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Sermjazhnaya truth is what?

In this article we will consider the origin and meaning of phraseology "sermyazhnaya truth". This expression is probably not clear for everyone. In order to understand what all the same denotes this phrase, you first need to understand what the word "sermyaga" means. Having understood the definition of this concept, you will immediately understand the meaning of our phraseology.

What is sermyaga

Sermyaga is a woolen coarse cloth that has not been painted. From this material peasants sewed their outer clothing. Rough fabric, simple cut - it had no aesthetic appearance. Clothes made from such material had an unpleasant appearance. However, like the whole life of poor peasants, who was as simple and unattractive as possible. Usually the word "sermyazhny" means everything poor, meager and poor. The psychological coloring of the word, as a rule, is negative and disdainful. Similarly, a person who is called "sermyazhny" is characterized. In combination with such an epithet, it means that a person is not educated, without imagination, naughty, rude, not tactful and "cuts the truth of the uterus", not thinking about what can hurt or offend someone.

If we take the word "sermyazhnost" in the generalized sense, then it means simplicity in all spheres, without decorations and fantasy.


What does "Sremyazhnaya Pravda" mean? The meaning of phraseology will be considered a little later. First, let's define what truth is. Of course, there is only one truth. However, it can be presented in different words, staining your subjective emotions and thereby giving it a certain form, depending on whether we want to put events in a positive or negative light.

If the truth is bitter, we are trying to somehow reduce its destructive consequences by presenting negative events in an emollient form without negotiating certain things, looking for some positive aspects and putting them at the forefront, maybe even exaggerating their influence somewhat. However, the truth can also be said rudely, without embellishing it in any way. It's good or bad, it's hard to answer. Probably, it is necessary to look in each concrete case and to judge about it depending on a situation.

Simeadic truth. The meaning of expression

What is true - everyone knows. What is the truth of truth? This is a rough, simple and unadorned truth. As the clothes from sermyagi did not differ sophistication and intricacy, so the truth of truth does not have any excesses.

In 1931 the novel "The Golden Calf" was published. In this novel for the first time the expression "sermyazhnaya pravda" was used. In general, this idiom is found in the novel five times, three of which - with the epithet "great". When in the novel for the first time this expression is used, Ostap Bender completely correctly understands its meaning and even supplements it with a synonymous series.

In those days, the phrase "Sermyad Rus" was very common. Perhaps our phraseology was created under his influence. The word "sermyazhny" very clearly characterized the rough, muzhik and uncomplicated nature of the people in Russia and the truth that existed in those times.

Similar expression in English

Not only in Russian is the phraseology "sermyazhnaya pravda" occurs. The same expression, or rather an idiom with a similar meaning, exists in English. It sounds like this - homespun truth. In literal translation, the adjective homespun means "simple, homespun," that is, practically the same as "sermyazhny".

However, in the English interpretation of this concept, a slightly different meaning was invested. If in the Russian language the expression had a somewhat ironic form, then in the English version it has an exclusively positive characteristic. In the English source, where this idiom was first recorded, the author condemned the vagueness and evasiveness of the language of politicians. In response to them, he contrasted honesty and frankness.


Serfdom is a phraseology, which can have an ambiguous interpretation. Someone who uses it wants to emphasize that the truth that he utters or hears from someone is true, unswerving and direct. And you can treat this expression differently. "Sermyazhnaya Pravda" is a phraseology that was used in the novel "The Golden Calf" and had an ironic meaning. Serfdom, in the concept in which it was used in Russia, is by no means a joyful definition of poverty, poverty, decline and scarcity prevalent in those times. The heavy everyday life of ordinary Russian peasants, peasant outlook, devoid of loftiness and poetic aspirations of the soul - all this color "sermya" in dull and negative tones. The truth of truth in Russia is, rather, the bitter and unpleasant truth of the life of the people, who was deprived of almost all the joys of life and had to work hard to somehow provide for his miserable existence.

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