HealthPlastic surgery

Breast Enlargement: Possible Complications

Breast augmentation surgery, like any other surgical intervention (including other types of mammoplasty), can have certain complications. Although the current level of surgery and the quality of implants, the risk is small. But to know about the possible unpleasant consequences still follow.

The wound is known to be the gateway to infection, therefore, breast augmentation surgery is a certain risk of inflammation. Signs of the inflammatory process are pain, swelling of the tissues, redness. With progressive inflammation, removal of the implant is required.
Another possible complication that can cause a breast enlargement surgery is serum or a congestion of serous fluid. Most often, this problem is handled by removing the liquid with a syringe.
In the same way, hematomas are removed - the accumulation of blood.
If the nerve endings have been damaged during surgery, a decrease in the sensitivity of both the skin and the nipple-oriolar complex may occur. In this case, no intervention is required, since the sensitivity is gradually restored: it takes from two months to six months.
Breast augmentation surgery can cause complications associated with the implants themselves, or rather, with their incorrect installation or incorrectly sized. In this case, asymmetry, folds and displacement of implants may appear. The same phenomena can occur with a gross violation of the postoperative regimen. A strong implant shift requires a second operation.
Breast augmentation can also cause such kind of complications as formation of scar tissue around the implant - capsular contracture. Signs of capsular contracture are a strong compaction and tenderness of the chest.
Well, finally, an implant can break. Cracks and holes in the implant shell occur most often if the implant age is more than 10 years. However, there may be other causes: damage during surgery, injuries, poor quality of the implant.
If the implant shell is damaged its contents, the silicone gel, as a rule, does not spread, as it has a jelly-like consistency, but there are cases when the gel falls into other areas: the arm or the trunk.
As a rule, rupture of implants proceeds asymptomatically, and the method of its determination is magnetic resonance imaging. If the implant is filled with a biocompatible gel, the gel is absorbed and removed from the body. The shape of the breast changes.
For any damage to the implant, its replacement is required, i. E. Repeated breast enlargement surgery.

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