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A lizard: how to keep it at home

There is a lizard spouting on the expanses of the former Union quite often. Its main habitats are steppes, forests, mountains up to 1.5 km high. This reptile prefers dry, well warmed by the sun. Its brownish or greenish-brown color allows it to mask well in the grass and stones.

These lizards live in pairs, at night, hiding in burrows, under bark stumps or under rocks. There they usually hide for the winter. In males, the color can vary from pale green to black, and females are usually content with shades of gray. The lizard, living in the southern territories, has a more intense color. If the individual is young, it can be distinguished by gray or brown color and three strips on the back. Adult lizards, especially during the breeding season, are more vivid: males are painted in rich green or olive, and females in bright gray or brown. The length of the body of the lizards reaches 25-28 cm. The mink in which they live, they dig themselves or use those that are left of other animals.

In the afternoon, a quick lizard is very active. When she hunts, she does not leave her shelter for more than 10-15 m. If she is in danger, she flies. To disorient the enemy, she constantly changes direction. It's not for nothing that this reptile got its name, for it is really very quick, quick and brisk: it not only runs very fast, but also jumps high, and even climbs on branches. The ability to jump to it is necessary in order to catch flying insects such as flies and beetles, with which it feeds. In the branches, it usually hides from dangers, as the lizards themselves are very actively eaten by many birds, snakes and small animals.

If you pull the lizard by the tail, it will throw it away and run away. However, the tail she throws off when she really hurts: the reflex is triggered. So if you have such a lizard at home, keep this in mind. Of course, over time, the new tail will grow, although it will be slightly shorter than the previous one, but is it worth hurting your pet, just to see it?

If you decide to get this lizard, create all necessary conditions for it. First of all, get a terrarium in the size of 30x40x50 cm. You can also take an aquarium of the same size, but drill holes in the side walls so that the air circulates. At the bottom you can put dry leaves, moss, straw, sand. But the best thing, of course, is to try to repeat the environment in which the lizard lived, before she got to you. Make a place for her where she can bask under the lamp, or under the sun: put a smooth stone or clay pot in a terrarium of suitable size. The temperature for reptile content should not be below 25 degrees. Also, create some secluded corners for her to hide there. Put a small container of water. Lighting should be required, but it is necessary to use lamps with ultraviolet (marking 5%). This lamp is switched on for 12 hours a day, but it needs to be changed periodically (every six months), because after this period, the generation of the necessary amount of UV radiation weakens.

In addition, light attracts insects, and the lizard only needs it. But do not expect that at home it will be able to feed yourself, so supply it with food: flies, butterflies, grasshoppers, spiders, maggots, worms, etc. You can also buy crickets for her, they are sold at pet stores and are eaten with pleasure by a lizard. It is desirable that the "food" was still alive, before the quick lizard with it will be straightened. But do not feed it too often with flour worms, as this can lead to lipidosis (obesity of the liver). Feeding is done daily, for one feeding can be given from 5 to 10 insects (depending on their size). Leave the feed in the terrarium at night is not recommended.

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