EducationSecondary education and schools

A competently chosen method of training is the guarantee of a successful lesson

The process of teaching in a modern school is an extraordinary phenomenon, complex, consisting of many elements, as a mechanism in the clock. The coordinated work of each element depends on the final outcome of the teacher's work. For this, in fact, he conducts his occupation. Not the last role in the education system is played by teaching methods , how the student gets knowledge, how his necessary skills are formed.

The concept of the method

The question of methodological terminology is rather controversial. During the emergence and development of pedagogy as a science, he was treated differently. In particular, it was considered that the method of instruction is the kind of activity of the student and teacher that is used in the lesson. For example, in the study of the Russian language and literature, the following methods are used: the method of a front-line survey, independent work, expressive reading. Verbal drawing, commented reading and many others are no less effective. Thus, it turns out that the method of teaching is the same as the methods of organizing school activities.

Didactics each method is divided into 3 main components: the objectives of the subject, the ways of mastering knowledge, the interaction of subjects involved in the process. The first component explains why a student needs this or that subject, how he will use it in the future, for which he is included in the school curriculum. For example, after completing the Russian language course from the 1st to the 9th grade and further, the graduate who graduated from the gymnasium, school or lyceum, should be able to write competently, perfectly master speech, communicative skills. From the walls of his educational institution, he is obliged to endure such knowledge, which then will help him to navigate in various life and social situations and realize himself as a person. From this point of view, the method of learning is a bridge from theory to practice.

The second component explains, through what - the system of exercises, special tasks and so on. - this knowledge will become the property of the student.

And the third - what kind of relationship develops between the student and the teacher. Will the teacher for his ward be the main source of knowledge, or will the latter be able to develop the ability to independently extract them and as a consequence: independence, critical thinking, creative approach. That is, in fact, the student's position is passive or active in relation to the learning process. Proceeding from this, it can be argued that the method of instruction is the types and ways of joint work of pupils and teachers for the successful solution of the main tasks of didactics. In other words, this is the unity of theory and practice in teaching and educational work.

Educational technologies

It is clear that the lesson will be productive if it is filled with various forms and methods of work. Children need to be constantly interested, so that they want to understand and learn something new. This primarily applies to junior and middle school students. What are the methods of teaching the Russian language at school for the specified contingent?

First of all, of course, game. For small schoolchildren, play is one of the main means of understanding the world and relations between people. Therefore, it is quite natural that a lesson-journey, for example, to the country of suffixes of the adjective, will enable people to master the material in a relaxed and unconventional setting, and the result will be much stronger than in the traditional form "opened textbooks - read the rule - we write an exercise".

A so-called differentiated approach is very productive. The use of training methods based on differentiation is effective in any class, but especially where the composition of students is heterogeneous in terms of preparedness. Let's say that schoolchildren write faster, read more confidently, learn more quickly. And the weaker do not keep up with them. The teacher faces a dilemma: to concentrate on the first - the second will be left to themselves and will lag even further. Work only with the second - the first will suffer, because their potential will be unclaimed.

If, while preparing for the lesson, the teacher begins to select assignments taking into account the characteristics of the whole contingent, all children will be engaged in feasible work, and the study will successfully advance forward. For such cases, there are various additional exercises, cards, schemes, creative tasks, etc. Perfectly recommend yourself and methods of computer technology, modular methods and many others. The main thing is for the teacher to understand exactly why he needs this or that method, how expedient to use it, and what result to expect.

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