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Be sure to read this year: 9 books that can change your life

Elizbeth Lane, a bibliophile with many years of experience and the founder of the supervised book subscription service Quarterlane, has two lists of favorite books: "The first contains books that changed my life, the second - books that help me cheer up or get away from problems. These are reliable friends who encourage me, make me company and cause violent emotions. " Here are the books that Lane singled out as the most important in her life. Perhaps, among them there is a work that will change your life or at least become your faithful companion in any conditions.

"How to write books," Stephen King

"I came across" How to write books "when I was a little over twenty and I lived alone. I spent hours at the bookshop, studying the titles and choosing the most diverse books - of any genre, of any type. I tried to find myself, and my bookshelf was filled with eclectic literary works. "How to write books" found my way to my bedside table and into my heart. Stephen King changed not only my idea of writing and what it means to be a writer, but he also changed my view of my position in this literary world. When I'm asked about my favorite book, it is she who first comes to my mind. It is unique. "

"Little Princess", Francis Eliza Burnett

"My mother and I read together" Little Princess "when I was still a child. Before going to bed, we read the pages in turn, and I was lost in the world of Sarah Crew, the main character. I re-read this book every few years, and now I do it more often, because I have my own daughters. The story of Sarah is a model of grace and good. Even when she faces face to face with cruelty and loss, when she is taken away from everyone and everyone, Sarah never loses goodness and hope. She sees beauty and magic even in the harshest conditions, and also selflessly changes the world of people around her so that they too can see this magic. Every time I re-read this story, I'm a step closer to returning that child's confidence that a heart full of friendship, hope and kindness can change everything. "

"Still Life with a Woodpecker", Tom Robbins

"I have no idea how and why this book was in my hands, but Still Life with Woodpecker is perfect for a certain mood (or rather, the mood that I would like to achieve). This story develops around a love affair between a gangster and a princess caring for the environment. Given this description, there is nothing surprising in the fact that this novel was not like any other that I have ever read. "Why am I reading this? And why do I like it so much? "- I thought. And I still love this book. She is strange, delightful, amazing and cheerful. When I immerse myself in too serious literature, the genius of Tom Robbins, his stunning and hilarious style always help me. This is one of those books that inspired me to create Quarterlane, because the books that we like the most are not always those that we choose consciously. "

"And the sun rises," Ernest Hemingway

"Ernest Hemingway's novel about a group of American and British expats in Paris launched in the twenties a wave of obsession with a romantic, scandalous and brilliant lost generation. No social group has attracted such general attention. Even when I write these lines, there is a familiar feeling of ecstasy and dreaminess, and this, I think, is one of the best gifts of your favorite book - the opportunity to read the paragraph and instantly return to old, but familiar feelings. "

"What am I talking about when I talk about running," Haruki Murakami

"I started running around a few years ago, I always envied runners, their ability to just put on their shoes and run it seemed to me real freedom, but I was worried about my breathing, I was afraid that I would not be able to run normally, so I did not even try. Then, almost like a challenge to myself, I signed up for the New York half-marathon in 2013. I ran my first half marathon and realized that I really am a runner.This experience greatly changed my life.As I suspected, it was in the run that I found When I was preparing for a full-strength I read Kharuki Murakami's wonderful and quiet book about writing and running and felt as if I had found one like me, I think this is one of the gifts of Murakami - his writing style, so unique and personal that he Draws readers into their own world and creates a wonderful sense of friendliness.I read this book several times every year and every time I find something new in it. "

"Letters from Balamut", K. S. Lewis

"I heard this book before I read it, every person who heard John Cleese read" Letters from Balamut "knows that this reading leaves a strong impression." Without exaggeration, this is the best audiobook I've ever listened to And almost immediately after the audition, I realized that I should read it. "This book is framed as a series of letters that Balamut, one of the high-ranking assistants of the Devil, writes to his nephew about the most pleasant moments of how he leads people to the dark side. , As Lewi combines deep philosophy and humor shows how talented writer, he is "The Screwtape Letters." - this is a great introduction to the other works of this remarkable author. "

"Let your life speak," Parker Palmer

"Periodically, I do a deep dive in self-improvement, I can not resist, this genre literally calls me and I'm going to meet it, and during one of those periods I found myself Parker Palmer." In the book "Let your life speak," Palmer teaches From the Quaker's point of view, to listen to his inner teacher and follow the ways to achieve understanding of meaning and purpose.I read this book when I was at the crossroads of my career and she helped me to calm down, listen to my own heart and change course.It's not too religious . Naya It is practical, peaceful and honest Perfect gift for graduation:. I wish I could read it then. "

"Night movie", Marisha Pessl

"I like the writing style of Marisha Pessle, which is unique, when I become too serious in my life and in my reader's preferences, her novels show that a well-chosen story can help." Night cinema "is her second novel, he's wild , Creepy and represents a gate to Hitchcock surrealism.This book kept me in suspense all the time and also made me wonder. And the last page? Well, you better read this book. "

"Urban Tribes," Ethan Waters

Without any doubt, this book was one of the most influential in my life. "Urban tribes" evolved from a single note that Ethan Waters wrote for The New York Times. On the basis of research that showed that people of his generation associate themselves by marriage much later, Waters introduced friendship as a new family: the urban tribe, a closely interlaced community of friends that arises between graduating from college and acquiring a family. Waters' view of the situation is astute and optimistic, and also corresponds to my vision. So I founded the Quarterlane community. "Urban tribes" were my muse and my comfort zone for more than fifteen years.

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