
Sunburn: treatment folk ways

The warmth of the sun's rays in the summer is sometimes pretty deceptive. But after all, how do you want to luxuriate on the sandy beach during your weekends or holidays, forgetting about time. As a result, many holidaymakers who spend a lot of time in open space during peak hours are at risk of getting sunburn. Treatment, following the pleasure, is lengthy and, as a result, spoils the whole positive attitude from the rest. How to prevent the "microtraumas" of the skin and properly treat sunburn? This will be discussed in the article. The folk remedies described below differ from special drugs presented in pharmacies in a huge assortment, a number of advantages. The main one is the absence of possible allergic reactions, since the main components of the proposed mixtures are natural ingredients: dairy products, vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Sunburn: treatment by home methods

What can be done if only ordinary products are at hand? Even in this situation, you need something to handle in due time the sun burns received. Treatment of mild to moderate skin damage can be performed at home without seeking help from a medical institution:

  1. With persistent reddening of the skin, apply any sour-milk products: lean sour cream, sour milk or curdled milk.
  2. A compress made of strongly brewed tea significantly lowers the temperature on the surface of the affected areas and removes the burning sensation formed after burns. A weak solution can be wiped off areas for prevention, preventing redness.
  3. If the sunburn is uneven and just begins to go to the first stage of the burn, wipe the skin with a slice of lemon.
  4. A raw egg yolk of a chicken egg, applied to the face, can not only remove redness, but also protect against the possible consequences of sunbathing. Whisk it on your palm, oil the skin with a thin layer and allow to dry. Then rinse with warm water.

Sunburns: treatment with potatoes

  1. Raw potatoes, cut into thin plates, help relieve pain and prevent the formation of blisters. Also, the vegetable can be used as a gruel, grated over a very shallow grater. After applying, hold for 30-40 minutes, and the next day you can again take a sun bath.
  2. Minor reddening of the skin, especially on the face, powder with potato starch. This can also serve as a protective agent in the absence of special creams.
  3. The juice of raw potato removes inflammation and has a cooling effect. For this, peel the tubers from the peel, grate and wring out a few layers of gauze. You can mix the resulting juice with a small amount of wheat flour until a mixture of medium density. It is used as a mask on a charred face. Apply to damaged areas for 15-20 minutes, then carefully remove the cotton pad or swab.
  4. Kashitsa, cooked from boiled potatoes and sour cream, is used in a warm form in the form of compresses on heavily burned places.

How to treat sunburn with herbs?

Use infusions and broths of chamomile, St. John's wort, oak, willow-tea. It helps with sunburn juice from the leaves of fresh aloe. You can simply wipe the affected area with a piece of plant, without flushing with water.

Protect healthy skin

With all effective measures of a medical nature, the best are the warning ones. That is, to get a beautiful and even tan, do not abuse a long stay on open sunlight. Sunbathe in the morning and evening hours, taking care of your skin.

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