

Most often barley occurs in people who are more than 40 years old, that is, those who entered the age of farsightedness.

Secondly, we must exclude allergies. Specialists came to the conclusion that every person has a tendency to allergies. Especially dangerous is the numerous complications (including the emergence of blepharitis), allergic blepharoconjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids that occurs when it comes into contact with pollen, cosmetics, medicines and other allergens. If the disease is acute enough, itchy eyelids, severe burning and stinging in the eyes, pronounced edema, it becomes painful to look at the bright light. Blepharitis occurs much more often when blepharoconjunctivitis becomes chronic. The help of the ophthalmologist and the allergist is necessary.

You can not ignore the inflammation of the eyelids. The reason for concern is the swelling of the edges of the eyelids, the appearance of small crusts, scales, loss of eyelashes, itching. Inflammatory phenomena can be caused by microscopic mites, microbes, fungi. Barley is a complication that occurs especially often.

Looking for the culprit of your suffering oculist, who will answer the question of how quickly to cure barley on the eye.

It is necessary to fight infection. The protective capabilities of our body are weakened by sore throats, colds, and flu. Try not to let barley take advantage of the moment: take drugs that increase immunity, at least vitamin C every day.

If barley constantly appears, and you do not feel sick, visit the ENT doctor and dentist. Perhaps your immunity is exhausted by the struggle with a constant infection - tonsillitis or caries. Do a blood test for sugar. Frequently occurring blepharitis can be one of the first signs of diabetes mellitus.

If the barley is formed, then you should consult an ophthalmologist. He will advise how quickly to cure barley on the eye, for example, to lay ointments that contain sulfonamides and antibiotics for the edge of the century and will give directions to the physiotherapy room where you will be given the UHF course.

Effective remedy for barley on the eye - phytheorept:

As soon as the eyelid turns red and there are unpleasant sensations, it is advisable to try to prevent the further development of barley. Take a clove of garlic, cut along and attach to the buried eye for 1-2 minutes with a cut edge to the area on which, it seems to you, barley is about to appear. It is necessary to repeat the procedure several times a day for several days.

Strictly forbidden to squeeze out barley - in this case, the infection can spread further to the eye tissue, fatty tissue surrounding the eye and can even penetrate the brain. It is best to use the safest means, such as, for example, a hot compress made of black tea. Heat will help improve local blood circulation, ensure the outflow of inflammation products, in this case barley will pass faster. The welding of black tea is curative enough: it contains tannic acid, which has an antiseptic effect. Immediately after the pain subsides, skin and conjunctival irritation will become less.

Another useful tip is how quickly to cure barley on the eye:

Brew a tea bag of boiling water, wring it out, let it cool slightly (the compress should be very hot, but should not be burned) and apply to the inflammation. When the packet begins to cool, again lower it into the hot water and continue the procedure. It is necessary to make such compresses for 15 minutes several times a day until complete recovery. The procedure will lead to the fact that the skin on the eyelid will be slightly flaky, but do not worry - it will quickly pass.

It is very effective in the treatment of barley, folk remedies, such as the infusion of calendula and aloe juice.

Barley in children

Externally, barley looks like a small swollen ball on the lower or upper eyelid. In the early stages, he is rather painful, the eyelid around him strongly turns red. Usually barley is of microbial origin. Children often enter an infection, the code rub their eyes with dirty hands.


1. Red swelling in the eyelid;

2. After a day or two, the swelling turns into a purulent vesicle;

3. The vesicle bursts and dries.


Barley is quite typical. However, in the early stages, the disease can resemble conjunctivitis or just a mechanical eye injury, but it's good if the child has grown enough to tell you what happened to him.

Treatment of barley in the eye in children

To reduce swelling, apply a warm compress to the eye. Wet a cotton swab in warm water, wring it out, and then apply it for a few minutes to the closed eye. The swab can drain water, so give the baby a napkin so that he can wash excess moisture. If you compress a few times a day, barley quickly ripens to the stage of a dark bubble. When it breaks through, just wipe the secreted purulent discharge with a moist swab.

Call a doctor if:

- barley did not pass for a week;

Redness spreads;

- swollen all eyelids, eyes reddened.

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