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Aphorisms about women: quotes of famous people

The most disagreement between the representatives of different sexes arises when aphorisms about women begin to be discussed. Why is this happening? Probably because the aphorisms about women are not always true, which many women do not like. Actually, any dogmas are ever refuted by anyone. We will deal with this issue.

Aphorisms about women: are they always accurate?

Even in antiquity, one sage expressed the thought: "Any rule has exceptions. And a woman, like this rule: it is exceptional, correct, but sometimes it goes beyond these very rules. "

Men find it difficult to understand women. And it's easy to explain. After all, the psychology of heterosexuals is different. It is equally difficult for a woman to understand a man. However, due to some natural stubbornness, most ladies never admit this.

Hence, there are aphorisms about women, where they are represented as devoid of logic, strange creatures. But this is a myth: the logic of women is often much wiser than a man's. And every lady's weirdness can be explained. Another thing is that the ladies themselves use this myth in order to justify their ill-considered or wrong, erroneous actions.

Is it possible to argue a woman?

The fact that women are stubborn and they can not be argued, Mikhail Lermontov noted. He informed the world about this in his epigram.

To be ashamed of a liar, to make fun of a fool
And to argue with a woman - all the same,
What to draw water with a sieve:
From these three, deliver us, God! ..

Not all the names of the authors of aphorisms have come down to us, but from this winged wise sayings have not lost their significance.

  • The best ending of a dispute with a wife is to pretend to be dead.
  • In the dispute of the spouses, there is always one right, and the second ... husband!

In fact, the reason lies in the fact that the vocabulary of women is many times greater than that of men. Yes, and the patience to argue, too, more. Therefore, many men, even if they are sure of their rightness, it is easier to agree with the lady or leave the battlefield in silence, preserving their opinion in themselves.

Birthday is a holiday?

The most terrible thing for every woman is the approach of old age, the loss of external attractiveness. It's funny, but men are also subject to the same phobia in no less degree. Just a strong sex diligently hides this weakness. However, in centers of plastic surgery of men there are not much fewer women. And they buy up cosmetics at the same speed as the ladies.

It is clear that the representatives of both sexes want to look younger. And the fact that they hide their age in righteous and unrighteous ways is not a secret for anybody. That's why birthdays aphorisms are born so often.

  • A woman turns thirty-nine every year after thirty.
  • This thirty-five year old lady, just like all women on Earth, was only twenty-eight years old.
  • A girl, a girl, a young woman ... A young woman, a young woman, a young woman ... And now - the old lady is dead!
  • The ideal husband always remembers his wife's birth date, but does not know how old she is.

Even great people often came up with winged phrases about the birthday of a woman. For example, Joseph Cossman, the famous American entrepreneur, once said: "There is no more reliable way to remember the birthday of your wife than forget it even once!".

And again about birthday

Some winged phrases contain a slight irony over how much power a lady spends on preparing a feast. Sometimes the holiday itself is not a holiday for her. And aphorisms about the birthday are dedicated to this.

  • A woman's birthday is given just as hard as a gypsy horse husband's wedding: the head is in flowers, and all is in soap!
  • Why does everyone want health on the day of birth, but make the liver and heart themselves suffer, loading the body with alcohol?
  • What does a man who came up with to celebrate a woman's birthday deserve? Death is not enough for him - it's a fact!

The power of a woman is in her weakness

Very popular in the modern world are short aphorisms about strong women. This is because nowadays there are too many worries and problems to solve them. But everyone understands that this is an incorrect approach to life. Necessarily next to a woman should be one who at a difficult time will put his shoulder. And in any other, too ...

  • Next to the woman there should always be the man who at any moment will solve all her problems and will never create new ones for her.
  • In real men, the woman they love is always happy. And only losers and lazy people have a strong ...

About strong women, even in past years, there were aphorisms. Let's recall at least a phrase from Nekrasov's poem about a Russian woman, who first breaks into a burning house, does not even cry before a horse that rides ahead.

A chastushka, written during the Great Patriotic War?

I and the horse, I and the bull,

I'm a woman, and a man!

In fact, the inner strength of a woman, her patience, perseverance, often surpass even masculine qualities. But, as mentioned above, this is not a rule, but an exception. A woman can not be constantly strong. In her nature, there is a need for caress, tenderness, caring. And because "periodically even a very strong woman is tired of being a man".

Does a woman look like a cat?

Many men tend to compare lovely ladies with some animals. In a positive version, such are deer, bees, fishes, cats, birds, rabbits and others. Probably, such a desire arises because these animals evoke a feeling of affection or admiration.

But the aphorisms about cats and women do not always arise from positive emotions.

  • Baba - a cat, purrs to everyone who caresses her.
  • Do not believe a woman when she purrs: at any moment she can release claws.
  • A cat, like a woman, can be cuddled and touched by her reciprocal purring. But it is impossible to make neither of them perform your commands, if they are not in the mood.
  • A woman is a cat that will always walk by itself and return to you when it is necessary for her.

Family and love - the main thing in the female sense of happiness

A lot of say aphorisms about the happiness of women. Even the most confident ladies in their hearts dream of leaning against a stronger man and forgetting that they are self-sufficient and successful. These are the aphorisms about a happy woman composed by the people themselves.

