
The most beautiful wedding dress in the world - what is it?

The most beautiful wedding dress in the world is the dream of every bride. And to realize it in life is quite possible. But what is it - this perfect and beautiful dress? It should ideally fit the figure, emphasize the style of the bride and create a festive and solemn mood. I want to look at him without stopping. Delight - and look again. And, in addition, the dress should be fashionable and in harmony with decorations and accessories. But it is difficult to adhere to all these conditions. How to choose the most beautiful wedding dress, photos of which are presented in many fashion magazines, and there seems to be nothing to choose from? A few tips on choosing a bride's outfit will help to make a choice correctly and quickly.

Color of the dress

Starting to choose a beautiful dress for the wedding, decide on its color. Of course, white color on the top of the pedestal - it is considered a traditional and a win-win option for the bride's attire. He is not subject to any fashion trends. A white dress fits any color of hair and perfectly emphasizes tanned skin. And, besides, the bride in this dress looks like a delicate, fragile porcelain figurine. Ideal decoration for white wedding dress are pearls and diamonds. On the second place in polarity are the outfits in the color of ivory and champagne. They are perfect for gold jewelry and pearls in the tone of the attire. If you want to have not only the most beautiful wedding dress in the world, but the most original, choose your outfit in red or black. Just match the color with the groom so that your image does not shock him.

Decorating Dresses

To much simplify the search for a wedding dress can finish, which you pick up in advance. The choice can be stopped on stones, lace or rhinestones. Look beautiful belts of contrasting color on the waist or under the chest. Want to shine at a wedding? Stop for a dress with stones or rhinestones, and decorate your hair with a tiara. If you want to be a gentle and elegant statuette, then the ideal will be an outfit with large flowers or a light ribbon around the waist.

Train or short dress

No royal wedding was not without a bride's outfit with a train. So why not try this option at your own ceremony? After all, this is the most beautiful wedding dress in the world, so you can use everything. You just need to remember that this attribute is very hampered by movement and can get very dirty. So, if there is a loop, then it's better that one can unfasten. For a celebration with family or friends, where there will not be a large crowd of guests, a short dress is also perfect. A finish and color can choose to your liking.

Greek style or style of "mermaid"

The outfit in the Greek style is simple and elegant. There is nothing superfluous in it, and at the same time you will become the queen of the ball for sure. Well, the mermaid dress is beyond competition for beauty and sophistication. You seem to have come out of the sea foam.

So the most beautiful wedding dress in the world - this is exactly what is worn on you on the day of the wedding. And even though for one day, but you will become the queen of the ball!

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