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Cabbage leaf with mastopathy: how correctly to apply? Mastopathy: treatment with folk remedies at home

Many women use cabbage not only for cooking, but also as a folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases. One of the known methods of treating mastopathy at home is a compress made of cabbage leaf. At the initial stages, he is able to help: with lactostasis, mastitis and mastopathy. How to use cabbage leaf with mastopathy?

It can also be used to treat other diseases. Cabbage can be used when:

  • Bruises;
  • Edema;
  • Seals in jabs;
  • Headaches;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

It is cabbage that can provide effective help to a woman in the treatment of breast diseases.

What is mastopathy?

Mastopathy is a breast disease that has several varieties. In the mammary glands there is the formation of benign tumors, which in rare cases can develop into cancer.

How to use cabbage leaf with mastopathy? Before you begin treatment of the disease, you need to make sure that the woman has this particular disease. To do this, you need to visit a specialist.

Symptoms that occur with mastopathy:

  • Before menstruation, the chest swells, burning and pain are felt;
  • Palpation in the upper part of the breast is palpable;
  • When pressing on the nipple, a selection appears;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.

When a woman undergoes a test and the doctor confirms the diagnosis of "mastopathy", treatment with folk remedies at home can be done without fear.

Causes of mastopathy

The main factors that contribute to the onset of the disease:

  • Hormonal failure in the body of a woman;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • Short-term period of breast-feeding (less than 5 months).

Secondary causes of the disease can be:

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • diabetes;
  • bad habits;
  • Constant stress.

Women at the age of 18-50 fall into the risk group for the development of the disease.

Composition of cabbage

The composition of cabbage leaf includes:

  • Vitamins P, K, B1, C, B6, K, U;
  • Macroelements (calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper);
  • Phytoncides;
  • Choline;
  • Indoles;
  • cellulose;
  • Lysozyme.

How does cabbage leaf help with mastopathy? Each element that is part of the cabbage, has its impact, and together show its useful qualities.

Therapeutic properties of cabbage

In the leaves there are substances that help in the treatment of breast diseases:

  • Indoles. They help regulate the hormonal background, reduce the effect of estrogens on the mammary glands.
  • Vitamins, macro and microelements. Normalized tissue metabolism in the chest.
  • Vitamin U. Helps to neutralize the toxic and harmful substances that appear when the cells in the breast are not working properly. Specialists call it an antitumor vitamin.
  • Vitamin A and C. Produce themselves as antioxidants and do not give a benign tumor to degenerate into a malignant tumor.
  • Phytoncides. They are able to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation in the tissues of the mammary glands, which prevents the stagnation of milk with mastitis.

Cabbage due to its composition is characterized by anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antipyretic properties.

How to apply the cabbage leaf with mastopathy

Many women know that cabbage leaves are used for breast ailments. But not everyone can imagine how to properly compress a cabbage leaf with mastopathy.

For treatment it is necessary to take cabbage, which grew without fertilizers and other chemicals.

The upper leaves need to be separated, only medium aids are used. Then clean, remove seals and apply a net over the entire surface. It is also possible to fight off cabbage for the best effect so that the juice comes out.

Attach to one breast or both, then secure with a bra. Linen is best worn worn, because cabbage juice can flow. It should be comfortable and not tighten the breasts, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

Leaves apply to the site of inflammation or the entire breast. Such a compress can be worn all day or done at night.

There are several recipes that use, besides cabbage, and other ingredients.

Recipes using cabbage leaf to treat mastopathy

How to use cabbage leaf with mastopathy? There are several ways to use cabbage for breast treatment. This remedy is used in addition to the basic therapy.

Here are a few recipes of a compress with a cabbage leaf with mastopathy:

  • A simple compress. Middle leaves of cabbage are separated, thickening is cut off. Then beat until the appearance of juice. The leaves are fixed with a tissue on the chest and held for several hours.
  • Cabbage leaf with honey. If there are no allergic reactions to the products of beekeeping, then the beaten leaves of cabbage can be greased with warmed honey. In this case, it is not considered a medical element, but acts as an auxiliary element. The compress should last at least 8 hours, so it is better to do it before going to bed.

  • Kefir with vegetables. The sheet should be crushed to the state of gruel, after which it should be mixed with warm kefir. The mixture is obtained liquid, so it is placed in a cloth, folded into several layers. The compress is applied to the breast for 8 hours, but because of its ability to dry, change several times over the entire period. The course of treatment is from one week.
  • Oil and salt. Melt butter and grease the cabbage leaf. On top of it, pour in salt to better isolate the juice. These leaves cover the mammary glands, and on top of them with a natural cloth. As the drying of the compress is changed several times within 8 hours.
  • Honey and beet. Pre-fight off the cabbage leaf. Grate the beets, heat honey. Mix in a ratio of 3 tablespoons of beetroot and a spoonful of honey. Put the mass on the sheets and attach to the chest. Compress to do before bedtime for 10-14 days.

Does cabbage leaf help with mastopathy? Cabbage leaf is a reliable aid in the treatment of benign tumors. Due to the fact that compresses have no contraindications (except for individual intolerance), then they can be used for a long time.

Efficiency of cabbage application

What help does the cabbage leaf have with mastopathy? The application of methods of traditional medicine in addition to the main therapy in the disease helps:

  • Reduce chest pain;
  • Reduce the size of tumors;
  • Normalize the hormonal background;
  • Prevent the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

Medical evidence of the positive effects of folk recipes on mastopathy is not. However, there are a large number of women who have tried the effectiveness of this method.

If you regularly use cabbage compresses, the pain decreases after 5 days, and the tumor itself passes through 1.5-2 months.

Recovery comes with a comprehensive treatment of medicines and folk remedies. All those who could be cured within a few months, made various compresses with cabbage.

Cabbage leaf is completely harmless to the body and does not cause allergies.

Disadvantages when using compresses from cabbage

Despite the many positive qualities that appear in the treatment of mastopathy with cabbage leaf, it has limitations:

  • Cabbage leaf with fibrocystic mastopathy Use is not recommended because of the presence of inflammatory processes in the chest.

  • It is forbidden to use compresses in case of occurrence on mammary glands of various rashes.
  • Do not use compresses in case of individual intolerance to the ingredients used with the cabbage leaf.

Prevention of disease

To prevent the occurrence of mastopathy or its return, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • It should be balanced eating. Exclude from the diet muffin, sweets, fatty, salty. It is necessary to refrain from consuming large quantities of coffee.
  • A woman needs to avoid stressful situations.
  • Monitor body weight.
  • Do not sunbathe with open chest.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Wear clothing that does not compress the mammary glands. A bra is better to buy from natural fabrics.
  • Always be outdoors and do not overwork.
  • To feed the child not less than 5 months.

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home, together with the use of medicines, will help a woman cope with the appearance of the symptoms of the disease and normalize her state of health.

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