  • The success of a businesswoman with his own airplane and a villa in the Canaries is worth nothing compared to the quiet happiness of a beloved wife who cooks breakfast for her husband and children in the morning.
  • When a woman has problems, she only needs to hug her child: feeling that he is healthy, he is near, she will understand that she is happy, that now she has no problems, and everything that disturbs her is just the little things of life.

Who is the main person in the family?

They say that a wise woman is not the one who knows everything and knows everything, but the one who knows everything and knows everything about her husband. Probably, it is so. No wonder everyone knows such aphorisms about wise women.

  • The woman is only the neck. And the husband is the head! Him and decide. A woman just has to turn this head in the right direction ...
  • The wisdom of a woman is to be able to remove pink glasses in time and shake off the noodles from the ears.

And there is an opinion among the people that the weather in the house always depends on the woman. And this is partly true. Only alone can not you build a family. And a lot depends on a man.

  • In a bad wife, the wife is always a quarrelsome fool and a fool. And the good for some reason beauty and cleverness.
  • A fool spies his wife, an intelligent one teaches how to live. And only the wise loves what it is!
  • A real man will never take offense at his chosen one. He will just wait until she calms down, and will continue to love her further.

When there is no agreement in the family ...

The most terrible thing is the turmoil between the spouses. With the years gone by, somewhere together, somewhere in an unknown direction, the old love, delight, before his second half flows away. And these aphorisms appear.

  • About the offended women, dissatisfied with her husband, they often say, they say, they saw the eyes of someone in the registrar's arm ...

And they also play a trick on both spouses, who after a few years of living together begin to express their negative attitude towards marriage.

  • It is not worth it to cut an innocent goose on the anniversary of the wedding - it's the fault of someone who once introduced two unfortunate people ...
  • In every woman, a witch, a fool, a bitch, an angel and a beautiful princess sleep. The task of the husband is to wake up in his wife the one whom he deserves.
  • The ideal family: she calls him to drink vodka, and he asks to wait until the floor is warmed ...
  • The ridiculous phrase: all women are the same. And what then do the peasants run and run from one to the other?

The greatest thing that God created is a woman!

This beautiful and wise saying often causes some storms of indignation from some "troopers". They fall upon women with a stream of dirty and vulgar aphorisms, with which the current social networks are teeming. Among them, "a hen is not a bird, a woman is not a man!" - the most kind.

Probably, they were embittered by all the members of the fair sex because of their failures on the love front. But, not knowing how to see their mistakes, they went on the simplest way: they began to blame all women in a heap, not reflecting on the fact that the only one who gave birth to them, cherished and loved, also refers to this half of humanity, which they mercilessly vilify .

Interesting in this sense can be such folk saying: "You can never believe the vileness spoken to a woman. They come either from a man who did not manage to win it, or from a woman jealous of her! ". That is, successful men who met on their way a worthy woman and who managed to win her heart, friendship and devotion, will never descend to such baseness that it is bad to talk about all the representatives of the fair sex, including about her chosen one.

Meanwhile, even the great Solomon used to say in the distant past: "A woman is sweeter than life and worse than death." By this phrase he emphasizes the ambiguous attitude towards the woman. When everything between the two is going well, there is nothing more beautiful in the world! But if there is strife, quarrel - and there is no worse than this test ...

About love spoke and Coco Chanel: "Whatever one may say, a woman in the life of every man is only one, and the rest are only her shadows."

The friendship between a man and a woman - does it exist?

About love, everyone knows everything - at least, they think so. But there is disagreement about the different-sex friendship. That is why the aphorisms about friendship between a man and a woman are of opposite meaning.

  • There can be no friendship between a man and a woman, because one of them in this case is necessarily in love with his "friend".
  • The friendship of a woman with a man is a love postponed to a later date.
  • The friendship between a woman and a man is greatly weakened when night falls.
  • If a woman is friendly with a man, it means that one of them would like, but can not do more.

We're joking about serious

There are also cheerful aphorisms about women. Who is their author, it is difficult to say now. But surely these people are far from stupid.

  • God was the first to create a man, and then a woman only because before creating a masterpiece, there is always a sketch, a rough draft, in other words ...
  • All the guys goats! Everything! And my husband - in the first place. But why then did I marry him? So we proved the basic rule of life: all women are fools!
  • If the woman said that it will be in five minutes, then you need to wait quietly and do not call her every half hour!
  • The first rule of doing all household chores is cleaning. And you need to start with cleaning your computer ... away from yourself.
  • A hushed man is a thoughtful man, and a quiet woman is already a woman who has invented something.
  • To the question "A girl, you are alone?" The majority should answer: "No, I'm with oddities!".
  • A woman, like a fire in the forest, can not be left unattended for a moment. There are two options: either it will fade away altogether, or it will burn everything to the fucking mother!

Perhaps, someone will not see the aphorism of Andre Maurois funny, but the irony in it is there.

  • A woman always sees everywhere a double meaning, even where there is none. Wherever he is, a woman does not see the point at all.

The list of aphorisms can be continued indefinitely. After all, humorists and philosophers continue to compose and publish them.

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