
What does the tartan skirt symbolize?

Today, very rarely people wear national costumes, especially for Europeans. However, the Scots do not change their traditions. Their kilt is considered a permanent attribute of all brave Scottish warriors.

What is the name of the skirt-tartan?

That kilt, which is popular these days, is a later invention. He appeared in 1725 as clothing for steelmakers. In the old days, Scottish warriors wore only his prototype. It was a "big blanket," which only resembled a skirt, but not a Roman toga. It was the Romans who were the first to describe this clothing. It was made of wool, of checkered fabric, was folded and covered the waist, hips and trunk. In order to make a blanket, you had to take a woolen cloth five meters wide, and eight in length. One end of such a cloth was gathered into folds and wrapped around the hips. The other end was thrown over my shoulder. So the canvas also served as a cloak. Such a plaid was warm enough and helped to escape at night from the cold. He practically did not get wet and did not hinder the movements of the warrior during the battle. Such clothes were considered universal for the Scottish mountaineers, who spent most of the time in war in bad weather conditions.

Plaid skirt

The middle of the 18th century was marked by the fact that the Scotch skirt was banned. He acted for 36 years, and in the 19th century the kilt triumphantly returned. Nobles in Scotland began to dress him in combination with a jacket and shirt. Thus, they emphasized ethnic identity and openly opposed cultural unification. Today, often enough you can find ads like "I'll buy a skirt-Scotch", as it has become popular not only among Scottish patriots, but also among punk anarchists, anti-globalists, supporters of the tender movement. For them, it has become a certain symbol of freedom and, of course, a means of shocking.


Each skirt-tartan is made of cloth in a cage. But tartan can not be called just a cage. It is a definite system of signs. First, they tried to create it experimentally. One weaver tried to dye individual strands and arranged them in order to weave the canvas. Such clothing became a distinctive sign of a certain locality or symbolized the social position. And after it became a symbol of a whole family or clan. To date, officially registered about 6,000 tartans. On this their number does not end. Own tartans can boast not only families, but also entire business corporations.


A real skirt-tartan without pockets. His real Scots are replaced by a spore - a special waist bag. To date, they produce a huge variety. There are leather products for every day, and there are also special ceremonial moments, made of fur and decorated with precious stones. In the old days, the Sporran served as a warrior for armor. Before going to the battle, they put a lot of stones.


This name received a pin for the kilt. It is needed in order to fix the outer edge of the skirt. It looks like a claymore - a traditional medieval British sword. Thus, we see that the kilt is quite popular today. Internet shops often offer their customers similar products, and in today's market it is not difficult to buy a large skirt.

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